Sanders for President just shut down. Press F to show respect
Can't respect sellouts.
a hundred extra hours? damn man
>File: gswlKi.jpg (53 KB, 640x349)
obvious photoshop is obvious
He denounced it and said it was a massive regret to be affiliated with the KKK.
holy shit this guy worked over 40 hours in a week.
Can you imagine the pain he suffered? It must have been unbearable.
Lmao I always loved seeing the Bernie image saying it isn't over due to California having so many delegates.
Worst part was that Nate Tin gave him 7% chance to win CA
that was from a few nights ago when he chose to endorse hillary instead of calling her out
i didnt sift through the comments, t b h the entire thread was full of stuff like this, college kids who gave their rent money, or ate less, or did stuff for extra cash
people asking why did he endorse, or people trying to convince themselves that it wasnt over and that this was the correct choice
i didnt stay long, the mood was depressive enough.
rip in pepperonis, bern niggers
in memorium here are a few of my favorites
i hate beaners so fucking much
if you're from south of the border, you're fucking trash
Here's Bernie figuratively literally being cucked on national television.
This is freighting. Maybe it was a good thing that the DNC cheated him.
Over 100 hours extra a week. His wife's son barely even knows him anymore.
supposedly that wasnt him. but here is an actual menu in his flight--he flew his family to rome too or something, didnt he?
Burn in hell, Hershel Sandberg.
You will not be missed, you disgusting commie.
The mods of s4p are Hillary shills/DNC puppets. The subreddit they're promoting /r/political_revolution is just to diffuse the Bernout's rage. A good majority of them will give up, apathy finally overcoming. Some of them will remain outraged and they'll vent and waste their time in this new subreddit that the same corrupt Shillary mods control. This new subreddit will lean heavily in favor of Shillary and they'll try to subversively win Bernouts to Hillary.
Is that a flight from Rome to New York? Or a flight to Rome, NY?
Was redpilling his voters part of his plan?
My favorite part of Sanders campaign was when he said he would fight until the convention was over. Then he changed his mind, said vote for Clinton and gave all his leftover campaign money to her fund.
the actual rome in italy
it was from this thing
actually most are going to /leftypol/ and I'm willing a third will vote for trump just to spite hilary
both S4P and Political Revolution are owned by CTR anyways (they bought the mods), along with enough trump spam and the Clinton for President subreddit
Someone post bernout tears. Specially looking for that guy that donated money that was for his infant daughter because he thought it was an investment.
He would've lost even if the Dems didn't do their snake shit. Only people who liked him were lazy millennials who when it came down to it didn't even go out to vote.
Kind of had it coming. Of he had just pushed Hillary's emails more and made it a point of how untrustworthy she was he could've had a better chance.
this is leaf reasoning
Its funny because one of the mods said they were shutting it down because it had become anti-Hillary despite the fact they said they would keep it open indefinitely to make sure the Democrats kept their word. Lmfao.
is this the biggest subreddit ever to shut down?
I was hoping he would go out with a bang. But he went out with a whimper. I didn't think it was possible for his supporters to be so naive... Yes, I saw all the reddi.t garbo posted here, it was good fun. I watched how before they defeated Hilldog, they were focusing on Trump. As if they were somehow just going to beat her, and didn't have to pay any attention in defeating her. But I didn't think all of his supporters were so fucking stupid. I was wrong. Turns out they were exactly as retarded as they looked. It was really a sight to behold.
Any Bernouts out there? Any of you idiots feel like explaining to me how you fucked up, fucking up the DNC so badly? How on earth did you expect that to go? Did you just think the Dems would just see you guys and say
>Oh golly, look how upset they are, we better tell Hillary to fuckoff, and give the nom to Bernie!
Did you really think that would happen? You went into the DNC, and you blew your fucking entire fucking load on DAY ONE! The only speeches you interrupted were the ones the LITERAL RETARDS were giving. All you did was show your hand to the DNC, and gave them time to correct everything before you could face your actual enemy. Did you think they would just sit there on national television for 4 FUCKING DAYS while you people booed, and cried foul? You didn't think they would come up with anti-chants to your chants, did you? Did you think they would install noise machines to drown you out? You didn't did you? You were shocked when they took your fucking signs, weren't you? Your mind was blown when they turned the lights out in your sections, and started escorting you out of the event, huh?
You guys never think about the long game. You never even think about the sort game. You're so self involved that you thought this sort of thing would never happen to you. After all you're on the "right side of history" nothing could stop you... Well you got to see up close and personal exactly how the world works. con't
Press F for all the autistics that died of panic attacks while voting.
I bet fat people hate was larger.
>You went into the DNC, and you blew your fucking entire fucking load on DAY ONE!
Not just that. To keep your credentials as a delegate, you had to stay at the DNC's official hotels, which jacked rates up hundreds per night.
Each of those 1800+ Bernie delegates contributed an estimated $2000 to the DNC and their cronies in the last four days alone.
The revolution won't be televised. It'll be bled white, one $27 donation at a time.
There was no way that Bernie would let himself get cheated, right? All you idiots look for is instant gratification. That is the main difference between you and Trump supporters. Trump supporters think ahead. They see the bigger picture. They play the long game. While you're all jerking eachother off, and acting like you're better than everyone, and know what's best for people you haven't met, the Trump supporter is planning ahead. Thinking about the situation. Holding onto items to release at the right time.
Wew lads. So my question is this.
Why IN THE FUCK did you not wait until Hillary was speaking to disrupt the speech? You could've just sat there, and waited. Watched her walk on stage, and COMPLETELY blow her the fuck out on national live TV. But no. You were right, and everyone else was wrong. And you fucking blew it. You fucking blew it, and you know it. You may not realize it yet, but you fucking blew it.
it only had 160k subs
U mad bro?
Jesus christ you retard.
I'm not really mad, I'm just... I don't even know what. I was never a Bernie supporter. I was glad to see him fall on his face. I was happy to see all the butthurt, and all the tears. I just can't understand their thinking, or what they thought they were going to accomplish when fucking it all up so badly. These fuckers could fuck up a wet dream.
If you defeat your enemies, they win.
Maybe, but Hillary tainted who thing. He was within a few hundres delegates if you don't count bullshit Superdelegates.
Wow that's like $1000 worth of labor. He should have just got a real job and donated it.