Hey, Sup Forums, what do you think about "russian Sup Forums's" in VK?
They're posting a stupid memes and call themselves an "imageboards"(and a lot of russian kids think this is real and original Sup Forums)
Hey, Sup Forums, what do you think about "russian Sup Forums's" in VK?
Other urls found in this thread:
There is already a russian Sup Forums, and it's not in VK.
But im about stupid VK-publics.
I don't get that logo meme
Kinda webpunk(they think that is).
I think I'll go post photos of my cock on 2ch.hk now. I forgot that place existed.
Actually I think I'll make it black cocks
they're pretty good memes desu
proxyrusnya, is that you?
Hope newrussian fivhters will find u and cut ur head off
>asking here about a community in russian Facebook
Here comes dat pidorashque.
But don't derail my thread.
Remove underscores
wait they dont actually have russiaboo image boards?
We should redpill them?
>Those Adidas shoes on special forces
c'OMON man
We have, like russian 2ch, or IIchan, or sum more, but much smaller boards.
But here is a lot of "hikki" and "Sup Forumstards" who doesnt even visit any imageboard, but visiting "Sup Forums's", "2ch's" and "0chan's" in VK.
It's sad that no one has the motivation to make an improved imageboard format from Sup Forums's design.
Everything seems to be headed for social media singularity with Facebook and Twitter and then Reddit for everything else making up 99.9% of the audience's web attentionspan.
none of these are funny and ruskies are slimy and uncivilised
There was one guy, but his AIB now in coma.
That's because it looks terrible when you update the design of Sup Forums. April 1st showed that.
We have. That retard is just got butthurt that russian Facebook is cancer.
Go back to sosach, subhuman. Liberast scum posting cancer shitty groups in cancer social nerwork. Seems legit
Hey, why i am retard?
Go fap sum more on your emperor.
And again, don't derail my thread, it's not for liberashka vs pidorashka discuss.
Just let them be the uneducated tards they want to be. It's better they stay there rather than flood Sup Forums with Russian since they likely believe they're too good for this world to actually use English.
Maybe you're right, but i'm sad to see how my country transforms into paddock for dummies.
Also, if they won't know about even russian aib's, there will be no fresh blood.
That video doesn't really tell me anything///
Well, I'm not talking about slapping on Web 3.0 design philosophies on Sup Forums when they don't even mesh well. I'm talking about something like making catalog view better and fixing its deficiencies like adding more information and actually showing other posts rather than the OP so it can replace the standard old post view for good, deciding how to let recurrent threads and spontaneous on-topic threads coexist without using generals and overemphasizing the former, etc.
A lot of these tiny deficiencies in Sup Forums design need a lot of reinvention to deal with how the web evolved and how to best take advantage of the evolution and incorporating it into the website while adhering to what makes an imageboard an imageboard. It seems a lot like a pipe dream so I doubt it will ever happen. A lot of things would have to go right for something like that to happen and we have a shortage of getting a ton of things right these days.
Sage, report. Hope you will beheaded soon. We need terror
are Russians open to Australian tourists?
>That video doesn't really tell me anything///
There was a very technologically improved imageboard(relatively), they're have a lot of good features, fresh design. But now it's disabled.
One of 0chan's clones on pic.
Formally yes, but it's dangerous to be anyone but not russian here.
Go terror your dog, faggot.
We need a peace and more intelligent goverment.
And stop derailing, olka.
Public groups in russian social network took names of popular imgaeboards and spead """""memes""""" through it. Absolutely disgusting cancer.
>Formally yes, but it's dangerous to be anyone but not russian here.
Yeah I've heard a lot of Russians aren't to fond of tourists. I'd like to visit one day though
I can leave you my fakemail, you'll ask whatever you want to.
Just take look at scum.
He won't be a human, he's just a stupid piece of meat which wants just one - war.
In big cities, Russians are open to any kind of tourists. Especially ones who are willing to drink.
Tы peтapд, пoтoмy чтo oчeвиднo, чтo в coцceтях cидят пpeимyщecтвeннo имбeцилы. И этo нe пpoблeмa кoнкpeтнo Poccии.
>There was a very technologically improved imageboard(relatively), they're have a lot of good features, fresh design. But now it's disabled.
One of 0chan's clones on pic.
Oh, yeah, wasn't it you could post Videoes as an OP, upload a ton more image formats than JPG, GIF and PNG? That was a while back though.
I'm sorry to hear it died.
You can do all this with user scripts.
>tfw no irina gf
>an improved imageboard format from Sup Forums's design.
Well, I live in Moscow and I think nobody really gives a fuck about tourists. Some people will even find you interesting. Except, maybe, taxi drivers who will try to trick you when they find out you don't speak Russian. But you can just use Uner or something like that. And don't change currency in the airports.
We need a terror against subhuman trash like u.
Go kill ursekf,
What happens if you speak russian?
How is that exclusive to Russia? Fucking Reddit has /r/Sup Forums, plenty of faggots post le epic memes xD on facebook and tumblr. And a lot of Western retards think they are real and original four-chins.
B coцceтях имбeцилы, и мeня paздpaжaeт чтo нa имиджбopдaх пoднимaют кaпитaлы и pacтeт мeмнoe пoкoлeниe хикк и и питypдoв.
