Why the fuck hasn’t the “sandnigger hate” poster been banned yet...

Why the fuck hasn’t the “sandnigger hate” poster been banned yet? He’s been spamming not stop for the past 2 months shitting up hundreds of threads at even the slightest mention of Arabs. In fact, I can almost guarantee you that he’s going to try and derail this thread too.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck Arabs and fuck you too for defending them.

nothing wrong with hating arabs
they are pretty much non human

>imagine being this butthurt over a shitposting macaco
It seems he touched a sore spot.

kys abdul

There is literally nothing wrong with hating Arabs

Any person with half a brain hates arabs.
You, specially, should hate them even more.


I like him desu he is easy to trigger and always falls for bait just like ikibey used to

There he goes again.

You're not human for european standards, my dude. Btw Skopje looks nice, I'd visit it.

half of threads started by brazilian flags are from this guy aka the polpardo

>says the Balkan rapebaby
>says the mutt
>says the subhuman

Who cares?

eu sou libanês. Se quiserem me remover, é melhor cair na porrada.

1,90 aqui. Manlets de merda, vou quebrar todos vocês.

oh no, it is trying to say something

ok temer

how is that fun repeatedly triggering a retard who falls for your baits? you are hardly any better then.

dude its fuckin christmas why do you care

>eu sou libanês
t. 1/8 libanes
José da silva Almuhammad

I'd like to have a discussion about the Middle East that wasn’t immediately derailed by this faggot.

você é parente do presidente?

Just try it. Pretend to be an arab and watch him completely lose it spamming you with wikipedia articles and maps

mashallah hermano brazuca 1/4 libanés 1.68 aquí

podem ir se calando, pardosos. O sangue mestre raça corre por minhas veias.

Eu sou rico, como todo bom libanês.

your parents literally fled to brazil because your country was getting spitroasted by jews and muslims

portugal também fugia de napoleão. se pensar bem, o brasil é um país de covardes

libanês é igual grego, mas com síndrome de down

>chama alguém de pardo

Que tesão de clipe. Me senti representada com muito amor

Most likely his great grandparents.

>negro da areia chamando alguém de pardoso

Os Alemães e Italianos estavam só procurando terras ferteis no novo mundo desu

Oh w8 my dude, this macaco friend is annoying you with his hate to your motherland?

geez, get your shit together or get back from where you from, at least there you don't have internet to shitpost

Estavam procurando fugir da miséria.
Outra escória imunda que veio pra esta terra amaldiçoada.
Se pensar bem, a escória de todas as raças veio pra cá.

Shut up, you scum. Master race my leftball

You never be able to touch my whiteness from Santa Catarina. Dumb sandnigger

italianos do norte fugiam dos austriacos e os alemães fugiam dos prussiANOS

Familia de Rovigo e Venetto. Esse user está certo. Fomos ludibriados com promessas de boas terras e nos fodemos vindo para cá

nunca pare de postar, Sup Forumspardo, você é uma mina de ouro

sua senpaiília também foi semi escravizada em lavoura? o estado brasileiro deveria pagar reparações para mim, dar cota, suplicar pelo meu perdão

Não, minha senpaiília comprou terras no interior de SP e hoje somos fazendeiros ricos.
Se fode aí.


>eu sou
Vocês são todos macacos brasileiros viviendo com sus padres.

a sua, a minha e 90% dos italianos do sudeste seu pardo burro. isso nao muda o fato de que vieram trabalhar de capacho em latifúndio no começo

at least our submarines are intact lel

um só argentino vale mais do que dez bostileiros

a triste realidade de a tua desagradável raça e nacionalidade

Hatred in general is pretty retarded. Love, compassion and understanding is where it's at. Learn to enlighten yourselves my fellow human beings.

based bahrain

non finns wont get this pic

You should stop enslaving immigrant workers before saying shit like that

Based hajji-hating Brazilian, keep doing your thing amigo.

Do u think the anti-arab BR's crush was fucked by a Leb Bull?

whoa not nice Brazil
not nice


It's actually Qatar but it's ok, we're all brothers.

I agree it's pretty retarded but I'm an immigrat, I'm not actually local here.

>portugal também fugia de napoleão
Os reis fugiram, o povo fodeu-se

No, my mother EVROPA is being raped right now by this subhuman filth.

>italianos do norte fugiam dos austriacos
Os italianos que emigraram para o novo mundo eram do sul e Sicilia, as regioes mais pobres da Italia

Os que vieram pro Brasil e Argentina eram do norte, principalmente do Veneto.
t. Meus avós são de Friuli.

well lad i'm sorry but if we can post about wh*toids being weak cucks, mixed race people being orcish mutts, asians being robotic permavirgins, indians being poos and BLACKS being violent subhumans then i think the arab lads on Sup Forums can handle the existence of one autistic brazilian

i'm just here for the bantz and to shitpost, i'm not about to start telling people what they can and can't post, even if they're fags who think this shit is serious

>subhuman filth
>having this much hatred for a fellow human being

I feel sad that you'd use your own body as a vessel to contain such aggressive energy and hatred. Why don't you turn that negativity into something beautiful, like maybe go visit your relatives in christmas or draw a drawing?

He's the best Brazilian poster, though

Looks like he struck a nerve.

>it's a le positivity memester user episode
No, thanks.

This desu. It's pretty telling that Arab flags can handle the banter, but it's the trash diaspora in the West that are so rump rustled and feel the need to defend the honour of their desert trash heaps.

>Being positive and mentally healthy is a bad thing

Sure, you can stay depressed I guess.

You said you are an immigrant.
Where are you actually from?

I heard 75% og Qataris are actually foreigner, where are you from?

fuck off nigger chink
only countries with 0,700+ HDI can post here, you africa tier subhuman.


Shut the fuck up monkey, I'm probably richer than you and Jakarta HDI is higher than whole of your country

TAKBIR there's nothign wrong with being an arab

Fuck off mohammed.

Lmao, wouldnt make it to the top 5 brazilian HDI. cities.
Pathetic nigger chink

>I cling to group's statistics instead of individual success yet I call someone pathetic
t. brazilmutt

Whatever your probably i brown 4'2 slant eyed subhuman.
Ain't worth my time

>wh*toids being weak cucks, mixed race people being orcish mutts, asians being robotic permavirgins, indians being poos and BLACKS being violent subhumans
That's pretty accurate, I see no problem here

You are white btw

C'mon son even your top HDI cities have shanty towns and awful public services
Lifes good if you're rich and away from inner cities though I guess

No they havent.
Even paris has shanty towns.

The country I'm in has a higher HDI btw.

>Arabs cuck jungle americans once more


Your country sits on giant oil fields and has a population of under 3 million people who mostly live in one city, though.

Literally all of the middle east and north africa is like that. People just don't see the hidden potential of this region, there's so much money to be had here if you're someone who's a skilled merchant. The people leaving the middle east to go for europe are suckers and retards, stay in the middle east and just build it.

People keep leaving the mid east so much that soon I think it's gonna be an empty desert.

>my mother


Your city state is allowed to post here. Niggernisia is not.