Is cancer a scam?

Is cancer a scam?

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Why did she write this message on tape and then tape the tape to her face?

Wouldn't it make more sense to write it as plaintext, or maybe make a video?

Tape doesn't signify anything. You don't shut someone up by taping their mouth shut with scotch tape.

no its real, I hope u don't get it

>I hope u don't get it
What the actual fuck, I didn't expect this response from an user.

>gets tape-related face cancer

cancer is failed evolution, the cure (cant vacine unless u inhibit evolution) is causing apoptosis in the specific cell line of cancer.

1) biopsy cancer/tumor
2) get cell line info from biopsy
3) google apoptosos++foods
4)eat, bathe, snort, inject said foods
5) wait for FDA to sue you.

I don't know... Is getting banned for shitposting a scam.


wow really makes me think

dumb bitch hears some things that make her feel more woke and smarter than others, dumb bitch keeps repeating em, and will attack you for disagreeing cuz it takes away that one thing that she can be proud of

No, but telling people they can cure a life-threatening disease with juice cleanses and shit sure is.

Slovenians are very nice people. I went there once when I was younger.

Calm down faggot, I bet you also have a white gf while you talk shit about white girls like this.

>implying I let mental baggage roasties talk to me

holy shit, I confused your flag for that of Hong Kong, my apologies.


It takes 1 (ONE) person to leak this """cure""", or make it his or her own business. Fucking ONE.

They would get all the costumers.
They have the entire industry in the palm of their hand.
They would write themselves into history, in one of the best ways possible.
They would receive fame and glory for the entirety of human existence.

But no one has ever tried it, curiously enough.

The TLDR psychoanalysis of this dumb cunt: Her life is too fucking boring, she's afraid she's too fucking dull a person to care about, so she invents some global boogeyman and makes herself look like some enlightened warrior of truth.

Yeah. Getting cancer really doesn't pay off in the long run.

Can someone explain this to a complete retard?


Cancer is not a scam, it is very real. Charities built to "cure" it are a scam. Never give them money. It is like the Cold, there are millions of different strains and forms of it, there is no legitimate cure for it.

>replies to this thread being deleted
Somethings going on here.

I read this in the same voice I use to read Time Cube

>there is a universe in which this graph makes perfect sense

Gene therapy is the only cure.

All that other shit just makes you a money tap.

It's kind of ironic but a trial of Swiss SKiD gen therapy stuff gave them leukemia after 5 years. Post treatment. So yea , it's not really usable still. Mind you this was viral, maybe the crisper/cas9 has more potential, but then again try delivering it into a cell.

Also on topic, this bitch is fucking dumb.

1: cancer is a collection of mutations, all have different genotypes hence it's so difficult to treat

2: you can make a money with that hypothetical cure , so why sit on it ?

3: how many scientist would have to hold up the facade of this "there isn't a treatment" thing?

Cancer is an urban legend, the real cause of tumors is swamp gas and weather balloons

It's all a trick. They're slav-jews. Slovenians can confirm.

Probably. It makes an insane amount of money.

gene therapy and weed my friend

Can't ban what you can't catch!

I heard from a reliable friend of mine that some scientists genetically modified an HIV virus to attack cancer cells. And once they'd done their job of killing all the cancer nanobots with some sort of basic poison or venom, and were programmed to self destruct were injected into the patient to kill the HIV virus.
Don't know if this is true or not, sounds believable. He said "oh yeah we can cure cancer, just not cheaply though."

good news, you're cured of your cancer, bad news, you got AIDS and you got 6 months to live faggot"

How is this supposed to be scam?

Cancer isnt cancer, every "cancer" is completly different from a nother

Prostata cancer is different from lung cancer and his different origin.

Tinfoilhat nignogs

"Cancer" is not a single disease, and will never have a single cure.

Hence the nanobots then killing the HIV virus, and then commencing programmed destruction.
you get the idea lad :^) stopping it from spreading and multiplying and sheeeit

again this is just what I heard

what if they're designed to reactive dormant HIV cells or cause another disease?

50 shades of gray.

only grey exist to the simp.