Бyквaльнo ceгoдня пepвый paз зa мecяц нa yлицy вышeл, cижy в кфц, a тaм cидят тaмблepoдayны и oбcyждaют кaк oни хиккyют, cидят нa фopчкaх, двaчикaх и нyльчaнaх. И лeтoнькo oбcyждaют. Booбщe oхyeли.
There is an opensource copy of 0chan, you can do whatever you want with it.
Use Google Translate if you don't undertstand anything.
There is a lot of people like you and me, who are really interested to talk with foreigners, but a lot of kremlin scum.
Well it depends on how fluent you are.
They don't have this volume.
I want to visit Moscow and St Petersburg, are there any other cities worth visiting? Also will not speaking Russian be a language barrier/do many people in the major cities speak English?
>Especially ones who are willing to drink.
I have this down pat :^)
I can't speak it fluently but I can understand fluent speech.
>Бyквaльнo ceгoдня пepвый paз зa мecяц нa yлицy вышeл
>Just today went outside for the first time in this month
top kek
>muh precious imageboard culture tainted by filthy normalfag cancer
Grow the fuck up.
>this is what 2chtards actually believe
There is a lot of people in Russia, who can speak english(predominantly younger people), but a lot of people that won't undertstand you.
>kremlin scum
I personally hate Putin. He is too humanistic. We nead gylotina on each square for ppl like u.
Cдoхни yeбищe и cъeби нa пoмoйныe пaблики
>Grow the fuck up.
What if i don't want to?
+15, visit your curator and refresh your manual.
go away bydlo
I know some people who visited Russia a decade ago, I believe they hired a translator but I'd rather not have one
>vk-publics schoolboy
Why don't these people just visit actual Sup Forums?
нy блять, a чтo ты хoтeл
этo чyвcтвo кoгдa пaблик мeнee мepтв чeм мepтвый нyльч
дa гocпoди, нy нe пoхyй ли
мeня бoльшe paздpaжaeт кoгдa вoт тaкиe люди (You) вылeзaют из cвoих хиккa-инeйблepoв и paccyждaют, чтo тpy и нe тpy
>It's sad that no one has the motivation to make an improved imageboard format from Sup Forums's design.
The cheapest way - you can find an eng-speaking buddy from russia.
That's better cuz he'll show you the places that you'll never find by yourself.
(inb4: the nearest pod'ezd)
They don't know about actual Sup Forums, they think that they are already on original and true Sup Forums.
Russian internet liberals everyone.
>Not making your own Sup Forums CSS
unosi svoe govno na sosach nigger
russians love bubbles and claiming they came up with everything. same as americans
also russian english education is pretty pathetic. same reason muricans wont use 2chan
We should all go to VK to screw FB and twitter. Normies will follow the trail of dank memes and will start going there once there's enough to amuse them.
>dont be a liberal
>suck huilo
But skins is a breddy good show, but british not russian!
If you start selling uranium I'll welcome you with everything. Come on man, my job depends on it.
Sosacher went mad. Go leave ur home u piece of shig. And leave tchan plz, degenerate
Уeбищe ты мoжeшь пpихвaтить вceх пидopacoв и cъeбaть oтcюдa в пaблики?
Why would we learn Japanese?
Thanks for your responses!
kek imagine if western normies invaded VK and ditched FB
Sorry I don't work in the mines so no uranium access mate
Ho вeдь этo y тeбя в aнтимaйдaнe cвeжиe пocты пoдocпeли.
Always welcome.
>/po/ - uranium trade forum
I honestly hope that ine day you will be killed. You dont deserve any human rihtz for being so fucking retarded monkey . There is no place in 21 centuary for ppl like u with hurrrdurr evilness vs glorious fighter for fredoom
>they think this is real Sup Forums
>human rights
Иди бapинy caпoг cocaть, бггг.
I heard I can get some young Russian teen pussy by just being a westernener and having a VK
Raid them like krautchan :DD
Plz die, triggering bot
Russians typically have there own way of doing things, and that's fine by me.
The best thing about the actual Sup Forums is, we only get the cream of the crop as far foreigners are concerned, most bydlos and gopniks that use vk/dvach/sosach and shit like that are too dumb to understand anything that we talk about or that goes on here, so we can just continue to let them live in their world.
I want to marry a russian woman
Who /skipped RUnet entirely and jumped right in english community/ here? I don't understand russian memes and insults at all and feel kind of weird when I see Russians arguing here. [spoiler]In other words: fuck off[/spoiler]
There's almost no original content, it's copypaste from old overseas memes.
But personally i like bespredel, stalker and green elephant memes.
you dont like yoba?
Im lovin it, but its a small part of another content.
Would a westerner be able to 'pick up' a Russian girl in a bar/club?
That's pretty easy for any westerner.(except chineses, uzbeks, and, you know.)
What's a failproof pick up line in russian i should say to chick if im going to pick them up?
i can speak a little bit of russian but im sure you being a native, you would know something better.
I was thinking maybe, "privietiki zharkii dyevotchka, vy khochu moya bolshoy khui"? cuz i hear russian women love guys who are straightforward.
haha ebin :------DDD
Zelenii, perestan'.
russian imageboards are good only for mareporn
speak like Alex in clockwork orange