what is Sup Forums's rationale for being anti-LGBTQ+?
What is Sup Forums's rationale for being anti-LGBTQ+?
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He looks a lot better with the darker hair.
Still a raging pathetic homo tho.
I'm not "anti", I just want them to acknowledge and seek the help that they need.
LGB is fine. T less so.
What does the Q stand for?
Milo is the reason I hate fags and wish they would all die
Because they're just a step away from giving pedophiles their rights. If it's okay to be a homosexual, shouldn't it be okay to be a pedophile also? It's the jews way of destroying western white societies. They push gay propaganda in white middle schools for children 7-12 years old, yet they do no such thing for their own children.
The faggots themselves are not the problem. There have always been faggots, and faggots will continue to be born, barring some kind of new gene therapy or brainwashing techniques.
The problem is a society's acceptance of faggots.
Once a society decides faggots are okay, it's evidence that they no longer believe in or care about their own future. That they've lost their expansive energy and the next generation is no longer important.
Sound familiar?
nobody wants... nobody likes...
...dykes, dykes dykes
homosexuals and bisexuals i'm alright with but only because of how much i think the others should be gassed, the degenerates literally make homos acceptable by comparison
Can't reproduce
we should try to cure them not "accept" them
Bunch of degenerate fucks. I can accept gay but transgender is disgusting and a mental disease, mutilating your body shouldn't be viewed as normal.
I have plenty of gay friends and colleagues that never get in-your-face gay and aren't attention whores. They don't need sjws to fight for them or a pride parade. I've never been against homos when they keep it to themselves and probably never will despite what some /pol tards have to say about it.
The thing is I have never seen anything good come out of what follows the B.
TQ+ is a phenomenon that's almost impossible to find here and is utterly degenerate. I've never heard of a man that wants to dress girly. Probably a mental illness + propaganda.
not anti LGB (it's really just GB, lesbians are homosexual)
only anti TQ. usual reasons for T, "queer" is just a bunch of special snowflakes who didn't get enough attention.
Why blame jews? they're locked up in Israel and they know better. What's fucking up is the retarded liberals who want to be more and more tolerating and progressive.
Why? Because now that Q has been added to the end, some of us expect to see a U because Q is always followed by U, not the symbol +.
Knowing this, we can project beyond U and see that more and more letters will be added to the bastardized acronym. We see that it will not end until they have chewed up the entire alphabet.
Fuck off libetard
is this real
Fuck off Schlomo.
>J-j-jews are innocent
Yes, google it
I'm not claiming that. I was asking a legitimate question
apparently, it's LGBTQIA now.
They should just keep it to LGB
T is mentality ill, QIA are tumblrflakes
1:22 in the video, brah
Every form of life trys to reproduce and to improve.
If a form of life isnt able to reproduce it is physicly ill.
If he mentally doesnt want to reproduce he is mentally ill.
mentally ill people are bad.
Faggots and lessys dont want to reproduce because they dont want sex with the opposite gender.
So they are mentally ill
In human societys the best childhood is achieved by two parrents that love eachother and the child.
The two parrents love each other best if they didnt have any partners before.
If you are bi and only have a partner of opposite gender and have a child with him/her,
Well thats ok, but you cant be considered bi anymore.
If you dont do that, you are a degenerate because you ruined the good condition for your child.
Trans, well that is obviously a mental illness because your mental condition doesnt match your physical condition.
I have no idea what queer is, but I guess its some sort of degeneration. And degeneration is allways bad because it harms children.
Hoever if you are a lgbtq and contribute to society in some positive way without showing your gayness, you are accepted but you are mentally ill anyway.
>what is Sup Forums's rationale for being anti-LGBTQ+?
I'm not, I'm in favour of personal freedom, if someone wants to sucks dicks consensually that's his freedom.
>faggots allways will be born
well guess what other mental illnesses to, like pedophiles etc.
not an argument.
there is also genetic faggotry.
James Watson said that it is possible to detect it before birth and abort the little faggot.
because of these lbgt fucks a few weeks ago i had an old lady yell at me and my fiance for being lesbians. for real? a few years ago i only HEARD about a faggot when i was in school and now we have marches everywhere and this is exacerbating the communist fucks' jabs at everyone. i had to beat my way through years of pathetic attempts at abuse for having long hair and now this movement convinces old people i'm a lesbian butch? at least it was funny to see her turn pale when i started yelling with my baritone...
