The Body Freedom/Public Nudity movement will become the next great civil rights movement in America. Cap this

The Body Freedom/Public Nudity movement will become the next great civil rights movement in America. Cap this.

We already have nudist beaches here in France
Hold on Nick, you have to be naked yourself to access it

Cue endless "men need to stop looking at us" thinkpieces

Same shit different non-issue

looks... shopped

Why? are you incapable of capping your own shitty thread? Couldn't you just type these words in any program on your computer and take a fucking screenshot or snip of it?
s-somebody screencap this

Now that you say that, it does look really shopped, and it's obvious when you look for the signs of it.

Followed immediately by, "men don't look at me anymore, and I hate it".

Everything women do, in their entire lives, is just a shit test.


All genders have nudists, dumbass.

All real.

I doubt it. The majority of "people" who make up these left wing (bowel) movements are waaaaaaaayyy too insecure about themselves to go nude. If a 50 yr old male calling a tumblrina "ma'am" at a grocery store is bad enough for them to write posts about how they "are literally shaking and crying", then I doubt any of them have the fortitude to go nude.


>be woman
>wear the tightest yoga pants
>go out in public
>guys perv at me
>think to myself "gosh I wish guys would just leave me the hell alone!!"
>it happens
>no one says anything to me for an entire month
>feels great
>another month passes without male interaction
>begin getting depressed
>I want attention from males again
>why isn't anyone paying attention to me
>fuck men, they're all pigs anyway
>men pls pay attention to me ;_;

Most women in a nutshell.

Yeah sure and all nudists look like that.

>no one says anything to me for an entire 10 mins

Fixed it for you

Did the World Naked Bike in Portland OR last year


Sorry, the jig is up

That pic is shopped as fuck.

Yeah let me just walk around without a protective layer so I can get zika aids, rusty staples, and bug bites on my dick

Glad where I live is cold as fuck then

Shame 99% of those women are ham planets
Also shame that the same women who would push public nudity also demand importing or Islam

So they are just suicidal as well as looking for attention

Nudism and Tumblrites go hand in hand. Nudists were the original group that was against fat shaming/promoting body positivity. Plus Tumblrites started #freethenipple on Twitter. After LGBT people are a normal view in society, nudists are next in 15-20 years.

it isn't going to happen

gross and envious american feminists wouldn't allow it. women fucking hate other women that are better than them.

>that horrible nipple shop
Jesus this is sad.

The exact example of how women are mentally unbalanced. This sort of mentality is why women should not be allowed to vote.

You think women should be protected from creeps photoshopping their Facebook pics into a nude version?

no theres younger ones

it really does, but I think it's just the lighting

But that exactly describes my relationship over time with Hot Pockets. Does that mean I shouldn't vote?

But would it be OK if they did?

Fucking fractals ....

if this is like, _everywhere_ is a nudist "beach" movement, im interested

I know the girl on the right. not sure if OP made this.. but the initials are VKR. Pic is shopped btw

Agreed. It's a shoop.

>I know the girl on the right.
No, you dont.

The 1970s called and want their memes back. Uh, real nudists are hairy.

OK, if Sup Forums wants a project:

What you need to do is some sort of hashtag shit like #freethenipple, except this time the aim is to get grills to make topless / naked youtube videos 'in protest against youtube censorship of female nudity' or something.

It's doable, but it needs something to spark it off so that Sup Forumsacks can hijack it.

>real nudists are hairy.
>Greek flag

based aussie

that image is photshopped

woah, is that flag even from earth??

Sauce on right?

also saw their sisters...

The thing about women is that they want attention from good looking guys. If your looks are under 7/10 then your a perv if your 10/10 looking you could stand outside her window masturbating with dildo up your ass and you'd still wouldn't be a perv in her mind.

you're behind the times


Nudists have existed for ages, they even have annual gatherings all over Europe.

yeah, you're probably right.. Close though

Nice kuhwaads

the part in the hair is a bit off. the eyebrows are different.

Germans have had the Freikörper movement for literally a century

I was vacationing in the Mediterranean, visited the beach a lot. Saw a few young good looking women walking topples.

Now here is my fucking question. Am I legitimately expected not to look at their tits. Because that would be fucking retarded.

