Need your help Sup Forums. this has been happening to me for the last few weeks, i'll greentext it

Need your help Sup Forums. this has been happening to me for the last few weeks, i'll greentext it.
>go to gym 4 to 5 times a week
>everything ok
>one day someone new comes
>moved from the other gym in the town
>mind my business
>days go by, he says nothing
>1 week later
>I'm benchining
>comes right at me
>"isn't it too much for you"
>no it's ok
>proceds to telling me how my ligaments will hurt when i get older
>"haha ok"(me)
>finish chest
>start curling
>comes to give me more shit like "you don't do that correctly" and shit
>"haha ok" again thinking he will fuck off
>instead he tells me not to laugh because he was lifting before i was borned and how he and his mates would beat me if i was in baracks (he also has a gun and i don't bc civilians don't have guns)
>"i understand..."
>finish my sets and go home and forget about it
>following days same thing but he becomes increasingy a asshole but he smiles when he does shit (i think he's retarded)
>keeps acting like i'm a kid and don't know shit because he's older (he has much mass than me but also fat so i bet his abs arent even visible which mine are and i bench much like him, basically i look lot more fit than him)
>when i struggle with my last reps tells me "see you can't do this much boy" or shit
>by now i only say ok or say nothing
>today he said "nu prea asculți rauțule" which means "you don't really listen naughy one(little bad one idk but you talk like this with your son)

What should i do? i was going to tell my mom but then i'm sure she won't let me go anymore. i can't call the cops because he's teoretically one and my everyome will find out anyway or tell the staff that i'm bullied in the gym?

Suck his dick

why don't you just listen to music and ignore the fucking guy? that's what everybody in my gym does.

Yeah, that guy wants your boipuci.

funny when it's not happening to you
yeah he only does this shit to me no one else


Suck his dicks you Muslim faggot

>"nu prea asculți rauțule"
jesus christ

This is Sup Forums not /fit/ but why wouldn't you try listening to him?

He's gonna corner you in the changerooms and make you do it anyway, might as well get it over with.

Daca te prinde singur in vestiar, o sa va distrați :)))))))

Talk to someone in charge at your gym. Everyone hates these assholes. They run off business and they're usually giving out shitty advice anyway.

I'm loath to even interrupt someone who's doing something dangerously wrong, because I don't want to be that fuckhead.

>Tell my mom

Jesus Christ, dude. Just tell him to fuck off or put some headphones on.

Look him in the eye and say "fuck off and don't talk to me".

If he starts getting pissy either:
1. Punch him in the nose
2. Walk up to the front desk, talk to the manager and tell him this guy is giving you the shits and unless he sorts it out you're cancelling your membership

Ba eu nu glm chiar face cacaturi dinastea. Ce plm sa fac
I dont do anything wrong well maybe but i did saw him make mistakes too but i never went out telling him and others mistake to but he only tells me

>faggot approaches you at gym
>too pussy to tell him to fuck off
>come to the racist board and complain
>mfw you're going to hear solutions you already knew would fix the problem and you posted this retarded shit anyway

Tell him to fuck off with himself, you don't wanna talk to him, you don't wanna hear him saying anything in your direction. Tell him if he talks to you again you're going to spit on him and keep spitting till he stops.

>i was going to tell my mom but then i'm sure she won't let me go anymore.

Maybe you should listen to his advices. He probably has been doing this way longer than you have so try to give longer answers than just "haha ok"

>haha ok or say nothing
Already told him to fuck off

He was just trying to watch over the equipment so you don't steal it. Such is the life of a gypsy.

Spunei-i ca urasti pederastii si ca iti vine sa ii scoti ochii si sa ii dai la porci sa ii manance. Sigur te lasa in pace.

>not being on the juice
>not beating your gym rivals ass
>not fucking him after to assert your domimance

Let that Lil bitch boy run & tell his gang after that breh, fuck that nigga show him what that girth do.


