*knock knock*
"Hi, Mr. user. Here are you pizzas."
"How much did I owe you, again?"
"$14.46, sir."
"Okay." You hand him a twenty.
"Your change will be $5.54"
How much do you give him for tip?
*knock knock*
"Hi, Mr. user. Here are you pizzas."
"How much did I owe you, again?"
"$14.46, sir."
"Okay." You hand him a twenty.
"Your change will be $5.54"
How much do you give him for tip?
I let him keep the change because I'm not a poor fag.
>your change will be....
>'your tip'
*slam door*
What's the weather like and how long did delivery take?
> $14.46
> not $14.88
Least I can do for being a lazy fat piece of shit that won't driving to the store and back.
If you come inside and have a slice you get the change.
He's a pizza delivery guy and the pizza place isn't paying for his gas.
>I give him a five dollar tip.
That's kinda like asking what your moms like and how much dick she take.
3 bucks because i like to support the south american mariju-i mean local economy
"keep the change"
I used to deliver pizza
What will you do to him?
"keep the change bro, wanna hit a bowl with us?"
most pizza places cover gas of the driver by giving them half of the delivery fee they charge per delivery
One Werther's Original from the dish on the coffee table.
I don't really like tipping pizza delivery people. I mean like they drove to my house and most of the time it's later than what they said. best i'll do is 10%. Now if they can get some mcdonalds for me or something i'll tip and pay for it
I used to be rich too, but I lost everything thanks to greed.
Enjoy it while it lasts faggots, it doesn't last for long.
So you paid $20 for one pizza? Sounds like you'll be a poorfag soon
>thread is swarming with Big Pizza shills
Get fucked, mkay?
No. Fuck you.
Yes it is.
Have fun paying the wages of multi-million dollar international corporations, idiots. Enjoy your wasted money, cucks.
This is patently false. The delivery fee is to hedge against variable commodity prices and to cover insurance for the driver.
Take a guess america ;)
5.56. Thirty of them. I didn't order any pizza.
You let them talk after paying them? I just say keep the change when I pay and close the door.
>live right across the street from the pizza place
>get delivery anyway
>don't tip
I already paid overprice for a delivered pizza
I can see why you're a poorfag, though. You're too illiterate to read the OP.
Not if it's a smaller business. I worked as a delivery boy all through highschool and Freshman year in college, not once did I collect any other money besides my paycheck and tips.
I never expected to get tipped but I was very thankful when someone did, even if they gave me something like 12 cents.
>If he expects a $5 bill and change for his tips, his ass is loose...nigga better have some singles, then I'd give him $2.54
Last time I got a pizza delivery I gave the guy 20 pesos which is like a little bit over a dollar
Where I live it would be more like this *knock knock*
"Alright mate"
pizza delivery paki gives me my food
"Thats everything"
"Cheers ma-"
Before I finish my sentence he jumps back into his car and speeds away
I always tip delivery guys at least 5 bucks. I'd just let him keep all the change.
I tell him to keep it as soon as I hand it to him.
Delivery people are just a step above homeless niggers.
If it were a woman, I would take my change and close the door.
Because women get too much free shit already.
Poorfag here $2-3 bucks if the weather is good, if it's bad $4.
>"No change; thanks, and have a good night"
>ever accepting any tip less than 1 dollar
Yea I read that the word pizza is plural in the OP but there's nowhere you're getting more than one pizza for $14 something you would know if you left the house, little boy
It's welfare day here and I am on shift right now doing deliveries. Single mother gave me a $1 tip tonight. Was happy. I know ever dollar counts for her and even though average tip is around $7, she is on my short list for first stops.
Tell him keep the change because I'm not a filthy jew
Have any of you ever been a victim or perpetrator of the "Order 30 Pizzas to this Address" prank?
I don't like having change so I just let him keep it
>*knock knock*
>"How much did I owe you, again?"
>"Okay." You hand him a twenty.
>"Do you want any change?"
>"How much?"
>"All of it."
What a disrespectful deliveryman. This actually happened to me once.
those were the days
You ever scroll through these threads and count how many times you see either a Hillary or Trump related picture to see who is winning the illuminater vote?
I really wish OP made the change he owed you $5.56
This is the only reasonable answer.
I used to be somewhat against the tipping system, but then I visited a bunch of European countries and went to a lot of restaurants.
Multiple times I almost got into fights with waitresses because they were so rude and obnoxious.
And they're so fucking slow.
You have to tell them to do things multiple times.
And I always used to find it pathetic how "white knight" some guys would get if you insulted a girl. But I found myself surprisingly livid the few times waiters and waitresses rolled their eyes at my gf if she asked a basic question.
Sounds like a good deal to me. Don't be a faggot user.
