He's voting Gary Johnson

He's voting Gary Johnson.

What's your excuse?

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I can't legally vote.

i like big garry
and i'd love nothing more than to make you all feel the johnson
but he won't win, either trump or hillary will
and id rather have an idiot than a psychopath in office

i usually write in the joker, my state will never go red

sorry OP I don't take orders from anyone except POTUS

HELL YEAH Fuck the system man. Do you have any good vapesauce recipes?

Americans are too racist to vote for an open border candidate.

More like "nonwhite Americans are too collectivist to let racism die."

I have guns and don't want gun grabber taking them.

Growing out of the Paul meme.

Look, I did my time. I spent two years trying to generate interest in having the old bastard arrested and charged with Malfeasance. There's no one out there who worked harder to see him in prison and stripped of his right to vote for the billions he bilked tax payers for.

What you said makes no sense.

>He's voting Hillary Clinton



The only way to reduce racism is to stop legitimizing it by discussing it. Race relations are 10000x better under Republicans who don't accredit racial theorists and their endless grievances.

Kane is voting for Johnson as well.

>voting third party is a vote for X/Y!
Fuck off.

I actually like my vote to actually count instead of throwing it away.

>if we just ignore it, it will go away

>t-trust me, this famous actor said so

Sauce on Ron Paul saying he would vote Johnson. I have heard him say otherwise on several interviews

If he reaches 5% of the vote, Libertarian Party candidates get equal ballot access and federal funding during the next election cycle. So yeah, your vote will count.

Yeah, it's like eczema. If you pick at it, it just gets worse and worse.