>Helps autists as career
>Member of black community group that focuses on self-improvement within the community
>Literally did everything right when dealing with police and still got shot
wtf i hate cops and love blm now
Helps autists as career
Forget about BLM, that should never have happened.
As my flatmate used to say, you've got to stop things before they get out of control.
At this point, shit is out of control. It's too late. The Happening Train has left the station.
Negligent discharge happens, sucks it happened when it did.
The cop was mexican. White people get shot by cops for no reason. There are hundreds of millions of people in the US, you'll find outliers of anything. This is the only incidence they've found of a nigger getting shot "for nothing" despite looking for decades.
i feel sorry for the cop.
just trying to put an autist out of his misery, gets the zookeeper instead
Fucking cucks invading Sup Forums has to end now.
The only thing that cop did wrong was not land the bullet between that nigger's watermelon head.
Man, seriously fuck you. Guy getting accidentally shot took it decently. Him and the cop are gonna be haunted by this. Try and have some compassion and empathy you autistic piece of shit
>compassion and empathy
nigger do you even know where you are?
He didn't die so your plan failed.
You will certainly keep trying.
This is Sup Forums, where any mention of black people that isn't immediately followed by chimping out and screaming NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS is clearly a sign that we are being invaded by tumblr cucks.
Not all black people are niggers, but all niggers are black people.
>2 posts by this ID.
I can't even be mad at you. Your life probably sucks too much. You'll find that there is indeed interesting discourse here inspite of worthless people like you. Improve your life while you still can. Understand that sentience is a precious gift and you're wasting it you asinine cunt.
eww....reddit plz leave
Here in France we make fun of american cops on a regular basis, everyone saw that video of the 2 fat cops shooting a literal autistic nigger down, then screaming at him for solid 10 minutes after the guy was dead in a big pool of blood
I get it, you're waiting for some savior to bring value to your vapid life. But you need to earn and deserve any sort of value, because no one will just show up and bring you any sort of meaning. You'll only grow old and die making little difference. All trolling aside, it's never too late to start achieving a respectable life. You really don't have to be pathetic user
what, and miss out on mom's chicken tendies? Yea right get fucked m8
this meme needs to die
Have a good night, but maybe listen. Don't, like so many others, die wishing you could have been more
when your whole life is a shitpost
The rest of the world is laughing at France as a nation, not just its cops. I hope life is good in the Nouveau Caliphate
>helps autists
There it is
Black guy did nothing wrong and he was shot accidently. He will get a decent check for it, and the cop will be reprimanded. No "hate crime".
Who's side do we take on this one?
link to story?
I want to watch a livestream of your mother being raped, violently. I wish I could see blood rushing out of that rotten cunt, so I could blow a load into the her bloodied, dirty pussy and mix it around with my boot knife. Reddit please leave
Emus and Rabbits
shut the fuck up canada
France is more than 60% white so we're far away from US cuckery
fuck, dis boi ain't even die?
shit, nigga shiiiit, why we mad an shit?
Cop said he was aiming at the autist and missed. It is a hate crime. A hate crime against autists.
If you ask me this event proved that cops are not racist and are in fact just fucking retarded.
The "racism" angle is just used to stir up controversy, divide people, and most importantly- ensure the problem of the "warrior cop" remains unsolved as we pour millions into slush funds to "train" existing cops instead of hiring entirely new ones.