>High school drop out
>Voting for Hillary clinton
High school drop out
Why do they always vote against their economic interests? I mean white people.
women are not even people they are literally subhuman scum
those are some big ass nipples
Not really
uncensored vid
What could you expect from this backstabber whore? Just one more reason to love Taylor.
Damn this would've actually been pretty great were it not for the #milo shit at the end. Edit that shit out and you have a winner.
the people who own katy perry must be forcing her to do this. Not that i'm saying she would have any clue about politics otherwise.
>why do lower and middle class white people vote against ""tax"" cuts which are just code word for more tax cuts for multi-millionaires and billionaires
really makes you think
Incidently, someone I knew was a poll worker during the Cali primary election and saw her get a ballot to vote in the Democrat booth. Don't know why she matters, though. Just another untalented Hollywood whore.
So she basically admits that she has no education, she's retarded, and she's voting for hillary. Hm, sounds like the average hillary voter desu
Shes only voting Hillary because of her Vagina.
>i dropped out of high school
>i have no formal education
>i have a voice
lol no
She's not as talented as Taylor or Rihanna but you gotta admit she has some nice songs or at least they're very catchy.
And she has godly tits
She's meh, in both music and looks. I'm disgusted by modern celebrity and music culture in general, so I don't get it.
Rise is like one of her shittiest songs. I'm talking about Roar, Dark Horse, T.G.I.F., Teenage Dream. They're not exactly the smartest songs but they're really fun to dance to and sing to.
> music culture in general, so I don't get it.
So you're one of those fags that got stuck in rock and roll music? Kek
>Bimbo pop starlets talking about politics
Why is American politics such a circus? Who's on next? The Geico Gecko?
>they're really fun to sing and dance to
What kind of degenerate normie do you take me for
>really fun to dance to
> unironically posts on Sup Forums
I love her tits and will support her decision.
when will Sup Forums drop the "muh juice!" meme and start attacking the real problem
If you are a guy, get the fuck off Sup Forums
This. Replace that attention whore with Marion.
>if you're a guy
implying women are acceptable on Sup Forums
Look at those fucking knockers
Kek. Why do you love me so much Australia?
She sold her soul to Satan long before this election race started.
>Manufactured Pop music product shilling for political product
Shit supporting shit
You gotta go back beanbag
Wouldn't everyone be getting a tax cut, though?
Or is petty jealousy of other peoples property that common among the American electorate that they vote based on how other people would be affected by the proposed policies?
I'm a high school dropout and I'm voting for Trump.
>Jewish industry
>doesn't minds billion Indians being imported so she sells more albums
The future God-Empress of France
When is Trump going to ship you back to Africa Laquan?
I didn't know pairs of giant breasts could vote
Tfw people take selling your soul to satan literally.
Selling your soul just means signing a contract. Some contractors have the ability to use you as puppet to push their false beliefs, and a lot of the times, christians don't like it and call them devil worshipers.
>semen demon
>voting for an actual demon
>California Girls
>I kissed a girl
TGIF is great, rest are meh
this is quite the normie response.
when does school start for you kiddos again?
Stfu spic
I was just listing some that I like off the top of my head senpai, I also like these ones.
>He doesn't like rock
>He doesn't delve into all music genres
>He prefers to stay isolated away from anything that is mainstream
>He's Mexican
You must hate our Queen don't you Tyreese?
California girls is her best song
Your green text doesn't make sense. Are you talking about me or the person I was replying to?
Taylor Swift is awful pop music justify this bullshit music video please.
I can understand you maybe digging Gaga but Taylor is literally trash tier.
No, it means degrading yourself, sexually. Rapper says he sould his soul? He got fucked in the ass.
> Taylor is shitty pop music
> all of her albums are critically acclaimed
> even the country ones
If you like Gaga so much explain ArtPop. Also, she's just having fun in that video. It's a fuck off to all her haters.
I'd vote for ebola chan.
>people are actually crying
Jesus Christ
damn those tities !
she's meh without her cgi team though
Look up trickle down policy.
>petty jealousy
its like that here, the young people go around screaming about "tax cuts for the evil rich", failing to understand that its going to help them immensly in getting a job when they finish uni
I love how all the headlining DNC speakers are shit-tier celebrity libtards who have no real world experience in common with the average person.
This whole election cycle is between elitism and populism. Globalism vs nationalism. And when the dems are being called out of touch globalists who are willing to sell out the common man for a few extra shekels, it doesn't fucking help when you include these retarded celebrities who live in their ivory towers and walled-off neighborhoods to speak about how you all need to be good goyim and allow blacks and spics into your neighborhoods.
>they only cheer for FDR, JFK, Clinton, and Obama
I fucking hate these people.
Katy Perry is a brave woman. She stood up before millions of lowlife trolls like yourself and spoke truth to power. Your misogyny and sophomoric antics have no place in modern America.
Those tits didn't drop out of high school if you know what I'm sayin
>I'm against out of touch globalist who live in gated communities and ivory towers
>I'm shilling for trump who outsources all his shit, lives in gated communities and trump tower
really makes u think
There are doubts about supply side economics.
best tits ever. perfect size!
Jesus christmas... I don't even have a GED, but I know I need to vote Trump!!!
>Katy Perry is a brave woman. She stood up before millions of lowlife trolls like yourself and spoke truth to power. Your misogyny and sophomoric antics have no place in modern America.
Americans don't have a place in modern America.
muuh dick tho
underrated, kek
It actually hurts to look at these perfect titties.
What do you think they feel like?
bags of sand
if I were amerifat I would totally vote for hillary because of her, how can trump even compete?
His family is photogenic.
all i see is an old man with his jewish children, i mean how can you go for lizard people over a white christian beauty with enough milk in her udders to feed half of africa.
Get rid of anonymous. Makes the vid look cancerous
Reminder that hillary will win and it's all trump's fault.
>Throwing your vote away for the opposition because you think your candidate doesn't have a chance.
KYS. It's people with that mentality who ruin countries.
Silicon. Probably got a rubber minge an all.
I really don't think my friends and family are in that demo.
>So you're one of those fags that got stuck in rock and roll music? Kek
wew laddy i'ma fuck your shit up
Heh, would be cool if Stone Cold Steve Austin showed up when the glass broke.
Wow the DNC is a sad shitfest.
It also enfuriates me that the DNC is pandering this hard to muslims, even though the US has like, what is it... 0.5% muslims? They are clearly paving the road for massive muslim immigration. Disgusting
>tfw your daughter is better looking than your trophy wife....
Stronger together
This tbf. That's why the whole brexit thing was a farce.
Iam a Cruzmissile now
Gotta admit she has a lotta balls for doing that, taking political stances like that as a celebrity is pretty much always career suicide
She's actually a Republican. She supported Obama and now Hillary in order to curry favor with the entertainment industry establishment. She comes from a family of fundamentalist Christians.
Real career suicide is supporting the Republican party. That's why Scott Baio was the best they could get. Katy knows this, it's actually the opposite of balls.