Redpill me on the age of consent. Should it be highered or lowered?
Redpill me on the age of consent. Should it be highered or lowered?
Does it even matter Germany? You're going to let your women get raped anyways
It should be abolished.
All sex outside marriage should be considered rape, no matter her age.
Girls should be married good and young to a man her father chose for her.
And also get that fucking slut bitch ouf of. Here
you make too much sense
I'm pretty sure you're baiting, but I'm not entirely sure so I'm going to give you a (You); just incase
Who is this? I would literally lick her asshole
Hey Ahmed
Whay about you think is bait?
Are you a fag?
Can't make too much sense
It's fine as it is desu
Jordyn Jones, one of those nasty slut "dance" whores. How could you like that bitch?
Whoa there Sarjeet.
It should be 14 end of story
It's low number will force parents to actually stay interested in the people their children interact with and might help get nigger culture(and as a result sex culture) eradicated.
Now that being said
Jordyn Jones' parents should be beaten,raped, bloodied, and killed by a mob for what they did to that poor little girl.
They fucked that little girl's life for good
Lowered, but only for men of African or Middle-Eastern descent.
why the fuck do you care about the age of consent anyway? i doubt you'd ever score with a 15-18 year old anyway
Higher > 21 yo.
The state has no place inside an individual bedroom. Had a great dream today in which a loli lured me into another loli's bedroom and we had consensual sex.
This guy actually makes sense, but I'd like to add that there should be a proper age for consummation of marriage, you can't just fuck a 14 year old girl because you're married to her.
Pedos are what killed society and your kind should literally be burned at the stake
No age of consent.... If Bleeds BREEDS....
She's 16, we can fuck that.
Report and sage all pedo spam
>i doubt you'd ever score with a 15-18 year old
Lowered definetly
And that will literally condemn the White race to extinction
Should be raised to 35, or else it is rape
You fucking idiot memers this is what your ancestors have done for centuries and you dare attributing it to Muslims? You're shitting on your history.
She's already fucked at least 3 niggers sir
>pedos have been an open part of society for all of human history
>the last few decades which have had the harshest anti pedo sentiment are also the decades that have seen society brought to its lowest moral point
Fucking kek
>you can't just fuck a 14 year old girl because you're married to her.
Why the fuck not? And without consummation they're not truly married.
It should be locked in at 16 years old nationally.
>The youngest Queen Consort was the wife of Richard II. Isabella of Valois married him when she was 6.
I think 14 is fine
It's fine where it is unless you're within a few years of the age. It's a law that should be interpreted based on whether the victim is being exploited. A 19 year would be much less likely to be exploiting a 17 year old than a 40 year old would be, for example.
reddit newfags, you will come to realize this is the truth eventually.
you're in every age of consent thread
how big is your folder of prepubescent girls?
do you even post about anything other than how pedophilia should be legal?
or is age of consent literally the only political issue you care about?
genuinely curious senpai
21 and under can date 16 and over.
I like them broken in.
I'd fuck that little girl good for life if you catch my meme
15-16 makes sense. 18+ is just dumb.
in all honesty it should be 14
Isn't the age of consent 14 in Germany?
moar liek teh mystery of dem fluids rite?!?!?!
Kill yourself, you pedo.
I was fucking 14-15 year olds until i was 25.
YOU can't fuck teenage girls cause half of them have dicks by then.
>B-but that doesn't count
>it was just a political marriage
>how big is your folder of prepubescent girls
Pretty good size. Mostly lots of pictures of girls with guns. But I have to usevthis othervthing now so can't post them. That's why only these pictures.
>do you even post about anything other than how pedophilia should be legal?
Yeah, I've been awake too long to specifically say w
That's horrible.
You should kill yourselfsince yoy raped those girls like that.
Why? What's wrong with liking little girls? They're so small and cute.
Pedos have been allowed to operate in private for centuries and the fact that you say it's alright means you need to join them on the pyre faggot
Even though girls between the ages of 14-19 make me the hardest, I must admit that we are better off leaving it as is or raising it.
Teens make the dumbest decisions and are naive as shit. The less decision making rights they have the better.
Their parents didn't seem to mind.
>what difference does lowering the age of consent make anyway? pedo's and teens and rapists will do what they want like they always have...laws make no difference's social morality that needs to be raised again.