No, I'm sure it COULD be somewhat cheaper for treatment than it is currently, but that can be said about anything really. Now, claiming smoking pot will cure it is a fucking scam

It could be true you never know. I don't know why you would want to keep it secret though.


there will never be a 'cure for cancer' because 'cancer' is a broad classification for a huge number of different diseases. the monolithic 'cure for cancer' would be some kind of panacea - cure for everything.

they do probably have that, though. nanomachines.

And it's not like it would be a one time deal. Cancer wouldn't stop happening. The people who needed the 'cure' the first time would almost certainly end up as repeat customers.

Even from pure cold-blooded corporate perspective it would be worth far more released than held back. Any one company holding it wouldn't have the ENTIRE cancer industry profits to lose. They'd have them to gain. Sit on it and risk another company making the breakthrough.

>Is cancer a scam?

Steve Jobs.


> cancer cure

Jesus people are fucking uneducated


We've had the cure for decades. Like scurvy, cancer arises from a nutrition deficiency. Eat B17 (amygdalin) if you can find it. The few cultures left on this planet that consume it, the Huznas, Inuits, and traditional Okinawins, have ZERO incidences of cancer in their societies, all sharing the similarity of regularly consuming B17 in their diets; a vitamin that has been methodically removed from our modern diets through selection, processing, and pasteurization.

Where the fuck are the mods?

is the cure actually common knowledge already? I thought it was only whispered about.

He's talking garbage. Yes in cancer a certain cell has mutated and lost its control mechanism, so it replicated infinitely. You then get a mass of this cell as a tumour and it can detach and form more colonies elsewhere in the body.

But using a food that kills off that cell type will just kill you if you ever got to a sufficient intake, it would kill the normal organ of that cell type.

Cancer treatments work by killing any cell that is quickly dividing. So cancer cells especially, but also bone marrow and areas of high cell turnover like hair and skin. So the treatment is often devastating if it cant be locally targeted i.e. if the cancer has spread.

No eating anything will cure your cancer.


Went on a complete vegan diet eliminating a ton of essential nutrients from him body.

How could a disease be scam?
>cure for cancer
This show a distincy non understanding of what cancer is.

>every cancer research scientist in the world is in on the conspiracy to cover up the cure for cancer

what happens when someone else discovers it which would happen regularly if it was currently possible? they get their phonecall from the Illuminati saying welcome to the club?

No. This idea is fucking retarded. Pharma companies don't collude that much, if they found a cure for ANYTHING thy would exploit it immediately to destroy all of the competition.

Based slav cares about board bros

Feels good man


>what is attentionwhoring?

No, as other anons have said well, cancer isnt some infection to cure. Its just a bodily process gone out of control and us quite tied to our genetic existence. We actually develop cancerous cells throughout our lives but the immune system can kill it most of the tine. Then as we age, our telomeres shorten and useful dna starts degrading so mutations occur more often, alongside a weakening immune system. So cancers will always happen if you live ling enough.

Im a 4th year med student and in dissection almost every old person had a cancer or two somewhere regardless of cause of death.

It will reduce your likelihood of developing cancer though. No red meat and you're golden.

So don't treat your tumors and die then.

Haha nope

Help ive been infected with cancer, i must have caught it on the train

I'm so tired of these clichéd forms of "activism." Still shots holding a cardboard sign, writing on your face/body, taping/covering your mouth, walking for the cure, "raising awareness," jew-book flag filters, etc...

Can't these faggots come up with any new way to virtue signal for good-goy points?

No shit. I know that. I was asking if everyone else already knew that.

The cure is ionophores. Selectively destroys cancer cells by breaching the hyperpolarized IMM, only present in cancerous cells with inhibited ATP synthase.

Here is the cure for cancer bro

Does that look like a sane person?

Thats true, but almost everything is a carcinogen to some degree so there are no guarantees. Yes eating well/not smoking/ not suntanning will do very well, but we'll all die anyway, so its up to you.

KEK, you are going to get some dumbass killed

I'm sure people don't die for scams.

