Do you support the death penalty in some cases, or are you against it entirely?
Death Penalty
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Why burden the prison system and by extension our tax payers in order to keep serial killers and repeat offenders in any kind of relative comfort.
Also, before anyone asks, the reason I'm not using a strawpoll is so the thread doesn't die due to inactivity.
I believe people should have the chance to be productive members of society. If a hardened murderer is willing to work to do something helpful, he should be able to live.
I'm not really a hard YES or a hard NO on the issue of the death penalty. I'm just against the lengthly appeal process.
The man is convicted guilty. That means he is fucking guilty. He is sentenced to death -- not 17 years in a more expensive prison, and finally death.
One of the common arguments against the death penalty is that it's SOMEHOW more expensive than life in prison. I don't really give a shit how you kill him -- just do it or don't. None of this "15 years on death row" bullshit. Take him out back, and shoot him. Costs you ten cents or less.
I support the death penalty in principle; there are a great many people in this world who clearly do not need to be alive. However, I do not trust our judicial system enough to handle this responsibility.
Completely against. I already am not keen on the whole "put someone in a small area for x years", death penalty is even worse. No one should have the right to take a life, except for the its recipient. I think rehabilitation or exile are better alternatives, both to incarceration and death penalty.
Murders who commits an unjustified killings should absolutely be put down in the same way they did their victim
If proven beyond a reasonable doubt, very much in support of the death penalty. And I must also point out the gender death penalty gap, one gap which needs to be closed for equality.
For the USA where profit is everything, death penalty makes sense. Cheaper to kill someone than to keep them alive for 25 years housing them and feeding them.
For any other country, restorative justice makes the most sense, following the Norway model.
This is also a very reasonable argument.
If someone is wrongfully accused, they have 20+ years to find evidence to clear their name.
i think capital punishment is suitable for certain crimes. however i don't trust my government with the power to execute its own people. humans are fallible, and if there is even a small chance that an innocent man might die, i'd rather just lock them up for life. or put them to work in a camp.
Against but only because of how inefficient it is economically
No but only in the instance that you can use them in a Soviet-style gulag.
No use throwing away potential labor you only have to pay with food and water.
How so? a 5' drop on the end of a rope doesn't cost anything
Yes because some vermin need to be put down before they keep going
I support a very swift death for those who are 100% guilty.
>when the nigger pleads guilty
>when the nigger smiles at victim families
>when there is more than significant evidence
Completely in favor of it.
I think it should be much more common.
There is so much money being wasted keeping people alive in Jail when you could just kill them.
For any inmate that can't be rehabilitated.
Everytime you allow the state to kill someone, you fail just a little harder as a society.
yeah except you have to go through 10+ years of appeals first.
Why is this such an important issue to people?
I don't really care whether the person lives or not, as long as they never are free again
It's just >muh feels talking for most people
I can understand being strongly against but strongly in support is so strange
It's not like there's evidence of it actually being a good deterrent, unless you apply the death penalty to crimes that are much less than murder
The state of worldwide society throughout the entire course of human history must be pretty fucking low then, what with all the wars we've fought.
Why is this an important issue to people?
As long as they are locked up for the rest of their life, it seems like enough
Anything more is just >muh feels
I don't understand how any one could be against it
Yes and it should be extended to more minor crimes to defeat the revolving door of prison.
I dont support it; in any instance, no matter the insane fantasy scenario presented.
Death is the quick way out and I want criminals to suffer
I think some criminals should be killed, but not by the government.
I support death penalty because it's useful. Deters future offenders unless they give up on life, saves money. In the long run it works. Also, any specific kind of death penalty implied with this?
I never understood why the killed off people instead of forced military service. Send our killers to kill, they live long enough, free to go.
I like the death penalty just not how much it costs when I can do it for $1.40
Yes, but only in a case where guilt and identity are certain. And perhaps after a review of the trial by a different judge and a different, fresh jury.
But then the execution should be carried out very shortly afterwards.
I do not understand why you'd be for a death penalty.
There have been a rather startling number of cases where the suspect on death row has been found innocent after the fact. That means we sent a innocent person to their death.
It also costs 500,000-1,500,000 to kill 1 person through the death penalty.
