50,000 children face death by starvation in northern Nigeria
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Good. They're only alive thanks to Western nativity and altruism anyway.
I don't care
maybe they shouldn't make so many fucking children then
malthus was right
Stop having children if you can't feed them you fucking idiots.
NB4 western white woman fly there to breastfeed them and bring them all to europe...
>hey our 3rd son in a row has died of not eating
>hey lets shit out 2 more
>nigger logic
Fucking how? It's 2016. How are they not inundated with food aid? Is this just a ploy meant to further justify Africa emigration to Europe or something?
> 50,000 children in threat of starving
> With their 23 parents
I should care why?
it's not my fault that niggers are too stupid to farm
50,000-things-that-never-should-have-been-born-if-only-their-parents knew-how-to-use-contraception
you give them too much credit. All they are capable of thinking is fucking and eating mud
t. Pleased Igbo-American
thou art woot
Its almost like sustained food programs that don't limit population growth or develop sustainable food in the country they are trying to help lead to population booms and even more starvation.
This is why bleeding heart policies must be tempered with reason. I'm sure the idiots behind whatever aid program was already there had their hearts in the right place, but all they've done is made it worse in the long run.
These are subhuman muslims, not christians
Holy shit how have Africans not figured out that they need food to survive yet?
Hue. Dumb nogs.
And nothing of value will be lost .....
The dirty hajjis overgraze their land and cause the sahara to encroach, the farmers have to leave soon after
Lol who cares?
what are their governments doing? how could they be this incompetent?
North Nigeria
Where they still believe magical quran verses written on leather strips will give them powers
Fucken hell, how hard is it live near water? What the fuck is there problem?
Fighting terrorism, scammers and trying to create something resembling an economy.
Leave that shit to Africa to fix themselves.
Lets send them more food so they can breed more and maybe in 15 years there will be 100,000 starving kids!
It's called natural selection
What did he mean by this?
What do you think?
The mudslimes THEY ELECTED to govern them just pocket southern oil money to finance their stupid trips to Mecca and second homes in the UK
You have to go.
Natural selection. Don't make the mistake of feeding them.
Bruh they just need your credit card numbers so they can unlock their millions! Im sure they will give a cut, then they will be sweet. Probelm solved.
On crusade? Gladly when the pope gives the OK
Good. Niggers must die.
go ahead and send them enough food so they can reach breeding age and create another 100 or 200k starving Nigerians
those fuckers need to learn how to eat flies or stop having so many kids they can't feed
Meanwhile sjw's in first world countries are trying to remove boobies from video games.
First world sjw's and feminists are disgusting.
Immensely corrupt government officials, waste and inefficiency. Also, third world infrastructure- hard to get big convoys of food to far out villages when all you have are weed overgrown dirt semi-roads.
In broader terms, though, well meaning westerners did this by handing them all this crap for free. They don't really know how to take care of themselves, i.e. grow their own food.
Durkas literally think it's their duty to breed like roaches
I hear about stories like this coming out of Africa all the time. Plus there are stories about the African AIDS epidemic and the various deadly diseases that have occasional outbreaks like ebola. Then I hear that African will have a population boom and become the most populous continent on earth. How is that when literally everyone is dying prematurely of something horrible???
why don't they just make mud cookies like Haiti
Great, more refugees
Have no food.
Create childs.
Eat them...profite!
Result of overpopulation.
Is the black race cursed or something? Unreal
Muslims aren't allowed to commit cannibalism
Lets build them a bridge to Germoney...
It doesn't matter what religion the shitskins are in, they are all the same.
The pope is a joke..Jesus will whip is ass of the trone of st-Pierre.
*tips fedora*
>An estimated 50,000 children are facing death by starvation in northern Nigeria this summer as a result of the Nigerian government’s faltering campaign to defeat Boko Haram Islamist militants, aid agencies are warning.
this what happens when we feed them instead of teaching them to feed for themselves
Maybe the Emperor will save them. Right?..
>that pic
Why do niggers take such delight in murder and torture? I mean fuck, look up necklacing. Who does that shit?
yes, they are cursed by a lack of evolution
they are probably 50k years worth of evolution behind every other race on the planet and 80 to 100k years behind whites
the worst part of it is every single fucking black on the planet, no matter where there are, is only a few hundred years max removed from africans themselves, and are even more inbred
Can anybody who can read Moonrunes please translate?
There's a simple way to feed 25,000 of them.
Stop nigerian shill. Even your Christians are bad. You come here in hordes and then complain about racism. Fuck off
>teaching them to feed for themselves
Golly gee its like black folks need to be taught everything. Maybe they should all get like a "life coach" a regimented program of work and play
how do starving people manage to fuck and have kids so much? where are they getting the calories necessary for this? have Africans evolved into some sort of reproduction perpetual motion device?
Why are they so buttfucking retarded over there?
Its agriculture and supposedly they fucking invented it.
Not our problem
Yeah it's called foreign aid.
somebody actually tied a rope around his dick and to his ankles
>He's an atheist
>On the internet
They should learn how to produce food.
50,000 dead niggers
>brings a tear to my eye lads
>supposedly they fucking invented it
Nah, agriculture developed seperately in many areas, but Western and Southern Africa have always been hopeless.
This is all foreign aid's fault
>quality of life in Africa is total ass
>couples have 8-9 kids because most of them will end up dead at a very young age
>we give them food and better care
>more of the kids survive than they expect thanks to said aid
>those kids go on to have a bunch of kids of their own
>the cycle continues
Tbh we did gruesome public tortures too. In the middle ages.
>yfw respiratory diseases caused by indoor smoke fueled by feces is the main cause of death in these parts of the world
>yfw they are forced to use it because of environmental regulations set in place by IPCC
even though catastrophic climate change has been proven false millions of times
it's been silenced by the media
le it doesn't hurt to try to save le environment rite?
just your daily reminder that man made climate change is the biggest blue pill you can stomach
Maybe this will learn them not to breed like fucking nigger rabbits
Probably not in the way the world hunger organizations want it to. Kek.
Not quite accurate
Most Niger-Congo speakers were yam & millet farmers
When the SEA crop package arrived during the iron age plantains and other crops were added, leading to a population boom which in turn resulted in the Bantu expansion from Cameroon
>be dumb nigger with IQ 70
>get bored because life is shit and there is nothing to do
>see other niggers that you don't like for no reason
>suddenly a wild idea appeared in your mind
yeah okay
What can we do to stop this from continuing?
only 50000?
what a shame
it'll take a lot more than that to cull the horde
Population control
Malthusian arguments only are correct when your population consists of semi-retarards who could never build a civilization on their own and now constitute a population of 60 million on a small territory they are rapidly turning into inhospitable dessert. Furthermore, they choose to cut off the one source of food that flows in from South Nigeria because Islamism is such a great form of government.
I swear any race that mass genocides itself with no instinct towards preservation just needs to fucking die.
how is this news
this has been going on for thousands of years
400k people disappear yearly in the good ol' US of A ffs
Less starving kids means more food for the other kids that aren't starving as much. Don't fuck when you're barely eating to begin with
Convert them
Drink these
well, it'a start
they get 10kg of rice for every person they sterilize.
bioengineer an STD that renders people infertile
That way, if they are niggers, they won't be able to have kids. Normal people should be able to avoid it unless of course they get raped by niggers.
They should start a sterilization incentive program like right now.