>Funnyman Jim Carrey got very embarrassed on the set of his new movie - because he had to be breast fed by Shannon Whirry. The scene in the upcoming Farrelly brothers movie, Me, Myself & Irene (2000) left the Truman Show, The (1998) star so humiliated that he had to clear the set before each take. He explains, "It's very rare that I get to a place where I am actually kind of humiliated but that was one of them. It was so embarrassing to me. I was like embarrassed for the girl but she was fine with it. She was like, 'yeah whatever.' But I was literally apologising to her between every take. When it was time to film it I had to empty the studio. I couldn't do it in front of anybody." imdb.com/news/ni0058453/
Perverts are usually very easily made awkward by public interaction with the opposite sex. It's because their brain deeply associates it with shameful (masturbatory) behavior and they frequently feel as though people are seeing some kind of dark, dirty secret when it occurs.
>remember, every day is a good day to start nofap
Christian Lee
this wasnt even funny
Zachary Clark
>Implying you wouldn't take a few thousand dollars to let Jim Carey suck on your Tit for like 10 seconds
Levi Mitchell
that sounds like bullshit but i believe it
Nicholas Barnes
Breast feeding in public is disgusting desu senpai.
Kayden Garcia
not funny, but pure fetish fuel that I'm sure jim "I didn't kill her" carrey convinced the director to put into the movie
Hudson Diaz
That's funny how you are pretending you wouldn't be embarrassed doing the same thing
Jacob Martin
The problem is that only ugly women do it in public because under normal circumstances nobody wants to look at them.
James Martinez
>pretending to be disgusted by something you secretly love
Adrian Hill
It was tho
Connor Taylor
Looks like we got a CRITIC here who can't handle a RAUNCHY R-RATED movie. Don't worry, it was for Carrey's fans, not you.
Zachary Taylor
I suck on my girlfriend's tits every day and love it, but I'd be pretty embarrassed doing it with about 100 guys with bigass cameras standing around me filming it for international viewership.
You guys are being faggots.
Noah Gutierrez
>asserting your masculinity by sucking on some mommy tits is bad
Kevin James
fyi its actually submissive to suck on something
Brody Russell
why does everyone on Sup Forums want to fuck their mother all of a sudden?
Joshua Ramirez
>sucking on titties is submissive lol
Hudson Gomez
it was all real?
Leo Rogers
underage who have only touched their mothers
John Perry
Fucking idiot.
Levi Powell
>all of a sudden Been a meme on Sup Forums for at least 10 years, maybe they are leaking out?
Connor Davis
I'd rather fuck somebody else's mother.
Chase Morales
Yeah Jim wanted a fake tit but it just wouldn't work
Benjamin Russell
>asserting your masculinity by sucking
Joshua Walker
>why do they wanna be with the one woman who loves them and wont fuk them over
Bentley Perez
>repressed deviate who associates feeding a baby with sex
Leo Gray
This nigga is the only one ITT except for me who knows who Shannon Whirry is. Shannon Whirry was the queen of the 90s "erotic thriller." She was on Skinemax on a constant basis, and you couldn't swing a cat in the video store without hitting a Shannon Whirry VHS. Sup Forums is always going on about "high-test," but you babbys don't even know high-test royalty
Nathan Williams
What always made me laugh about this movie was how she was completely unaware of it happening until she looked down. Granted I was 13 when I saw this so i tended to over-analyze stuff like this but still. I loved this movie
Julian Sanders
>jim "I didn't kill her" carrey
Lincoln Ross
Only on Sup Forums can someone rationallize a man to be a pervert for being embarrassed to suck on a woman's tit on camera
>Jim wants to do the scene with a fake tit >Shannon feels insulted and busts out her tits commanding him to suck them >she then makes him do multiple takes
Sebastian Hall
Wow, you're beyond retarded
Julian Gomez
Fuck's sake... now I have to wank to a jim carrey clip
Nathan Roberts
That's how it happened She called him a fag and a bitchboy too
Mason Hernandez
Jacob Stewart
>all of a sudden do you even human history?
Oliver Roberts
dear god my cock is on fire right now
Alexander Bell
Ryder Long
Jose Thomas
She was in a ton of those 90s skinimax softcore porns, though. She had less-tier celebs suck and fondle her titties before. >I'm the only one in this board full of 12-40 year olds who knows about this common 90s skinemax actress Fuck off.
I believe it.
Josiah Price
I never wanted too. my mom is old and has terrible hygiene that im afraid of all women sometimes
David Ortiz
How about the part he almost drowned that loli in the fountain? Or the part where it's implied he fucked himself in the ass with a rubber dick?
Fuck that, how about that whole thing about raising his wife's sons, all black btw since he got cucked by his wife getting BLACKED by a negro midget.
Was the filming of Me, Myself and Irene just one whole big fetish RP for Jim Carrey?