So was there ever any explanation given as to why they walked around a newly discovered planet without any hazmat gear?
Pretty sure all of the previous Alien movies had the crew disembark with full Hazmat suits or at least some kind of helmet.
So was there ever any explanation given as to why they walked around a newly discovered planet without any hazmat gear?
Pretty sure all of the previous Alien movies had the crew disembark with full Hazmat suits or at least some kind of helmet.
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Because they scanned the planet and it was it was habitable, moron
Apparently in the novelization they perform a bunch of scans and such. That's what I assumed they did in the movie anyways, and they just didn't want to show the days of them sending probes down or whatever. Although youd think they would have noticed the thousands of corpses and ruined city, or the fungal variant of the virus
And they didn't scan planets beforehand in the other alien movies? They still wore hazmat suits before embarking because there is no way of knowing what kind of spores/diseases are in the air.
So in other words the covenant writer's were so lazy they couldn't even come up with a lame excuse for the lack of hazmat gear. Even something like "all our helmets broke during the storm" would be better than this shit.
wasting trips on dumb shit like this.
viruses man.
viruses, insects and who knows what. the crew was full of retards
They ascanned the planets in the previous episodes too, but they weren't habitable, moron. There are a lot of nonsensical stuff in the movie, but not wearing suits isn't one of them
the real reason is so the viewer can see their faces clearly
Oh yes, let's land on an alien planet without any safety measure that could carry a deadly disease that could easily kill us all.
Dude, have you seen their technology? They would definitely know if there was a deadly virus floating in the air. Nothing unrealistic here
Foreign germs and bacteria which can cause some harm to humans is a legit concern.
Even if you did scan the planet you'd only know so much about the bacteria and germs without really studying them and testing them out on lab subjects
>scan the planet from orbit
>air is ok
>temperature is ok
>there is water
It is habitable yes. The earth is habitable too, yet there are dangerous places where you get fucked up in no time without protection.
what about insects spreading nasty diseases? I get it their technology was super high tech, but i doubt it they can spot bugs and analyze them from fucking orbit.
Or plants that ejects black poisonous shit, if a retards pokes it, and leans over it.
A crew tasked with colonization on a untouched place should think about the wildlife and flora of the planet, which can be dangerous. And wear their scifi hazmat suits just in case.
I would guess it had less to do with the writers being lazy and more to do with the budget.
this, the amazon forest is full of cancerous plants that kill you in hours or days, not even talking about the insects or animals,
Am i the only person on this planet who paid any attention to the film?
yeah, just like on earth, yet we don't walk around wearing a hazmat suit just in case
Apparently you didn't pay attention to the posts in this thread
Earth is our planet of origin
their tech sure worked out well for them when that fungus infected one of the crew members and made him turn into a neo-morph
mostly because we are used to earth's diseases? isn't it recommended to get vaccines in case you're going to tropical places, for example? couldn't you accidentaly ingest some swamp water and get hipermalaria?
budget and/or actors being fussy regarding having to wear headgear hiding their faces for 90% of the movie
Actors nowadays are more and more spoiled
read the thread mang, we talk about poisonous plants and bugs. Things that are impossible to detect by a spaceship.
man this sounds stupid. We know the earth pretty well, which parts of it are dangerous and which are safe. also this
Why did nobody except not-Ripley voice any concerns about the captain making the most fucktarded decision in history by completely diverting their mission from course? Why would the captain even have that sort of authority?
>In the future
They should have used a bullpup at least
>we're a crew of expert professionals tasked with colonizing a new planet
>let's go check out this mysterious signal! we don't want to get back in the sleeping pods! The colonists can stay in their pods though, don't bother waking them
They should've kept James Franco as the captain and burned the religious guy. James would've smoked wheat with the aliens and it would've been a comedy film.
There were AUG's too.
bad writing
Because how many 79 year olds arent fucking retarded? Sir Patrick Stewart will be the first famous non retard. Ridley Scott, James Cameron, George Lucas, and Steven Spielberg already lost. Oh, and Micahel Bay, that fuck.
You mean like there literally was and it was floating in the air but no one was seeing it ?
nigs gone nog