I agree with this.
The thing I've noticed is that the gay rights/transgender rights movement is really just a front for horny people wanting to fuck indiscriminately. Modern hippies. The concept disgusts me, and it's mostly women who have these fucked up ideals, but flocks of men will do anything to look good in the eyes of women. Today's degeneracy is the result of letting women off of their leashes in the 20th century.
>i had to beat my way through years of pathetic attempts at abuse for having long hair
Or you could get short haircut
they're just as fucked in the heads as feminists. they demand equality but expect special treatment. both are net losses for society as a whole.
not really anti-lgbbq
just want them to stay in their own little faghuts and be degenerate in private
why do we need one?
>spend time to think why faggots etc suck
>find good answers
>see exactly the same question on Sup Forums
>write down as short as possible
>mfw when noone is intrested and instead says some irrational and mainly emotional crap
So, when the 30th comes and goes with no antichrist, will he forfeit his gay ass hat?
i'm anti-PC. if that means i gota call you a faggot, so be it.
Special snowflakes.
>Faggots and lessys dont want to reproduce because they dont want sex with the opposite gender.
>So they are mentally ill
I'm straight, but I don't want kids. Does that mean I am mentally ill?
You are a mentally ill piece of shit degenerate, yeah. Or more likely, an immature underage who should get off Sup Forums.
Enjoy spending all your money trying to raise kids who will grow up to resent you. I'll enjoy my peace and quiet, thanks.
I don't give a solitary shit about the special snowflakes. Let people do what makes them happy, so long as they're not hurting someone else (consensually). All this lgbt nonsense becomes an issue when people start demanding special treatment for doing fuck all
What was Hitler's? Doesn't matter as long as they die. Do not listen to the socially liberal arguments of a literal faggot kike.
good job helping extermine the white race, you selfish bastard.
You are a racetraitor just so you know.
no, its worse then that.
read here
enjoy dying alone and forgotten, retard.
>hurrrrrrrrrrrrrr! ahm aahn encompetent reeeetahhhd, I ain't gots no able to raise kids!
QQ more faggot. Maybe if you cucks weren't so fucking cucked, your women wouldn't be coal burners
I'll be happy until my last days.
I could do it just fine. I just choose not too. I prefer to spend my money and time on things I want to do. Stay mad.
as a g , i gotta agree
Cripes this thread i leave for 5 minutes after 10 hours and just so much cock and balls. I blame the weird proxy used in the OP and the fact he "puts" the + and the q
a bullet for every childless 40 year old or should it be 35?
LGB is subjective attraction (unless you want to argue for the biological imperative, but fuck population growth in an already oversaturated planet, fags can't reproduce anyway so if it's actually a genetic thing they'll die off regardless)
T is literally denying the truth of the core composition of all the trillions of cells in your body. It's either brain disease or a desperate plea for attention
As someone who is bi, I'm disgusted that I'm lumped in with the LGBT crowd, people who base their entire personality around their sexuality. Pride parades piss me off because I thought the rationale was to show the rest of the world that LGBT people are not freaks and degenerates, but instead they walk around in public naked with buttplugs up their asses in front of children. These parades are the reason that plenty of people are still disgusted with the LGBT community, and I don't fucking blame them.
Welp, sounds like you aren't killing any black then, because they ALL have kids by 25.
Im not for the most part.
I just don't believe in transsexualism.
Not to say, if you acknowledge the fact you were born and biologically programmed to be a guy, but you'd rather dress up like a girl for kicks that's cool.
That's bullshit.
Its funny that if more extreme forms of degeneracy apear the less extreme ones(that are also degeneracy) get accepted.
But that is obviously not the way to go. Dont be bi, think about life.
No, Watson said he'd be in favor of allowing mothers to abort fag fetuses if a 100% accurate prenatal gaydar were ever invented.
There appears to be a genetic component to homosexuality, or at least susceptibility to homosexuality. But that certainly isn't the whole story, because there's only about 25% faggotry concordance in male identical twins- way, way less than just about any other trait you can measure (IQ, personality traits, etc.)