Dozens of doctors who found cures or breakthroughs in cancer were either mysteriously murdered or committed suicide noodle dick a huge trillion dollar medicalinsurance/pharmaceutical industry isn't going lose its entire customer base to a 'cure' noodledick


Well, obviously taking b17 in doses instead of naturally would be detrimental

However, eating the seeds with the rest of your apple every now and then probably wouldnt hurt

Im wary of any cure targeting something 'unique' because cancer is ultimately just cells. But as you said it works for specific cancer cells so maybe.



Read/Watch and learn. Cancer skyrocketed in the western world when B17 was eliminated from our diets. Clinical trials show great success over chemotherapy. There is no record of anyone coming from an upbringing of consuming B17-rich foods diagnosed with cancer. The evidence is rather stark. This is not a scam, quackery, or some other bullshit.

Go ahead and be skeptical; it's what any rational minded person should be, but do not laugh and dismiss without researching deeply, at risk of turning away something that could very well save your life or your family's.

>cancer is ultimately just cells
Wrong. Every type of cell has some unique aspect that can be targeted. You find whats unique and exploit it, you kill it.

Almost all cancer cells have hyperpolarized inner mitochondrial membranes, and no ordinary ones do.

> holistic doctors

Its no conspiracy they died, they probably rubbed stinging nettles on their teeth when they had a headache

Post a peer reviewed study then. This is garbage. There is no 'organic' paleo cure for cancer.

You realize that in order for some worldwide conspiracy to keep the cure for cancer a secret, you have to assume that when their friends and family get cancer, they either:
A) let them die just to guard an industry secret
B) give them the secret cure so they'll live, creating a huge potential for a leak

i didnt click on lit

Cancer is us, we are cancer. If my body wants to express itself by tumor who am I to argue?

The ultimate red pill.


We blend in nicely with the mointain jews from what I can tell.

The only unique aspect is they have lost the apoptosis mechanism, some stay benign, some atrophy and others also replicate endlessly. There is absolutely no 'cancer signal'.

>blogs and youtube videos show the cure for cancer
Great job, i'll be sure to tell the thousands of scientists with biology/chemistry degrees that the cumulative millions of hours of work they've been doing are worthless, and some guy on a tibetan tapestry forum figured it all out. Im sure they'll feel silly.

Sure about that?

Yes. Theres way more money that flows getting people sick and then treating it opposed to simply curing the disease.

Sup Forums is fucking packed full of credulous retards

No wonder Trump made that tweet about vaccines and autism

Knows his audience

Oncology nurse here, it's very real, but fuck the charities that promote the "cure", it's not gonna happen in our lifetime, sorry guys.

any cure would put you out of a job, cancer treatment is a multi billion dollar industry

Maybe big pharm, but I work with docs who would love nothing more than to cure it. I make 100k+ a year at a cancer treatment center, and I would love for it to be cured.

retard alert

I'm making 100k at a clinic as a nurse, currently working on my NP specializing in oncology, the "cure" wouldn't do shit to my cure. i make more off patient's who survive longer and get fully cure (eg leukemia)

B17 is just one way to fight cancer, it's best supplemented with the Budwig protocol
Here are some additional natural therapies:

If you knew the mechanism behind cancer, you would understand how incredibly hard it is to cure it in a non-destructive manner to the rest of the body.

Also detection is where it fails, most cancers if found on time can be treated quite well.

No it's because in the ye olde days we had lesser understanding and people 'just died'. Know we know why and what they are dying off.

>being retarded
There is no such thing as a cure because there's no such thing as "THE cancer", there's many, many types of cancer each hard to treat in their own right, especially since its not a pathogen or infection.

Also, you could have said the same for penicillin, but it still happened. There's more money to be made in a cure than not, always.

The actual cure takes a single week. It cured me of non small cell lung cancer. Trust me you would be out of a job.

Majority of patients walking into my clinic tried "herbal remedies". It's like prescribing Tylenol to head trauma patient's, that shit won't work. Almond nuts are plants, treatment is synthesizing real medicine and using trial with error.

>guy that's not making money off the cancer industry creates a cure for cancer
>makes trillions of dollars (assuming he doesn't give it out for free)