"Just learn a trade user"

Is this trade school thing I keep reading about here just a meme or is there truth to it?

I always figured college was a scam and I'm starting to worry if I'll even be able to find work after I finish (I'm working on a Masters in education to help stop the indoctrination from the source).

Is it true that I should say fuck it and go into masonry or something? I read about how we're having to take in Mexicans and loos just to fill 70k/year trade jobs.

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>being teacher in america

bump for interest


Listen to the britbong, user. Unless you are lucky to get into the top tier of public schools, you're going to be stressed, underpaid, overworked, and unappreciated. Hell, my wife was lucky enough to get into a great public school and still suffers 3/4 of those. You're pretty deep into your education to start over on a new degree so, yeah, look into alternates, trades are always good. Real estate brokerage is pretty solid, too.

Take a look at:

Trades isn't a meme. There are decent paying jobs for a person just graduating highschool. More so if Trump is elected and people breaking the law to be here are sent back home.

The pay isn't bad. About 45k at a minimum in conservative states and as much as 90k in liberal states.

My major is special education though. I want to work with autists who are predisposed to not giving a fuck about the status quo first to learn what works and move my way up into having a seat within the Department of Education.

You earn more in liberal states?

if you have the autism, being a CNC Machinist is good. you work hours when nobody is around. its pretty safe and doesn't grind you down like some trades.

I make some phat cash for a highschool dropout, if marxist academia isn't your thing there's nothing wrong with learning a trade.

The problem is women don't have the strength necessary to lead a class. Men were proven to be 60% less stressed out with their work as professors than women.

Liberal states direct far more funding into public education than conservative states.

it's better than teaching pub school kids I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
grammar schools

What he meant to say was:

>a teacher will earn more in a rich, white suburb than in an inner city school or a very rural area

mmh, I'll look into that.

>being teacher in japan
>no skills required, just know some english
>fresh lolis every day

Go for HVAC, automotive, or welding. Electrician can make some nice money once you get your own business and can talk yourself up and lowball for contracts. You might also want to mention giving kickbacks to ensure you get contracts. Plumbing is dirty fucking work but you can charge high prices.

Handyman sucks since there are all sorts of fucking codes and permits needed for generic repairs and/or homeowners are annoying as fuck wanting things absolutely perfect. You can get stuck on a job for weeks when it was supposed to be a few days because some bitch homeowner wants absolutely perfect colored wood floors but refuses to understand wood takes stain differently.

Teaching is good if you can deal with being a substitute for a few years until a spot opens for a permanent position. Private tutoring pays shit unless its a decent family. Of course, crawling under houses can suck, but it keeps you healthy through exercise. It also speeds up arthritis.

>thought every idealistic 20-something with dreams of changing the system.

If you're retarded enough to want to teach special ed, that's all you'll ever do. Maybe advance to head of a department or university position.
If you want to get political, you need to be involved in the political scene yesterday, work in inner city, disadvantaged schools, and pray to Moloch every dawn that you get noticed and advanced.

My mother and Uncle were both special ed teachers in the Northeast. Uncle is now a professor, mother ran her own school before retiring after being squashed by administration again and again

It isn't. You'd actually be surprised to learn what inner city teachers make. Inner cities bring the statewide average down so the state has taken the habit of shoving most of their funds into them hoping it'll make a difference (it doesn't). Also the demand for inner city teachers is insane.

You're right about rural teachers though. There isn't a need for high salaries in rural areas anyway.

living costs are also higher

I am a welding instructor at the local community college, I take a lot of pride in sending my students to work with union/ non union boilermakers or pipefitters. most of which are 18-20 when they are hired. I'd say the average most all of my students make is around 120-140K first year.

Pro tip, when it comes to most trades, the internet is always wrong about pay scales, if you want a honest answer go to your nearest school and speak with the teacher.

Double pro tip, if you decide to go into welding. Don't bother with any instructor who can't tube weld.

I'm going off of Illinois, so I guess your mileage may vary.

Chicago is broke. There is a pension crisis for their teachers.

When I say crisis, I mean $60 billion is owed to teachers that we don't have.

It's only good if you can find an apprenticeship, and it's only valuable if there are any jobs available after your apprenticeship.

Not exactly how it works here.

I'm an english teacher in Korea.

People who are shitty, spoiled, sheltered and obsessed with prestige all while being both incredibly vacuous and intellectually incurious.

I'm hoping to jump ship and tutor kids on the lsat.

Higher education is mostly a joke.

>get a trade so you can work like a dog and smell like shit to be middle class
No thx
I'll get my engineering degree and design the machines you use

I've got a boilermaker friend. He can get a job pretty much anywhere he goes but he barely makes above minimum wage even though it's a pretty rough job.

Still need some kind of teaching/English degree. There's no end to the amount of weebs trying to be ESL teachers in Asia.

>bureau of labor statistics

You only get to pick one.

Those fucktarded bureaucrats will play around with numbers until they get the results they want.

Hello fellow engineer bro

Im assuming youre gonna go into mechanical?

predicting the future is a tough job user, especially since major happenings can occur

Watch my digits, happening happens right fucking now

I make 40 $/hr to perform maintenance on Apple buildings in Cupertino. Only went to community college for 1 year, been in the trade a lil over 3. I like my job desu

What trade did you go for? Welder?

Also, tfw i keep trying to keep this thread alive but its dying

BTS ou bac pro?

how much do you make?

Using a cross pein to hammer a framing nail

Yeah and we get to tell you that whatever you designed won't work/won't fit on the machine, because you only work on paper.
It's a sweet feeling.

I did HVAC. I enjoy the work and there is a large variety of equipment I get to work on and tools i get to use. I got lucky enough to get into a union and im a 3rd year apprentice.

Neither. Formation adulte.

I get it trades are good.
But which trades are the best?
How easy is it to get into this stuff and make it a career?

I'm an ROV operator/technician and I haven't had a contract in a fucking year.
Fucking OPEC and Obamas pandering ass to the faggot ass clean energy milleniuls.

I'm gonna head in for NDF and if the pay rumours are true it looks like it's 60k a year year 1 and only going up from there. Only other trade that's close is train conducting and that one is insane cause it makes 70k year 1 and 120k by year 5.

Any construction bros know about surveying on the private side? I'm currently doing it in the Air Force and I'll be getting out in a couple of years. All of those shitty online 'salary estimators' are different. I expect to start out as a Land Surveyor II at least (since I have 4ish years experience now, 6 when I get out) making 45kish.

I recommend it to any autismo who's obsessed with numbers and mapping stuff out.

Trades are memes. I make 100k straight out of college.

I fell into Painting/Decorating recently after losing an office job and not wanting another one. I know it's an entry level trade but the pay is good and every day is different. Fuck office work.

Go for it OP

I work residential as a junior cheif and make about 40k, less than a year exp. It's cush af

Nice, you most do conventional surveys or GPS stuff? I've also heard rumors that in the private sector you have to physically record all shots taken in a notebook for legal reasons. Is that true?



Why wouldn't you want to be tan and stronk?

I dont think i've ever read something dumber. I work outside and yeah wearher can be a bitch but its nothing to call hell you limp wristed sissy buffoon

He's a leaf. Those winters actually can be pretty hellish. A frenchie can't understand cold.

Good luck with that, engineering is such a saturated market right now that you'll probably get some shitty office job doing 5s.