Look at the dislike to like ratio.
There is still hope.
Other urls found in this thread:
Quick! remix it with "Allahu Ackbar"!
we did a lot of that
I should have known
I prefer the raping Muslim videos
She's hot. I like Arab women.
This one's ratio is even worse kek
Probably by other hardcore Muslims who think she's a whore
Why does Sup Forums hate the free market so much?
Was about to post this. What the fuck is wrong with youtube and why are they pushing this shit so hard?
>confusing people who log on to youtube with regular society.
So many damn shills
This actually. Most Muslims would think this is haram as fuck. It's like nun porn to them.
I hate people walking down hallways pretending to rap.
It's haram in Islam anyways for her to be doing that yet these libshits parade it as some wonderful thing of the faith.
Looks like an average British school
someone should tell Islamic people that Google/Youtube have equated them with Trannies
They should do a follow-up video where her father is rapping before he honor kills her
Agreed. Get this to ISIS and Al Qaeda and watch them sort it out.
Thats youtube itself, shilling being a tranny.
>boycott youtube!
Good luck.
You goyim dont have the balls to do whats needed to stop things like this from happening.
Isn't this haram? Someone should honor kill her.
>American "humour"
Wouldn't expect much more from the country that shat out The Big Bang Theory.
>it's haram
No it's not. It's taqiyya.
She's wearing a fucking bag because her story book tells her she's an object and men can't control themselves from raping her if they see her ears.
Islam is never going to be cool. It's backward. How is this any different from frumpy fundamentalist Christian and jew garb. My closest colleague is a muslim woman too. She's awesome but honestly I feel sorry for her.
I like attractive women who don't feel like objects. It's not intolerant to despise repression. Our culture is based on freedom and self determination
wasnt there already a clip like this?
What the fuck is youtube trying to sell here.
Are they trying to promote degenerate black music to Muslim women?
Do they realize what happens if one of these radical sack wearers comes home blasting this shit?
I hope they have honor killing insurance.
Nothing says rebellious or reminds me of hip hop like putting a woman in a large black sack so that Arab men don't literally form a circle around her and take turns raping her, because they saw a hint of ankle.
I don't know why Google is promoting behavior that will get muslim girls beaten. It doesn't seem right.
I dont remember seeing these but apperently i had already disliked them on my account.