What did they mean by that?

What did they mean by that?

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polish is such a disgusting language audibly and to read

>The Witcher
>not Wiedźmin

>not Beдьмaк

>an unconventional family join forces to fight for truth in a dangerous world. Based on popular fantasy novel series.

I hope u guys are hype for black Geralt and latino Triss

>it's Sup Forums spergs out again after not taking prescribed pills episode

Geralt - Yen - Ciri. They are unconventional.

Nah Geralt is the straight white male punching bag
Bullshit aside I'm 90% certain they'll make Dandelion gay

just finished last wish. was great. whats the next to read? whats the reading order?

How is The VVitcher anyway

>not watching the original Polish version


What did he mean by this?

>Mistle była ciepła, pachniała żywicą i dymem. Jej dłoń była mniejsza od dłoni Kayleigha, delikatniejsza, miększa. Przyjemniejsza. Ale dotyk wyprężył Ciri ponownie, ponownie skrępował całe ciało lękiem i wstrętem, zwarł szczęki i zdusił gardło. Mistle przywarła do niej, przytulając opiekuńczo i szepcząc uspokajająco, ale w tym samym czasie jej drobna dłoń nieustająco pełzła jak ciepły ślimaczek, spokojny, pewny, zdecydowany, świadom drogi i celu. Ciri poczuła, jak żelazne cęgi wstrętu i strachu rozwierają się, zwalniają chwyt, poczuła, jak wymyka się z ich uścisku i opada w dół, w dół, głęboko, coraz głębiej, w cieplutkie i mokre bajoro rezygnacji i bezsilnej uległości. Obrzydliwie i upokarzająco przyjemnej uległości.

how can tv even compete with this Ludo?

Only idris elba can compete8

in english, doc

sword of destiny is next

>its another netflix show with literally no budget

>unconventional family
>cuckold shit

Well, Ciri is literally an adopted daughter so...

>In this drama series, an unconventional family comes together to fight for truth in a dangerous world. Based on the globally popular fantasy saga

This is concerning

ciri a kurwa


>sterile mutant outcast who is supposed to be devoid of feelings due to treatment with medieval mutagens who kills monsters for a living
>a sterile witch who, if she isn't busy plotting to kill kings or whine about how hard it is to be fucking powerful, got into politics
>the daughter of an Emperor who has some magic bullshit plotblood in her
I don't know, sounds pretty unconventional to me

I bet half the cast and half the extras are going to be non-whites in what is supposed to be a supernatural version of medieval Poland. The Witcher 3 got flak from some people for having too many whites. Yennefer will be black.


A white straight couple adopts a white kid. It's fine.

Both halves of the couple sleep around a lot, though.


I would really appreciate proper diversity in this show.

You can't make all white shows anymore... You just can't. At the very lest 75% of actors should be black.

I think Idris Elba would make a great Geralt, and Naomie Harris would fit as Yennefer.

Jesus christ that sounds generic

>Jesus christ that sounds generic
Of course it does because it's a show that's still in pre-production.

It's pretty good.



>changing the ethnicity of polish characters in a fantasy polish society
>not racist af

shaking my head, sweetie

>90% certain they'll make Dandelion gay
Crank that up to 100% and change "gay" with "bi" and I am with you

B = V

False flag

>it's not going to be a sitcom based off Dandelion and Zoltan running The Chameleon, featuring regular guests Geralt of Rivia, Empress Cirilla, and Yennefer of Vengerberg. Regis and Dettlaf show up once a year for the halloween episode

not interested desu

>making a Witcher series

I am somewhat concerned

And it's not even a bad thing as long as he won't make advances at Geralt.

>all these vidyababbies in this thread who don't realise this will be bookino