>"not that user, but..."
>am actually that user
"not that user, but..."
Samefagging is bad, and you should feel bad.
This user is right
Not that user but
It took me a while to understand what NAYRT meant. I always thought it was some gay phonetic like NYAN.
>ask question I actually want answered
>reply to self a bit later with obviously wrong/bait answer
>anons reply to my original post with the correct answer
>rolling in (Yous)
>"blah blah blah this is what women like"
>only female interacted with in the past 10 years is mother
>post screenshot to prove you are not samefag
>photoshop out the multiple (You)s
>post screenshot to prove you are samefag
>photoshop in the multiple (You)s
>unnecessarily drop words like "kino" and "comfy" in every post
>user 1 makes a point I agree with
>user 2 tries to refute user 1's point
>assume user 1's identity and defend his point
>get absolutely btfo
>leave thread and forget it ever happened
>user 1 makes a point I agree with
>user 2 tries to refute user 1's point
>assume user 2's identity and post like a retard
Lmao I do that all the time.
>counter someone's point
>leave thread because confrontation makes me sweat
>tfw you move the goal posts, ad hominem and strawman your way to another victory
Don't reply to my post ever again
oops I did it again :^)
>make a typo
>someone points it out
>"sorry english isn't my first langauge"
>english actually is my first langauge
>pretend to be a guy because no one believes you are a girl
>someone points out you're arguing against a point that nobody made
>"then why are you responding to my post?"
Reeeee I could have defended my ideas more eloquently than you
>tfw you're above arguing on Sup Forums
>You must wait longer before deleting this post
>had a really good post for one of these threads
>forgot it
>posting lewd things while doing no fap to try and ruin other anons no faps
>try to derail threads into foot threads
>intentionally a stupid post
>someone starts arguing with me
>argue for 20+ posts
>pretend to be a different user and accuse the guy i was arguing with of saying something he didn't say
>he calls me a faggot and leaves the thread
>just won two arguments
>Get BTFO or someone is arguing with me in a thread
>Turn the thread into a dubs or bane thread to disrail it
>just came out of a shit-flinging flame war thread
>post a reply to some user with overly harsh words because I'm still in battle mode
>feel regret for being so mean
/r9k/ gives you a better idea about women than being a beta cuck who carries their purses
>post a controversial opinion that is likely going to start some debate
>quickly reply to myself with a very poor counter argument to make it look like arguing against my original point will make you look stupid
i like you
>start losing argument
>opponant makes a typo
>pretend to be a girl pretending to be a guy because no-one replies to your boring posts otherwise.
>tfw immune to feet
What is arousing about a fucking smelly foot with dirt all over it? I'll never understand footfags.
Nails painted girly colors are kinda cute, past that I don't get it.
are you satisfied with your life, user?
>"pick the vehicles" captcha
>pick walls and random objects
>user makes a typo and deletes his post
>make a screencap and ask why he deleted it
Why did you delete your post?
not that guy but you're a moron
>get BTFO in a massive reply chain you've been arguing for an hour
>make new post replying to no one and say Sup Forums didn't used to be like this
>"who are you quoting"
don't drop that purse
>user makes an intentionally ironic post
>screencaps his own post then deletes his post and pretends to be another user
>also pretends to be a third user replying to anons second post pretending to not get the joke to get (you)s and keeping other anons wondering about the anons identity and his master plan
>open Bane thread
>post "dead meme"
>instant (You)'s
wasted trips
Being a robot is objectively better than being a betacuck with false hope and daily frustration.
>pretend to be a girl
>actually not a girl
>say something offensive on purpose with the express intent to offend someone
>"lmao triggered much"
>see post I don't like
>write paragraph about how they are wrong
>realize i'm arguing with a teenager/Sup Forums
>close thread
>calls other people a moron
>doesn't know the difference between your and you're
i dont like dirty feet cause im not a degenerate. i dont like doing sex things to feet. its jus that looking at them enhances the situation. i fap to looking at feet sometimes, or even women sucking other women feet, but i would never want to do that. a girl placing her bare feet on my lap is enough fo rme.
there are good things to read about why so many men have foot fetishes. one theory i subscribe to is that women often go barefoot at home or where they are comfortable. the other is that the brain map got fucked up and that feet are right next to arousal.
>open random thread
>answer "sup reddit" to random post
>close thread
>give a sincere (You) to bait
>anons tell me I got baited
>I tell them they fell for my meta bait
who are you quoting?
>the other is that the brain map got fucked up and that feet are right next to arousal.
Do americans really think this is how brains work? You do realize the everything is next to everything on the brain right?
>it's a "pick the shorts" captcha
>all girl shorts
I just want the suffering to stop but I fail miserably every time
>using Sup Forums x
>not just going so deep into the bait that you swallow the fisherman whole.
Get on my level.
yeah, that theory isnt exactly my favorite. i read it somewhere and saw it pop up a few timesin other debate threads, so i figured id mention it.