Why would I tip? He gets paid to do his job.
>implying I was going to pass up free money
I kept all the change tips in a little jar, actually used them to buy my current wife a promise ring. People here shit on min wage because they have a holier than thou attitude, I'm grateful for every cent I earned, it helped pay the bills while I went to school and the consistent work experience impressed my internships.
Since the pizza place is only 3 miles away,
2.54 cents
Any other answer is WRONG.
You'd be surprised at how often the next time they get delivery they'll leave a decent tip. Show that you're worth more than fifty fucking cents and you'll get more than fifty fucking cents.
Little caesars sells a large cheese for 5 dollars.
You autistic whore
Jokes on you, I pay online so I don't even have to talk to the guy.
No I scroll these "tip" threads because I always assume it's gonna be that one guy who posts that and everyone goes MODS
>How much do you give him for tip?
my bellend
Sup Forums pls go
They are not allowed to have tips here.
Were you in France? Because their entire food culture is based around being as slow as possible, specifically so they can drink more wine
I don't tip him anything because I'm not a fat degenerate pig who can't get up out of the house to get his own pizza.
Better yet because I'm not a degenerate who can't make my own pizza from scratch for less cost.
Stay goypilled, tavi.
A dollar or 2, depending on what impression I get. All he did was fucking drive. I do that for a fucking hobby.
Czech, Austria, Germany, Croatia, Italy.
Germany had okay service.
Czech had the rudest.
Czech and Italy tied for slowest.
Austria had the stupidest (More mistakes than I've ever seen in my life).
I would say "I can't afford to tip you, but would you like a slice of pizza?"
Do they deliver? Do you tip your little ceasars driver? Imbecile.
What about when he comes to the door to give you cp?
>Tipping pizza delivery drivers.
>No sorry I didnt order these
How does this dumb prank even work? It's more like harassing the delivery guy.
$2.1, approximately 15% of the price of the product, just like a good white man should tip.
Unlike these neckbeards.
If their white I'll tip them $5
If their black $0
if their hispanic $0
asian $5.
This is autistic and also hilarious
let him keep the change because im not a jew
Dominos gives 90 cents per delivery for "gas and insurance"
just the head to see how he likes it.
This, but I dont order delivery anymore since I moved next to a little caesars
Yeah sure you aren't schlomo
lmao i thought i was the only one thinking this what has pol done to me
You prick. Id Frisbee that shit to you across traffic.
T. Papa Johns driver
>most pizza places cover gas of the driver by giving them half of the delivery fee they charge per delivery
Current deliveryfag here. I get $1.50 of the $3.50 my store charges for delivery fees, and make a whopping $6/hr. Some chains don't even give the driver some of the delivery fee. That delivery fee goes to cover the cost of staffing at the call center. They might make more, like $8/hr, but if they get 3 no tips in a row, that is one fucking shitty hour for them.
>The delivery fee is to hedge against variable commodity prices and to cover insurance for the driver.
Nope. It's to cover the cost of employing the drivers. And no, it would not even come close to covering insurance for drivers. It's for gas. Everyone I know that does or has done delivery, never tells their insurance company that they're doing it. You could see a bare-bones basic liability coverage go from $800/year, to $4000/year. But then again, car insurance in Canada is a fucking scam and a half these days.
none because Im not a cuck
God bless america
I dunno how waiters/waitresses are in Europe, or in America, but in Australia, they've always been perfect (in my experience). In terms of politeness and competence. No tipping here.
sit down user I have some bad news
You're just mad we Americans can eat all the cheap chicken we want.
the pizza joint has insurance and the driver has personal insurance.
Have you met The Papa? Are they really cheap with your pay?
Quit holding out on tips you fags
I know you have change
Kill yourself.
>"keep the change"
>"thank you sir have a great night!" *starts walking away*
>"hey can I get my $5?"
It's a scam for them to let you use insurance that doesn't cover you imo
none because we dont have the stupid tip system in europe , the employe is paid for his work
Tell him to keep change. Don't be a Cuck, Be a Baller and example. Cuck next to you feels like a shmuck, tips better next time, or bitches n whines, cuase he knows he's no more then a cuck, will always be a cuck, and cucks ask for change back to pay for the cab of the stranger that will be the bull of his dreams. Don't be a Cuck.
Not a hard question.
I heard he owns blacked.com... No they're pretty fit compared to pizza hut / dominos pizza pipeline. The neighborhood
I work in is white and its good tips every stop:
If you work the shop in the hood- well...
I worked at a Jimmy John's for a while and I had a driver who always asked the person "Do you want your change back" and some guy had that said to him and he freaked out at the driver. The worst part is, the driver didn't understand what he was doing wrong.
no really the pizza shop's insurance requires you to have insurance in order to drive...