David Duke
hey lets bring mde:world peace back
inb4 andrecucks and apatow butt boys
where do I download all the episodes I'll even pay if Sam gets the money
Haha what I like is better
"Uh... David Duke"
>the Sup Forumstard begins to chuckle
"All women are whores. They only care about money"
>the Sup Forumstard laughs out loud, spewing tendies crumbs all over his desk
>the Sup Forumstard can hardly contain his full bellied laughter as chortles begin to fill the room
*white character gets cucked*
>The Sup Forumstard starts convulsing on the floor, gasping for air between spasms of laughter
>the Sup Forumstard's heart explodes and he dies
I'm sorry you'll never be somebody.
Do MDE faggots actually believe this?
It's 17 year-old neckbeard humor. If you're into that sort of thing, then I guess whatever.
Doesn't make it not true.
No you dumb fuck.KYS.
Why can't i like all 3?
>if your then i guess whatever like GOSH....*sighs internally*
Die in hell
I liked that sketch where his character begged internet trannies to fuck him and they still said no.
the show was nice, but i don't like what he became after it ended
kek i've gotta watch this episode now
A giant annoying faggot?
>sketch comedy group that spent half their time ripping off tim and eric and the other half making lukewarm redpill improvised shorts put alongside prior, python, and kaufman
fuck off
>literally "u mad"
N-n-no... You're triggered!
Get a real job, Sam.
Yeah, I mean let's be realistic, MDE is not the next Amy Schumer.
Yo is there a Hilloli version of this gif?
>"All women are whores. They only care about money"
Careful, you might redpill yourself in the process of making these butthurt jokes.
Pathetic hack
Keep sending those (You)s
Keep being triggered.
I laughed because I thought it was funny that he'd slip stuff like that in just to try to get away with it.
who is this ugly cunt and why do i keep seeing his bug eyed ass all over 4chin
The absolute STATE of Sup Forums
Sam hyde was around way before the kekistan redditors. I truly believe you have to be a shitskin or a women to be so angry at Sam Hyde that you sit around and shitpost about it on Sup Forums
why wouldn't he? naming a cripple dressed up as a wigger as david duke shouldn't offend your average adultswim viewer
keep crying about white genocide while having no white children or even a white girlfriend lmao
Sam's old stuff was good. Ideas man and all that. His shit with Adult Swim was a fucking travesty.
I truly believe you have to be a typical Sup Forumstard to sit around and suck Sam's dick on Sup Forums
when did it become acceptable to spout highschool normie shit on this board?
they were actually fantastic when they were ripping off tim and eric, even sam's older vertical videos are fucking hilarious. somewhere along the lines he got too caught up in wanting to offend and subvert redpills
Things that will never happen for 500
I agree with you, the adult swim show did suck and his newer stuff is garbage, but if you sit around and jerk off over how much you hate him it probably means he said something that struck a nerve (triggered you)
im not exactly seeing a denial here
Who's shitposting about him? His fans are really angry weirdos so it's fun to tease them. Relax sperg
/thread (aside from the fact that the show was pretty great at times)
I'm 24 and married to a white woman but believe whatever makes you happy, I just think that people who spout the virgin shit on Sup Forums are outing themselves as newfags
Sargons kekistan shit has gone too far.Getting "kekistani" to be registered as an actual ethnicity was a funny idea though.
making an impartial observation isn't really sperging out friendo, I think you are projecting a bit
personally, i voice strongly disliking the direction he's taken because i saw a huge amount of potential in him. I been watching mde since 2010 and they were so different then. They had this energy and carefree attitude, they were abstract and surreal and not shocking for the sake of being shocking. Its just nihlistic redpill shit with an occasional joke or funny line. The ideas of the skits themselves are no longer funny themselves, but are instead platforms for identity politic shit with chuckle worthy lines and mannerisms briefly popping up.
No i dont think sam is a kkk nazi facist, but i also dont think he's as iconic as bill hicks or andy kauffmann. The thing that gets me upset is that he could have been.
Because standards & practices.
lmao you fucking nerd why are you proving youself to an anonymous person on an imageboard
does your wife know she married a fucking autist?
my sides are gold
Sargon is a genuine neckbeard. It's pathetic.
>shocking for the sake of being shocking
Everyone always says this about risky comedy.
lmao she probably does, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm married. Finding a dumb roastie to fuck and marry is really easy.
Stop insulting our holy leader
I disagree. They've always been about pushing the envelop and crossing the line and making people feel uncomfortable as a part of their humor. Sam just went further than Tim.
But the book.
Available at vapes.com.
>24 and married
has anyone ever been proud of marrying in their mid 20s these days? are you unironically trying to put it as something positive on an anime imageboard?
Does someone actually buy this crap?
Yes it actually sold out. Now running at 2nd run print.
I bought it despite having to use a mail forwarding service, being poor as fuck, and not even knowing if I'll still be living here when it arrives.
>He isn't a certified SuperFan
the difference between left and right is convenience