You do realize, that if he's elected, he's guaranteed to be a 1-term president, right?
There's no way he wins reelection.

welcome to the bargaining phase

Niggers are right this moment pounding your mother's pussy with their huge black cocks, and ejaculating into her, making black brothers and sisters for you to enjoy

Those four years of laughs will be worth it.

I was actually thinking about this the other day.

What's worse? Trump losing and us having to wait for a more stable and capable anti-globalist candidate (could take years or even decades) or Trump winning but innevitably having a horrible presidency and the left rallying and throwing him out and his presidency going down in history as a huge mistake.

>'joke candidate, won't last a month' to 'he'll never win re-election' in under a year

at least shillary's basically guaranteed to die by 2020, her health is fucking horrible. As long as she's gone i don't care who gets elected

Will only take 2 years to build a wall. What happens afterwards is just bonus.


Says the shill



1 unending term, Trump for God emperor of mankind.

good show goy

Jeb Bush

>shills have literally given up on 2016
>now starting to shill for 2020
can't make this shit up

And here we see the problem with Sup Forums.
You guys don't actually care. At all. I mean syre, maybe some of you do, some of you realize that election a are important, but the vast majority of the pro-Trump crowd are teenfags that are just here to meme.

First he was never going to be the nominee, then he was never going to be elected, now theres talk about him never getting a second term... Don't jinx it, at this rate he'll be your dictator.

That's all I want anyways. One term with Trump will deter Hillary from being able to run ever again. She'll most likely throw in the towel after losing this election.
If he ends up being a good president during his first term, I'll vote for him again. If not, I'll just continue supporting the libertarian party.


Gawd that made my day, even the shills know it is over.

>when the first post is also the best post

I think you're right OP. There will be another financial crisis before 2020. There are three possible scenarios as I see it:

1. It happens before the election. It's blamed on Obama, Trump's election is guaranteed, and he gets the credit for cleaning up the mess. Re-election is likely.

2. It happens early in Trump's term. Smart people release it's not Trump's fault, but it's still ambiguous and the (((media))) will blame it on Trump. If there is a swift recovery, he might be re-elected.

3. It happens late in Trump's term. Still won't be Trump's fault, but he'll take the blame anyway. Re-election is impossible.

I'd vote for him in a heartbeat if that witch was on the other side.

literally my one concern now is anybody but her.


Trump's economic plans are literally suicidal

oh a bloo bloo bloo

He doesn't really need more than one term since it's largely symbolic of a new wave of politics at this point.

Realistically I don't know if ANYONE, even super-healthy Trump could serve 8 years in the most stressful position in the world starting at age 70. It turned the youthful Obama into a greyed husk.




If you elect somebody that fucks up your country, that's going to effect you.

Actually dismissing this just so you can continue to hear him say "BUILD WALL" is being autistic.

The policies of the last few decades and especially since 2008 have been suicidal. But delayed suicide. Kicking the can. A financial crisis worse than 2008 is already guaranteed. They're just doing everything they can to postpone it. Nothing Trump does will change that. His policies can only affect the recovery.

TRUMP 2016
KANYE 2020

The more you doubt Emperor God, the more powerful he becomes. Pic related.


Op on Sudoku watch.

I'm sure that ignorant retards said the same thing about Hitler, too.

>shills are starting on the 2020 campaign

Its in the bag, guys. We already won.


I don't care. If somebody genuinely experienced with similar policies steps up in '20 I'll gladly throw my weight behind them. Right now we just need a battering ram.

No I do care. He loves the country, he prioritizes the issues well, he's a fierce leader, he is a realist, he isn't afraid of offending someone, and he knows the economy well. He will be a great leader.

This. Prominent politicians on both sides are already staging for the next election cycle, shit's already over and the major players know it.

The ignorant retards were all too busy lobbying their governments for German Appeasement. :^)

He has a terrible track record.

>implying 4year is not enough for a god emperor to fix america for the thousand years coming
Get saged shill

Since there's going to be millions less dem voters it will be far easier to get reelected.

Well done

>Since there's going to be millions less dem voters it will be far easier to get reelected.
He actually thinks this is going to happen



First post, best post!




No shit user, he's fat and old do you really think donald could run fast?

But at least he's been shown to be a capable meme generator

But all the normies on tv told me this couldn't happen. How could they be wrong?

Shills don't understand.....

This place is unbreakable.

They don't break us, we break them.


Trump will never seriusly run as president
>trump will never fill out his candiate papers
>trump will never get media attention
>No way trump can beat rand paul
>no way trump can stump Jeb!
>or Cruz
>or rubio
>no way trump can become front runner
>trumps campaign is finished! Look at this!
>and this!
>look He's racist!
>and Sexist!
>Bernie will save us!
>Trump will never be the GOP nominee
>Hillary will never fuck her campaign up and lose to trump!
(You are Here)
>Trump will never be president!
>Trump will never Build the Wall!
>Mexico Will never Pay for it!
>Trump will never crush ISIS
>Trump will never bring everlasting peace with the russians!
>trump will never make america great again!
>Trump will never be re-elected!
(you are speculating here)
>Trump will never make america better than ever before
>trump will never be known as the one of our greatest leaders
>trump will never get his own holiday!
>trump will never live to be 100!
>trump will never live to be 120!
>the nation will never look at trump as an example to guide our country


2 0 2 0
He's got the vision to take this coy try in the right direction. West

Well done. FPBP

>t. Increasingly Nervous Man circa 2019

If Trump wins, he breaks the system it will take time to fix and the Bernie bros might resist that anyway. They'll say "Bernie could have won REEEEEEEE" and oppose further globalist meddling.

If Hillary wins, you might as well kill yourself now because nothing will change.

I think you have that wrong, they were the warhawks lobbying for Englishmen and Frenchmen to die so that ethnic, linguistic and historically German areas would stay outside of Germany.

t. increasingly nervous man


Echo walls: you can farm vegetables and feed the poor, the climate change crazies will chill and the residues will be turned into energy
Dont worry as you can see thanks to him the world is fighting back because they know that they arent alone, more will raise

he isnt even winning this election

The real question is, after America is made great again, will he even need another term?