>>it was just a political marriage
Not legal unless consummated
There are records of divorced 9 year olds
It should be entirely up to the girl's father.
I wonder what her Asshole taste like...
Women are not supposed to make important decisions. They are vessels for children and follow the lead of their male husband. They may give advice and offer ideas but they are to ultimately follow the decisions of the husband.
All instances of marriage in the Icelandic sagas have been young women getting married to often young, but older men to strengthen peace between families. I quote the wife of Njáll Þorgeirsson: Bergþóra Skarphéðinsdóttir. When asked if she'd want to come out of the burning wreckage of their home: "I was given to my husband a young girl, where one walks, both shall walk."
Do you want feminist whores in your society? No? Do you want loyal, child-bearing, honorable wives? Well then the way of your ancestors, the way it has been done for MILLENIA is the way to fucking go, you complete degenerates.
Sometimes I think this is the way, but the only people that I still see practicing this are gypsies, its a sad day when gypsies are less degenerate than the whites.
>What's wrong with liking littlw girls?
Evolutionarily, adults find children cute because it makes them less likely to kill them. This is the case with most species. However, sexually, liking children is unnatural because they haven't developed yet, and they aren't fertile yet. Men are naturally attracted to women with bigger breasts, wider hips, and proper fat distribution, none of which girls before puberty have.
tl;dr: you're as degenerate as a faggot, but even more so because since children don't understand consent, you're also a rapist if you fuck them.
Meant to reply to this one.
holy shit, I just realized my gf does exactly what you said.
Yeah I'm with you on this, if you are explaining the birds and the bees right before, your probably a Pedo degenerate who cannot get women his age.
the case for making the age of consent 12:
Girls on average hit puberty between their 12th and 13th birthdays. If they don't know enough about sex to make semi-rational decisions about what they do with their own bodies at 12 then they damn well should. Whether it's a good idea or not for 12 year olds to have sex, it doesn't change the fact that most of them want to and many of them will actually do it - this so called 'natural innocence' on which age of consent laws were based is fiction.
Sex is such a personal thing that the choice should always be left to the person whose body it is where possible, like consenting to medical procedures. The government shouldn't have the right to tell even someone as young as 12 what they can legally do with their bodies or who they can do it with. As for age-gap laws, we might find it more creepy if a 12 year old is fucked by a 40 year old as opposed to an 18 year old, but objectively is 40 year old dick any worse for 12 year olds than 18 year old dick?
Yes, 12 year olds aren't adults, but they are considered old enough to be held criminally responsible when they break the law, unlike, say, 6 year olds. How can a 12 year old be adult enough to be tried for murder, but not be capable of consenting to sex? The law already recognises the distinction between children and adolescents, so why can't the age-of-consent laws reflect this?
This doesn't mean that teenagers under 18 should be able to do whatever the hell they want - if the parents of a 14 year old don't want her seeing a 30 year old then they're perfectly entitled to get a restraining order. But there's a difference between being arrested for violating a restraining order and being arrested for rape. Parents are entitled to tell their children who they can and can't see if they feel it's necessary, but a 30 year old who has sex with a 12 year old shouldn't be labelled a rapist, and imprisoned as such, for perfectly consensual sex.
Yeah, mate, I was just sayingwhat antus would say.
Their fathers definitely minded you raping their daughters. You're just trying to justify your crime.
>The less decision making rights they have the better.
Well, yeah, girls aren't supposed to make important decisions. That's why she has a man in her life to make important decisions for her.
Excellent point. But male teens are also dumb as fuck so my statement still stands...
Unless an adult male can convince a young girl's parents to consent to him fucking her, then i guess its OK.
>Women are not supposed to make important decisions.
Could you prove me women haven't the same brain as men ? Enverybody don't think with genitals organs.
A thousand times this
>Using royal marriages to back up your argument.
There was still an age that it was considered okay to consumate the marriage, and it wasn't six. Marriages like hers were rarely permitted, but in those cases, they still waited until one or both were older, (Isabella didn't have her first child until 17).
Royal marriages were mostly opportunism for lower nobility, and political and strategic for higher nobility. Isabella's marriage was purely a political move in an attempt to bring an end to the Hundred Years War. It most likely wouldn't have happened like that otherwise.
