Why is the unemployment rate for millennial women much lower than men?
Why is the unemployment rate for millennial women much lower than men?
because companies abuse them and pay them less the wage gap is real that's why it's so easy to find a job if you're a girl
because women don't usually sell dope and break into houses as much as men
Why do you keep making the same threads with the same pictures?
Who is this girl and why does she keep getting posted?
>what is affirmative action
Better than the Trump shill threads.
>because women don't usually sell dope and break into houses as much as men
>Trump shills
>(((Trump shill shills)))
Nobody wants to fuck millennial men.
Gender quotas.
Also employing a women or a minority is a tax wright off.
I'll take "What is Affirmative Action and '''''diversity''''' quotas" for £300.
They're better educated. Younger men have started to severely fall behind in education because education has been totally reformed to help women
This in turn is creating completely dysfunctional men and is severely fucking up society. Women won't settle for somebody that is "beneath them". Men don't feel secure with somebody who is so far "above them". The mismatch between the amount of available men and women of a certain social status encourages male promiscuity (plenty of fish in the sea). This in turn destroys marriage and generates more out of wedlock children who are in turn disadvantaged when they grow up. I could go on but you get the idea
Long story short, the educational gap for men is probably one of the greatest issues in Western Civilization. Sure, thing may be tolerable now but that's the thing about education - you only see its effects decades from now.
gimme my (you) dammit
Female Privilege. The Matriarchy.
who diz?
Do you seriously make the same thread every day?
Women work better in an office environment desu.
Affirmative actuon, and the fact that many decent paying office type jobs, which of course most well paying jobs are, rely heavily on softer social skills, interpersonal relationships, etc. Because women are perceived to be masters at such soft skills, they're likely to be hired more often than men. Sexist? Why yes. Are women gonna take advantage of this anyway? You bet your cis white ass. Now shutup and check your privilege.
Working in a women-dominated industry, one thing I can tell you is that: Women SUCK as negotiating their salary. I get paid more than my manager and all my colleges except for another guy that works with me, all because we got the balls to ask for higher salary and raises.
It's Tracer m8
It's risky as shit though. It may backfire.
Feminist bias, quotas, some suck dick for jobs.
What is affirmative action.
What is gender quotas
What is low enrollment rates for males in universities.
What is political correctness
What is this world heading to.
weak bait fampai. You can't be serious. I award you no (you)s.
Maybe because they're the most least skilled demograph in the industrialized world?
Not really. They're the men so they probably do 90% of the work.
They study worthless shit and show up to job interviews with colored haird and problem glasses.
Women are more attractive for entry-level jobs, ie food service, cashiers, retail.
Put yourself in the shoes of the employer.
Are you going to hire a neckbeard or an average looking woman?
cry everytim here too mate
women are more sociable and more capable of networking which is ESSENTIAL for today's entry level workers.
Autisms are fucked unless nepotism.
millennial women should be hanged for being cucks
Her haircut triggers me.
retail wasnt hit as hard as construction in 2009. it should be noted that old figures on employment are outdated and as of last year a portion of the female advantage in retail had vanished in america...
though you can argue this is from layoffs like wall mart closing 100 stores nationwide ect
Because most are still passable eye candy.
This. Growing up in the 2000's is one of the most damaging things for a male child, especially if you're white. That's why we have so. Many young white men shooting up schools, society treats them like shit.
Because they work harder and are more qualified.
So that women are too busy working instead of making children. all this leftist liberal bs is ruining everything.
Feminism. Thread is closed
>that JUST hair
Literally why
you mean prison right? I actually almost went to jail, for missing too much school. Let me rephrase that, I almost went to prison, for not going to prison.
Because I go to a McDonald's a bit more often to pretend I have a chance with a 16 year old behind the counter
Why do you always make these "Why is x, y, or z for millennials''? Always with the same chick.
Probably some bitch OP is stalking
A bunch of male dominated industries got fucked up in the wake of 2008 and never recovered. They were supposed to be bailed out or something but thanks to lobbying the money went to useless shit mostly staffed by women.
She is a professional starcraft commentator/degenerate.
Reddit is an example
Brazil and Argentina another.
This is Bullshit women act like they're in high-school bitching about one another. Search for the women only TV studio and the woman tells you it doesn't work
post links
I a mixed environment, women do better, however an only male office outperforms a mixed office. 100% female office staff is a recipe for disaster.
>asking why people troll
service industry has always been predominantly women because the jobs usually have low physical requirements and flexible hours
and those are all the jobs we get after 20 years of Clinton/Bush/Obama (what's the difference again?) policies.
