How many months does he have left to live?

How many months does he have left to live?

Other urls found in this thread:

He'll be dead before the debates

Last two of my post

Fuck your opinion

Muh sympathy vote :'(

>4 posts
>newfags in this thread
Hell be fine.



He's been dead for awhile m8.


Ops pic is photoshopped.



Deeeeleeeeete thhhhhisss

All of these fucking crooks look like death. It's the burden of years of corruption, lies and deceit.

penis nose please


THe teeth, but the rest is real and you know it shill.


Haha this SOB is one foot in the grave, one foot on a banana peel.

He'll be fine.

Instead of Pokemon GO, he's been playing Pokemon VD.

> Gotta catch them all


if you guys meme him to death this board will get shut down

Ideally he will die in October and she will still lose in November...


Bill Clinton will come out as HIV positive and then Hillary will claim she is the first HIV president!!!!

He's gone full autist kid mode. It's so sad she sucked his life out of him. He's back to being a bored child. He slept on the DNC, he smiles at balloons and then kicks them, happily, ignorant of what's going around him.
He probably doesn't even know what he's doing there. Hell, he probably doesn't even know who he is or who these people around him are.

He looks lost

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with him?

He's on the brink of death.

Are you talking to me?

He looks good to me.

Its nothing new
Skip to 15.37. i recommend watching the full doc.


he's a ghoul. so like..forever

>mfw Trump is forced to kidnap Bill to keep him safe so Hillary don't get them sympathy votes in case Bill dies.

I just feel bad for Bill now. I just hope americans are smart enough to vote logically instead of going "awwww poor bill hillary is practically a widow now...."

yeah Odo is sure looking fantastic since the days of DS9. Hasn't aged a day.

>what's going on dear?
>I won Bill
>really? Awesome! Look at all these balloons, I love balloons weee

He's got until November

he's probably high af, but he might be a robot/clone




Literally get involved with hillary and her organisation's and you'll wind up dead.

Still can't get faces down.

He died months ago and was reanimated by my reckonking

So Hillary is confirmed Succubus?

You've killed him.

We need to trend #Don'tKillBill

He may have died recently.

Well at least the post wasn't dubs.

>falling asleep while your wife is going on ranting about things she doesn't even know.

Doesn't amaze me , really , he is just your average american.

>Kaine trying to cover Bill from the cameras