And if you look at the way prison and jail are supposed to work then the death penalty completely counteracts the prisons and jails. We are supposed to rehabilitate criminals, not lock them up and forget they exist. The only reason to kill someone is to say "this person is guilty 100% and we cannot rehabilitate them." Then go ahead kill them. If you can rehabilitate them we should.
>1. While people of color make up about 30 percent of the United States’ population, they account for 60 percent of those imprisoned. The prison population grew by 700 percent from 1970 to 2005, a rate that is outpacing crime and population rates. The incarceration rates disproportionately impact men of color: 1 in every 15 African American men and 1 in every 36 Hispanic men are incarcerated in comparison to 1 in every 106 white men.
So we send 1/15 black males into prison and 2/3rds of them go back into jail and turn back into criminals. So clearly we are spending way too much money on locking up black people. We should focus the money on making sure they don't go back into being criminals.
the people leading the death penalty in USA are swedish foreigners. pure subversion
use rope and dont put them on death alley for 10 years. no reason that death penalty need cost more than life incarceration.
inb4 strawman
i support summary executions, going all the way through trial and appeals just to put a known piece of shit to death is a huge waste of resources and money
Yeah I support the death penalty, as long as all reasonable possibility of doubt is removed.
Against. The state shouldn't have the right to kill it's citizens unless that citizen is posing an immediate threat to someone else. Life sentences without the possibility of parole neutralize the threat of the offender hurting anyone else just as well as killing them. Plus it's guaranteed that sooner or later the state will put an innocent man to death, and will thus be guilty of the very crime they executed someone for.
For serial killers and reason less murders.
Scum that torture little girls to death with pliers deserve to be executed. The only problem is lethal injection. It needs to be hanging or firing squad only.
Yeah babe, but only in the most heinous of cases.
You are right, we should focus on the problem itself. Killing the black criminals, in turn, would reduce the number of criminals and future crime. Also in turn it would help the welfare department by getting rid of jobless, deadbeat niggers. Win Win.
The death penalty is substantially more expensive and burdening than life imprisonment
Support the death penalty entirely. However, I feel that the sentence should only be levied by a tribunal of judges, not by a single judge. I also feel that a criminal convicted and sentenced to life should be able to request death anytime after sentencing
As long as it is done properly in a way that doesn't end up costing more than life imprisonment.
I am for it entirely.
We should expand what qualifies for the death penalty and shorten the time it takes for application of the death penalty dramatically.
If you murder someone you've basically forfeited your right to live.
bring back the rope
>Death is the quick way out and I want criminals to suffer
Typical pussy trying to rationalize their cowardly ways.
Their are certain irredeemable individuals who will never be anything but a burden to society and therefore must be removed from it permanently.
Some people cant be rehabilitated into society, i understand that, life in prison is costly.
Two fundamental reasons:
a) The state should not be given the tool to kill its citizens
b) Capital punishment goes against the justice system, the dead cant be exonerated or appeal on their own behalf
In principle its a good enough idea, but its too definite.
3 Reasons the death penalty sucks dick.
It's just inefficient. Given how expensive it is to put an inmate through death row there's no real point. It's cheaper to just give him a life sentence.
On top of that, if someone is later found to be innocent, there's no way to exonerate a dead person.
And finally, it doesn't work. The crimes that are punished by the death penalty are stuff like mass murder, serial killings, etc. The fact of the matter is the people who do these things don't care about the death penalty. It doesn't scare them. These people are clearly fucking nuts, just wired up. The whole point of the death penalty is to threaten criminals out of doing crime, but it's a fairy tale. Maybe it would have some efficacy against people like Madoff, guys that are intelligent and value their life, but for serial killers and murderers there's no real scaring these people. I doubt many potential murderers think "Hmmm, I better not kill my ex-wife or I'll get the death penalty". It's a fairy tale.
And besides, if you're going for a sort of biblical revenge against child murderers there's much better ways to torture them within the law than lethal injection. I think 60 years of solitary would be a far, far worse as a possible punishment than the death penalty.
>a) The state should not be given the tool to kill its citizens
Allow state sanctioned retaliation by kin of the deceased I say, ideally.
If proven beyond doubt that the culprit did it. Expand for murder, rape, and those who murder through driving under the influence of anything.
Basically if you can't control yourself or make a common sense decision that costs someone their life, you've given yours.