The problem is that nudes are not always 9/10 fresh young grills with shaved clit, but most of the time fat ass middle-age boy with a lot of hairs everywhere.

And no, I will not put a related pic

I'd say look at them, don't stare at them. But be careful for her bodyguard.

They were walking alone.

And again, seriously, absolutely no attempt to cover up, walking, and I can't look??

Implying the body freedom people aren't generally the ones you do not want to see naked.

>be /fit/brah
>go to nudist beach in cuba
>see the people already on the beach
>decide to go to the normal beach immediately.

photoshop, clearly

how do you do the thing on the right?

>Am I legitimately expected not to look at their tits
Why would you think that? It's just tits.
If they are topless they aren't minding i you're looking or not anyway. It's when you start acting like a shitter or leering so intensely that others are able to take notice that it's an issue. It's a normal unremarkable sight at the beach, act like it is and you're fine.

look but don't be a creepy autist about it?

like, no deer in the headlights stares or shit like that

Where the fuck is the line between leering and looking. I'm guessing it is another one of those things that scales to your attractiveness.

I'm a nudist. I don't really look forward to the day because it's just going to be used to push agendas.

muh dik

I wouldn't mind
It's too fucking hot sometimes. Also I dislike having to put clothes on every time I need to go get the mail.

Those breasts look incredibly photoshopped.
Not again.

>It's just tits!
>Leering is an issue

Lmao ok

just stop being an autist and give a few glances but dont glare

See Look all you like, just look unfazed about it. If you've got a creep face on people will think you are a creep.

Fuck I hope so. I hate the fabric Jew

It looks like a gradient transform/edge detection algorithm of some sort with a large square kernel.

Leering is inadequate no matter what you're looking at mate. When you look like a chimp looking at a bunch of solid gold bananas, it doesn't matter if it's a hot chick, a nice car or a perfect steak.

This shit seems stupid to me. "Don't care about a naked hot woman, just glance." I mean I do get it, but it is still so idiotic. Because everyone fucking knows, even the woman included, that guys will like the view.

fucking children

Leering at people isn't an issue normally, only when they should feel embarassed by how they look or what they're doing.

Don't listen to the autists who just stare at the floor every time they pass by a girl.

Ugly shop. You know it's really easy to find pictures of naked women on the internet, right?

You should visit /r/

looks like convolution (pixel multiplied by neighbours)

babby's first attempt at edge detection

Ahmed disagrees with his explosive belt and his beach steamroller.

>Western women will be nude all the time
>Arab rapefugees will come for ficki ficki
Future's gonna be great!
1776 Will Commence Again

Yeah thanks Prof Sven.
I am the only one who finds it quite arousing?

How do men go naked in public without getting an erection?

The white part looks like the the castle from the Disney logo.

Magical Kingdom confirmed.

It's like looking at the sun. It's dangerous, so you just a sense of it then look away.

Unless you're a total perv, it doesn't happen. After about 10 minutes of being naked around other people in a non sexual manner, it becomes normal.

so what will women do when they're naked and get their menstruation

well it should also be ok to be erected in public
women can hide it to easily

actually it's JPEG error analysis, you just compress the image again and highlight areas which change

What the fuck it the point then? Jesus Christ. "Let's all get naked!!" "But for literally no sexual reason, but instead because... who the fuck knows."

Usually you just put on some panties.

Well it feels fucking good, to run around and swim naked

Are you telling me unironically, that in nudist communities hooking up is not far more common than in non-nudist communities.

That would be the most retarded thing I have heard of.

I want the world to become a sex uthopia where everyone is naked and orgies happen at every corner

Not in Austria at least. I was driving a boat with my dad on a lake and we took a quick de tour to check out the nude beach. Looked like a few people at least had clothes on

>Around children

tampons with the strings pushed in, or menstrual cups
freebleeders are degenerate

Na I did'nt say that
It depends on the people

It feels good. Try it some time, at the very least you should be sleeping naked. Sleeping in clothing is stupid and makes no sense.

I want the world to become a gun utopia where everyone is armed and shooting happen at every corner

nice pic, post more this cum dump

I bet you goto sauna in swimming trunks
You colossa faggot