I think its Soe Gschwind-Penski, a e-sports / Dota personality-hostess. As for why.... i dunno, she's good looking and into E-sports?
they do well in the woman dominated school system.
We got female quotas.
Men are expected to thrive by nature.
not at all actually
Human societies got along for tens of thousands of years without mass education and women's communication and gender studies degress qualify them to shitpost for CTR, nothing more.
omg she is so cute
you don't know how to spell colleagues and you're talking about salary negociation? kek kiddo stop lying to strangers on the interent.
Because them sucking old men's dicks to get work isn't as frowned upon as it was some 10-20 years ago.
Nice ad-hominem.
Women are more suitable to service sector and have diversity quotas on all traditionally male dominated fields.
Pot calling the kettle black.
She lives in Berlin and is covered in tattoos. She's a lost cause.
Women do better academically on average but there is also a bias favoring women and minorities in many industries.
In Tech, in particular, many companies are desperate to show how progressive and forward thinking they are by hiring any woman, black guy or a tranny as long as they can open an IDE.
That bias doesn't usually extend to kebabs and pajeets though, maybe they're not oppressed enough.
Yeah. I would like a meritocracy but meh, 2016,sexist, retarded etx
You think feminists could make something sexist out of that fact?
>so many women get employed only because pervert employers think it'll get them to have sex with them
I fully believe white women in general are a lost cause. We have to start bleaching muds. I mean we can rape white women into pregnancy, that's fine, but they are almost certainly beyond redemption until societies start collapsing. Which seems like it is going to be any day now if we get any more women running governments.
>Soe Gschwind-Penski @Soembie Jul 25
>Nothing distracts you quite as good as a 14km run along the Rhein in the morning
Oh well. I'd still drill her.
german-bro, I must say...german women make me feel.
I think I understand why the mudslimes want to go to germany and sweden apart from benefits...
I felt pain in my finger tips when I saw that image
>Women do better academically on average
Not really, women do better when things are tailored to fit women. Men do better when things are tailored to fit men.
Current academics are tailored to fit women - long deadlines and group activities vs. short deadlines and individual activities.
>Professional Starcraft commenter
How I long for the days where you would be lauged at if you claimed this would once be a real thing
>Not really, women do better when things are tailored to fit women.
I'm sure they do and those stats don't look so good if you remove useless liberal arts queer gender studies.
But many employers don't care what your degree is as long as you have one. My point was most NEETs and dropouts are males.
those slots in schools are reserved for foreigners, the upper tier classes of muds and other ne'er-do-wells come to the US, stress our education system, and crowd out males. Then they bring their shitty family here and regression to the mean ensures that they degenerate into the same shit they left behind.
I don't hate immigrants, I understand their motivations and desires, but my sympathy for their position does not demand I withhold right wing death squads from taking back this country.
Because they suck cocks to get their jobd
>long deadlines and group activities
so in short cheating or getting others to do the work for you.
I've heard this proposed as an explanation for the wage gap, I wouldn't know about most cases but the top-tier jobs probably pay enough for the negotiation gap to skew things.
The notion of the wage gap adds to their weakness in negotiating, since they think they're in a weaker position, so it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Boys no longer learn from men, they are forced to learn from women from birth to graduation.
The father's of the boys are working to provide for their family and therefore cannot make the time necessary to undo all the inveigling that women have done to them in a sanctioned "school" environment.
Women are easier to control and are good for any government.
Women conform naturally to leftist and emotional ideology.
Women do not create anything, they do not invent anything. They copy. This is opposed to men's form of learning which is by creation and invention. Learning by memorization is a death knell to the male mind. It stagnates its natural development and leads to depression.
Women do not play video games or have any true merit in competitive environments because they cannot create. Therefore affirmative action and gender quotas are needed to prop them up. Women do not take jobs that require creation or invention.
Vagina politics is the death of sovereignty and freedom of the individual.
They're handed jobs. I've seen this with a lot of the women I graduated with. They can quit a job after a week and will have another within days.
I'm horrified in chats I have where girls who haven't graduated HS have no plans other than to find a sugar daddy. If this isn't some sort of privilege, I don't know what is.
has she been ficki-ficki'd yet?
>says the guy posting anime
you're the real man!
>regression to the mean ensures that they degenerate into the same shit they left behind
Protip: regression to the mean just means that if you take a second measurement, it's more likely to be a more likely value than a less likely value, it doesn't mean handpicked genius immigrants from Africa are gonna just go shedding IQ points and chucking spears upon graduation.
I have a very mild soldering iron burn from over a week ago and it's still very visible, holding the tip is some fingerprint removal shit right there.
It's too late, the normies are here now. This is what the negroes must've felt like when white people began listening to their bush drum sounds.