Big Happening

Alright Sup Forums, I'm sure you've all noticed by now we have gone 2 days with no happenings. It's a sign, Kek is preparing for something big, something larger than all of the recent happenings put together. Anyone in this thread who gets dubs or better will predict the next happening.

If this post gets dubs or better, Hillary Clinton's health will start to fail and she will begin slipping in the polls, more than now.

No rerolls whatsoever.

Self bump

North Korea accidentally nukes itself trying to launch a nuclear missile at the US

BLM officially declares war with whites

>start to fail
It's been horrible for years

KEK is angry with us. He's withholding happenings to spite us.

Rio Olympics mass shooting/bombing

maybe that faggy little cabal of zionist mobsters in the government will commit suicide knowing the jig is up and they have a army of angry people looking into everything they do. half the nsa is disregarding obama and looking to torpedo shit just because and obama cant get rid of them because they got dirt on him


If repeating numbers major happening in U.S. tomorrow

The race war finally starts

Quickly! We need to submit some sort of sacrifice to feed Kek. Any ideas?

Trumpo gets murdered.

Airborne illness that causes men to ejaculate uncontrollably until death.

Bill will die

Hiro rangebans Canada

Shave all your hair (ALL OF IT) and sacrifice it to kek.

>2 days


It'd have to be weeks upon weeks for nothing to happen if a major habbening were to occur

I sacrifice these dubs.

Rio is bound to be a shit fest with some epic happenings, maybe Kek is just saving up for that.

A CRISPR/Cas9 derived gene drive intended to wipe out malarial mosquitos ends up killing the mosquitos it was supposed to cure. The ecosystems of many equatorial zones are ruined. Race war begins.

Niggers are gassed.

Kek will rise on the third triforce

Hillary porn leak

Human sacrifice linked to the Clinton's.

An unfortunate hit and run.

prep for turk demo tomorrow in cologne. 30k turks expected.

Stay well stocked and safe anons. Economic collapse soon.

chelsea clinton is found to be involved in drugs.


New mexico will decide the election

Make Las Cruces Great Again

chelsea clinton is found to be involved in drugs and is convicted of being involved in trading of illicit drugs.

>kek posting


bye bye canada

what did he mean by this

Trump goes full Hitler and starts a 10,000 year Empire

Turkroaches raging in germany.

Hillary and Trump's jets collide two weeks from tonight, killing both instantly

Hilary get a shot

Screen cap this i feel it might be happening sooner rather than later.

i had a dream about a massive sex attack in Sweden by the refugees, i feel it is going to occur within the next few days (Between the 4th to 8th), not a large group of sexual assaults similar to Germany but a different type im talking abductions and girls being taken for days to weeks at a time before police can rescue them and this time receiving HUGE media attention, it feels like something that would begin the public awakening to what is actualy going on in these countrys

It was written that there would be a dry spell of happenings, followed by a major happening. I didn't screencap it, but it was in a /Kekgen/

Kek must charge his power and set the wheels of chaos in motion. Praise him and all his glory.

ayylien invasion

well this is boring

HOLY SHIT, 441155

Get for happening involving mudslides/mountains moving

Praise Kek, amen


Triple dubs checked

What was the GET number
Also praise him

Some of you anons are alright. Don't come to the Zone tomorrow.

Connecticut poll comes out Trump +1

The happening of non-happenings? The eye of the storm?

Sorry, it's how we operate.

London will get nuked.

With poo

>thrice doubles
He has spoken.

Pope Francis gets exploded by Muslims

Get ready for 8/8

screencap this

praise be kek

new mexico will vote for more illegals because of all the fucking spics everywhere and the faggot in sante fe

We or (((we))) or WE..WUZ?


Alas, I cannot say for certain. If I remember correctly it was either an 88 or 77, with 888 to confirm.

1/10th of all posts will be 'dubs'
1/100th of all posts will be 'tips'

biological warfare

Nuclear launches at the middle east by russia

Major happening on August 1 in the states.

Thinking Kek's will is manifested by the digits alone.
Full pleb.

Literally why, we already ship food to them dumb ass

really makes (you) think


This is the faggiest

That's what Zika is senpai

Fuck praise kek

3rd of the 8 month at 04:40 AM 2016

the end of days

you're the one asking a cartoon frog to grant wishes

this post will be 'quads'
everyone dies tonight

so close

Fucking checked

Said the anti-kekist.
Trying to interpret keks will is a sin user, one that will send to a place worse than 9gag. Repent while you still can!



Jill Stein rises over 20% in the polls, taking mostly from Clinton

His will be done.

it is canon!

Praise KEK

Gods gonna kill all left wingers

Praise Kek, forever dank be his memes!

Multiple bombings and mass shootings occur on a single night in a major Euro city, perpetrated by ISIS

People so fed up the Crusades against Islam finally begin and Trump skyrockets in polls

>hi Sup Forums

Another big terrorist attack in Europe.


The Eiffel Tower will get blown up by the RELIGION OF PEACE

California destroyed in massive earthquake, Dems lose their 55 electoral votes.

Nuke in Germany

tfw ebola at mecca during the snackbar gathering

>some /fa/ggot trying to look prepared for anything but a gaping

Considering this makes me wonder how much it would actually take in France for enough to be enough, as they say.


sauce on that coat i fucking want one

Donald Trump is reveled to be a Clinton plant to encourage people to vote for her by the next Wikileaks release.

Kek is gay