>there are people who ACTUALLY BELIEVE that sub-saharran africa cant build high-tech, modern cities
There are people who ACTUALLY BELIEVE that sub-saharran africa cant build high-tech, modern cities
Other urls found in this thread:
> South Africa is not sub-saharan you nigger fucking fagget.
> White built South Africa. Before whites, it was just another nigger shithole.
they didn't build that
This level of retard is why
>american education
Yeah, try taking a casual stroll around there after dark. (or before dark for that matter)
Good point OP.
The problem is Africans, not Africa.
Kill the boons and repopulate.
We built South Africa you dense cunt.
SOUTH Africa is SOUTH of the saharran dessert you retarded spic
You didn't acknowledge his second point, which is that niggers didn't nuild shit on SA
>high tech, modern city
Once a thriving western city, now a crime infested ghetto.
We have to build new cites because they are so dangerous. Why do you think the success story of South Africa is never mentioned when idiots go on about diversity.
See Sandton, Umhlanga and Cape Town.
Truly the worst are American Niggers, they refuse to go back to Africa because they have it easy, and lo and behold if the continental niggers manage to do anything, the unproductive yank niggers act like they have achieved also, being a buck from africa must be true suffering.
Go ching and chong yourself back to china
the average IQ of the entire continent is somewhere around 80. they're incapable of doing anything meaningful for themselves, and nobody will ever invest in africa without ripping them off in the process. we should just let ebola or something just as deadly wipe them all out so the resources of africa could be used to help support the rest of the world. africa will never be shit with a couple hundred million africans squatting on it.
Is that Pretoria?
The only thing modern about that city is it has loads of niggers running around raping and killing
Also built by whites so your point is invalid
no its Johannesburg
some streets there are now literal garbage dumps and most buildings are empty or falling apart. Most of those skyscrapers were built by apartheid government 1960-1970 and maintained until nogs took over, since then there's hardly been anything built there exceeding 20 floors. In the 'new' city hub Sandton all they seem to be doing is constructing masses of crap futuristic looking low rise buildings all owned by private companies..
But they didn't
why is there always two people riding one bike?
>nigs building anything ever
Hell, even the commie blocks of china and the soviet union are greater than african's will ever achieve.
This has to be bait, burgers can't possibly be this retarded.
>sub = south of
america please
so you're just retarded
With time they will.
wow so dangerous...
at least they are on the correct side of the road.
Where did they get all that gravel?
i used to live in sandton. it was a nice place. rest of south africa was a shithole though
Traveled there twice on business more britbongs there than in central London...
So yeah, probably white man designed and built.