Don't get me wrong, I want to marry a woman and have kids, but I just approach things the ancient Greek way, I'd fuck a dude if he had a nice butt or is aesthetically pleasing, but I don't base my whole life around being bi. It's honestly a rather minute aspect of my lifestyle.
for the reason of most of their specimens being obnoxious attention craving twats. milo yanopopopolus included
LGB is degeneracy that should probably be accepted but in no way encouraged in a free society.
TQ+ is a mental illness. these People need help by a psychiatrist and none in a society with any sanity should find it acceptable that sex changes happen.
LGB is fine. Being attracted to men is the same as having any other fetish. I don't get why sexualities and fetishes are even separate things.
The T is mental illness.
>1 post by this ID
Having morals and recognizing nature.
did you read this allready?
oh, thank you.
I'm alright with the LGB as long as they keep it to themselves but the TQ crowd needs a trip to adolfs signature weight loss camps. Mental illness needs to be treated like any other illnesses and actually be addressed, trans and queers need help. Post op suicide rates and pre op suicides are preventable if we could just treat them the same way we do scizo's.
the dating pool is smaller and all these faggots dont want marriage 4 life so the women become sluts which leaves me without a virgin holding my dick in my hand
being of liberal minded, they shake the foundations of the current order and as such are part of THE JEWS plan to kill all humans and make the dolphins raign supreme.
personally, i just don't like how us pedophiles are excluded.
Why isn't it SLGTBQ?
Slug tub Q?
>implying LGB are not mentaly ill
>hero of Sup Forums is raging homosexual who admitted having lost virginity to gay priest when he was 14
Bu-but mexican scientists just said it isn't a mental disease
You fucking assholes, I don't give a flying piece of horseshit who you fuck as long as you keep it to yourselves.
LGBT are cancerous attention whores who deserve to die a quick death to put them out of their misery.
Let me elaborate on this, they want to be applauded on every little thing and society keeps stroking their 「feminine dicks」 as to how progressive and brave they are instead of getting them the help they need.
I don't have a problem with gays or trans people, but I have a problem with people who want to force others to "acknowledge them" just because they're muh speshul snohfleiks.
Do I try to force my heterosexuality on other people? Fuck no, I don't. That's why I hate people who rub their lgbt-BS in other peoples' faces.
I've never met a tolerant LGBT person and probably never will, since they are too busy playing oppressed victim.
I hope this trend of LGBT will die out as people grow out of tumblr.
because pol aligns more closely with sharia law than it does western law
What I don't understand is why SJWs so vehemently want to keep T from being a mental illness. Autism is a mental illness, and yet you don't see RIGHT WING DEATH SQUADS going around Einsatzgrupping tards.
If they did, Sup Forums would have to close down
Faggots like Milo
It's a legal activity and becoming more social acceptable.
Soon we will see more public displays of affection from the gay community and there is simply nothing you can do about it but cry here on Sup Forums
>t. faggot
Define mental illness
>Feeling the urge to chop off your dick and dress like a woman
>Not a mental illness
pick one
Sexuality is a private matter and should not be the theme of any public movement.
I'm not. Seek middle ground and compromise and you can appease both sides of the spectrum rather than either side collectively destroying each other.
Just approach things with common sense.
It destabilizes society.
Because I had nothing but bad experiences with the association. My gay friends are fine. 2 comic/anime conventions dealing with these guys and I feel nothing but burning hate whenever they're involved.
But the overly-emotional, everything is offensive and a big deal shit that the LGwhatever operate on and accusing you at every turn of oppressing them makes me want to just drop kick them. That's not even going into LGBT lesbians and their hate for their bisexual girlfriends. Anyone want to hear that?
Because I am just for the G. None of those other people matter
When people say fuck dykes, do they mean tomboys too?
a form of life is mentally ill if it permenantly acts against nature.
It's LGBTQQIP2SAA you shitlord. Check yourself.
Aren't all humans mentally ill by that definition? i mean really, clothes? knife and fork? showbiz?
Faggots fuck off
Homosexuality is unnatural and disgusting
What the actual fuck, man.
This is your fault, btw. You couldn't control the world like a classy dictator and had to shoe this shit on us.
Dammit, Israel, District of Palestine. Just... Just go, man.