This reeks of monetary cohersion.
As a result of both the huge amounts of hormones in today's food and the unlimited access to information on the internet and from their internet connected peers, children today are maturing much faster than previous generations, both physically and mentally. Because of this, we have to stop treating kids as if they're oblivious to what sex is, and I mean this on both sides of the equation. I don't know if I would say a set age, but kids shouldn't be afraid to talk about sex with their parents to the point of denying consent and causing rape allegations (and this happens to other kids as well, not adults), matter of fact, it should be the PARENTS who are not afraid to talk to their children. Keeping them in the dark about something they'll will eventually learn on their iPhone only makes it taboo, more enticing. I think people should start having the sex talk with their kids much younger, let them know exactly what it's for and what it feels like, what the consequences are, such as getting an std, becoming pregnant and ruining their lives, or becoming manipulated by someone older, that way instead of having to learn a hard lesson on their own, they already know better, and there's no reason to keep their, if even existing, sexual activity a secret from their parents. I think the age of consent should be based on two things from each party, consent and intent.
raised, not highered, you fucking moron
higher or lower
>becoming pregnant and ruining their lives
Just like your mum did then?
Fuck off with your femspeak faggot
There are various scientific subjects on gender difference in brains. Google it, but be careful and remember that psychology is not a real science, and that even studies done by neuroscientists should always be taken with a grain of salt - science is polluted by the political correctness of gender equality and you should always keep that in mind.
There is also the practical aspect - women excel in certain areas(not looking at individual cases, but as statistical trends). Men are better at math and science related subjects while women are better at psychology, literature, and the like. Again, there will be individuals who do not follow this pattern but society doesn't work on an individual level.
Like a tasty white pink virgin asshole. Delicious
I meant pregnant as a teenager, I should have elaborated
Stop kidding me with your buzz articles.
If her age is on the clock
Not Jordyn "hobag" jones. Her holes taste used amd worn out.
Teen pregnancy is good. It's unweec pregnancy that's bad.
She's ready for cock
You mean facts, reason and evidence?
Are you a women? Cause only women ignore facts if it hurts their feelings.
I saw that, but is there proof it was actually consummated? Nobility could get away with a bunch of extrajudicial shit, you just needed the right people to keep their mouths shut, and as a king or queen, that could be easily achieved. Both Richard II and Isabella's father wanted an end to the war, two people as powerful as they were with the same goal could achieve just lying that it happened, to help end the war and deter further hostilities.
Getting pregnant in highschool is bad you moron. How do you even defend that? All four of the girls who got knocked up in my senior class dropped out. Please rationalize this for me.
It's already 16 in over half the states. That chick is also 16 and I'm assuming you want to fuck girls like that.
If you want to fuck young women (as in grown and flowered as was the tradition for hundreds of years), you best be within 5 years of their age.
Isn't the saying in France "If there is hair in the pit, and her hygiene is shit, then on my eifle tower she can le sit"
At 6 I'd probably agree it wasn't consummated till later.
However for a marriage to be legal before God - and we are talking about a deeply Christian era - i.e they believed in it - it had to be consummated.
It was one of the few grounds for divorce the Church would accept if the husband did not sleep with his wife.
>All four of the girls who got knocked up in my senior class dropped ou
Do, do you really think the guy advocating arranged child marriage would think girls should be in high school?
Females should not be anywhere near schools. What the hell would girls need schooling for? All the womanly skills she needs her mother can teach her.
Women shouldn't be in high-school, period. Women are not men, and by that time, they should have a husband and children. Don't apply modern degeneracy to this, those girls got knocked up because they're whores, pure and simple, knocked up by stupid teenage boys that have zero commitments and no wisdom to lead their woman forward.
Psycho, statistics ? It's rather ancerstral customs where women forced by political correctness to be pregnant.
Your buzz articles may be resumed in social network with some words. Quality = bad.
Stop kidding me with it. I know how some of women are ready to be kids-factories. In my town, all girls I met in school have children, in order to have allocations. You should see these women fulfilled in calculations.
Would you turn this chick down? She has her own money, is of age, and has a job. Is it degenerate to date her?
And, y'know, hell, what is you got to do for it to be considered consummated? If you just need to get a bit of the tip in there's no reason not to immediately.