Si daca imi fute una? Asta voiam sa fac

Ask for manager, record the guys voice when he is making violent threats when you are out of breath and if the business wants to give out second chances to guys threatening your life you will make sure that other people know that is how they run their gang-affiliated gym.

This is one of the worst threads I've ever seen, and you're not even Canadian.

Use your Transylvanian vampire powers to transform into a bat and fly away, dumbass. He's clearly madly in love with you, and you'll end up on one of those murder shows aimed at middle aged house mothers.

you must be a gypo then

Befriend him, go out drinking (if you even can >ask my mom), challenge him to an outrageous benchpressing.. Challenge. Say you'll pay him $200 if he can lift 400 pounds. Go straight from the bar to the gym. Then just accidentally "push the weights down" on him while he's drunkenly trying to lift the equivalent of a young gorilla

Good advice

OP you shouldn't really give him opportunities to turn a soon to happen rape into a murder
Wait for him in the locker room, get on your fours and firmly spread your buttcheeks with your cute little gypsy hands.

If your ass is of his liking, h might give you some aurolac to huff on monday morning with your sewer friends

You probably are making mistakes with your form, I mean you talk about having visible abs, who gives a shit, that's not a measure of strength/fitness

If you want him to stop bothering you, and stop yourself from getting injured and go look up ripptoe's starting strength, how to bench/squat/deadlift/military press etc.

Although you probably only bench

wow it's like im really on /fit/


Just tell him you don't want the advice and you want to workout in peace. not hard you cuck, stand up for yourself

Were you shitposting in real life again?

Damn son

What are you doing going to Curves anyway you huge poofter?

You're not recommending the traditional Irish full body workout of trashing an entire pub?

If you lift more than him load up your 1 Rep max and tell him to lift it if he's a big man.

That should have him put his tail between his legs,

Probably going to do this. Thanks man

>Hey man, why do you even talk to me? just mind your own business and let me train in peace. Like wtf you in real need of a friend or something? I aint that type bro, try somewhere else

Are you twelve or something that you dont even know how to tell politely to gtfo?

Maybe stop being such a pussy and confront that fucker. Tell him to fuck off and mind his own fucking business. If he wants to start shit tell him that there's fucking cameras and he'd be the one getting arrested for assault.

Better yet, make that fucking fag feel like a woman. Take away his "masculinity". Then he'll be quivering in his panties every time you enter the gym.

You're gay if you don't do this.

ANd this is Sup Forums in what way op?

Hes 2x my size

Maybe you remember him of his dead son..idk :/

ala e gaozar 120% si vrea sa iti dea o buca, ai grija la dusuri sau schimba sala

Just see what days he goes or go at a different hour

Basically this.

>not going to the gym at ungodly hours to avoid exactly this situation

Holy fuck you're such a pussy. It hurt me reading this. Grow some balls and tell him to go fuck himself.

Ugh I hate the fact that people like you exist and need instructions on how to deal with such a basic situation.

of course you fucking gypsies have no respect for your elders, of course

I think it's cute he has taken a paternal interest in you..

How bad is it?

go to other gym, if hes a cop going to the cops wont help

you're a fucking leaf, retard. you guys are the biggest pussies on earth. fuck off

OP send him to Sibiu I'll rip his fucking bones in half. If you can't you'll have to do it alone even if you're underage. Before going to gym think of who you what, what have you done in your life, all sweat and tears it took to get where you are and now a shithead is ruining it for you. Look at him like he's a gypsy or a hungarian, go right at him, get a lot of momentum in your hand and hit him in the head as hard as you can. If you're too scared do the motivation part again.

You probably don't even serve or lift fuck off neckbeard.

>I was going to tell my mom

Easy to say but hard to do

i don't have to go to a gym to stay in shape. i'm not a fat retard and i eat decent enough.
but again, you're a fucking leaf.

Ba si eu am avut probleme de genu da le-am dat la papacioc si gata


I've heard enough

Same thing happened to me a few years ago, If he disturbs you, you should disturb him. Be nice and then when he least expects it "ensure" he gets seriously injured. The guy who fucked with me "fell down" the stairs and broke his leg