>for rape
No do not give a death penalty for rape as women will misuse it to get men offed.
Absolutely support. Without it more of the most heinous criminals will be sitting in jail for life without parole, until liberals let them out to rape and murder again.
The dead can't be furloughed by a Democrat governor.
Only because of the length prisoners are held at death row. If people were instantly shot to the back of the head and then incinerated after proven guilty, the costs would be very low.
I know its a slippery and dangerous slope to allow the death penalty because it can be abused by the government, especially in a country with few guns, but I support it for enemies of the state (muslim terrorists, ISIS etc)
I think it would be fair for cases beyond a shadow of a doubt. It would be really hard to prove that it was actual rape though, so I wouldn't expect too many to make the list.
Of course we would have to have a system that didn't immediately jump to a woman's side whenever she came up with the claim.
Only in "slam dunk" cases.
We can never be certain.
There is a far greater incentive for someone to commit murder, rape, etc. if they know the punishment is merely exile or worse, rehabilitation.
That's pretty much why rape isn't a capital offense anymore.
No state, under any circumstance, should kill its own citizens once they no longer pose an immediate risk. It's wrong in principle.
But, I don't find it wrong on any moral grounds.
>"When you kill your enemies, you lose" - Justin Trudeau
I heard somewhere that the switch to turn on the chair is connected to a light switch selected randomly on random location, so the person turning on the switch doesn't know he turned on the chair.
Is this true?
For monsters who have all the evidence on them. They don't deserve anything less harsh.
A civilized society does not take the lives of its own citizens as a function of the society.
That said, I rarely lose sleep over executions.
I am not against it, however I wouldn't protest or anything like that for it, I just wouldn't be opposed to it.
However for treason I would demand the death penalty, if someone killed a member of the royal family I would want them dead.
I support the death penalty for anyone who is proven beyond doubt to be guilty for serious crimes like murder, rape, child molestation, drug dealing (based duterte) etc.
I would support it BUT if something cames out of the action , for example ,total body organ harvesting,
Criminals worthy of it should be killed of course
Death penalty should be applied in away that would cause the SAME, pain,fear , the victim has to suffer
You'd kill someone for selling drugs?
>from australia
u fucking wot you sheltered cunt?
Only stupid people support the death penalty.
It's never morally justifiable to kill a restrained human being.
unless they're black, jewish, or muslim that is
>It's never morally justifiable to kill a restrained human being.
Who cares about morals? We are trying to stop crime.
Morals do not matter when there is already blood on the hands of the person you sentence to death
This, but only in scenarios where guilt of a severe enough crime is proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Then is it moral to keep them restrained for the rest of their lives?
It's a nice sentiment but I don't think you're correct.
Pro, and as the only punishment for any case of stateman corruption.
I'm against it for four reasons
>waste of money
it literally costs more to go through the whole process of having appeal after appeal to execute someone than simply giving them life in prison
>not actually an effective deterant
the murder rate is actually higher in states and countries with the death penalty because criminals are dumb as dogshit and think it means they better kill witnesses too
>morally hypocritical
"its bad to kill people even if they deserve it... I mean unless the state does it obviously!"
>cant be undone
you can let a wrongfully convicted person out of jail but you can't bring them back to life
only good argument for the death penalty I can think of is there's some people so dangerous you can't risk them escaping (ted bundy escaped twice and killed again before they gave him the chair or example) but that could be solved by simply not having shit security (they left ted alone in a library and put him a cell with loose ceiling tiles kek)
Generally no. But if a country is as far gone as the Phillippines then I support lots of death and mandatory abortions for people who breed above the government decided number.
No, executioner is actually a job.
in europe you need to leave eu to bring back death penalty, can you believe this?
Well I guess they should have armed themselves.
Waste of human resources. You could use them for medical experiments instead.
It takes too long to kill someone who needs killing.
Life in prison is worse than the death penalty. If you really want to punish someone, you give them life with no parole. The death penalty is just an easy release for them.
I wish the death penalty was just a bullet to the head for the criminals instead of wasting so much money on the drugs and doctor and certification for said doctor to administer such. An extreme waste of money.
A bullet to the head is probably less painful than all the drugs they administer, too. Everyone wins.
I would argue eye for an eye, considering that the kin of the deceased should have a right to see the murderer killed.