Does he have the autism?
What the fuck is wrong with Barron Trump?
Other urls found in this thread:
>this convention is too loud
>my feet hurt
>I don't care about mexicans
>I wish I was at home playing video games
/just 13 year old things
Little nigga is 10 years old and bored out of his mind. Tons of vids of him yawning and acting like a little cunt to his mom at the convention. There's a gif of her scolding him and giving him that mom stare when he's messing around with one of the seats.
Yes and its going to seal trumps victory because Hilary wont be able to virtue singal towards disabled peeps queenz and sheit.
fpbp /thread
Dont let shills and mentally challenged challenge anyone. Next thread folks.
When I was 13 if my parents took me to any event like that I'd be bored the entire time and wish I was home playing Super Nintendo. It's a wonder that he's behaving and not complaining and actually going along with the event even if though he's completely uninterested. Trump has already said the kid loves video games and even hacked the password to his home computer so he could be playing video games after Trump locked him out (something I used to do as a kid as well).
So I wouldn't call that autism I'd call that being a well behaved child who wishes he was somewhere else but isn't going to be a little bitch about it because he can't be.
>implying you wouldn't be bored too if you were an immortal God being trapped in the body of a 10 year old
He's ready to conquer the universe in the name of the Imperium but time hasn't caught up yet
Its like 4 hours past his bedtime
That kid will get kidnaped and raped if Trump does anything funny. American elites are evil.
He's an incredibly cute kid and he's literally ONLY TEN YEARS OLD.
Barron Trump born 3/20/2006.
Fuck off, shills.
child in a 15yr old's body what do you expect
>i don't know how a 10 year old would behave at an event he doesn't give a shit about
OP, you are the one who has autism
>there are people born in 2006
Clinton media never shows him smiling. When he is smiling they turn it against him. It's a narrative you brain dead idiots.
I almost expect him to start reviewing an energy drink.
>people born in 2000 will be old enough to post here two years
>implying they're not already here
Show some respect to your future emperor, swine.
I wasn't shilling I didn't know his age my post was defending him m8.
He's 10 yrs old and it was past 10 pm. Kid was probably fast asleep the moment he got into the car.
His just a kid who doesn't have much living experience, not stupid just inexperienced in life. Thus he doesn't understand whats really going.
Probably wants to go home.
What kind of fucked up monarchy has ultimogeniture inheritance
I wonder if he gets into his half-sisters' dirty panties ever
He knows his dad is a sack of shit and not worth a clap.
I know, ugh
I didn't mean you personally, sorry. Just a general OP shill thing.
>not having ulitimogeniture
>being stuck with however your first son turns out instead of just fucking until you get a genius+strong heir
git gud m8
he's 10 years old.
Not to mention he's tall for his age. like 5'7" or something.
He's being expected to act like an adult because of his size but he's 10, so it's very weird for him.
Maybe because he's 10 years old and doesn't give a shit about boring politics?
I wonder if he's unable to make real friends because every kid his age is a liberal
>mommy and daddy say your family is evil
Alex Jones mentioned it in passing about 1.5 month ago. The 1 where he confirms Trump is for real.
He suggested it's why Trump has spoken about vaccine injury. Same reason why Bobby DeNiro has spoken up.
It's not hard to be courageous once it effects your family.
It should be noted that they were both older fathers, and risks for autism go up w/ fathers over 45/50.
Don't come here with your obvious answers on Sup Forums
Real Answer: He's probably a semi-lizard
>be the son of the King of the World
>have autism
There is no God
he is just bored, there must not have been a pokestop at the convention
>implying autism isn't the mark of the Blessed
Why do you think Kek loves us so, user?
Its because Trump had a kid when he was 40 or so and now the kid has autism. My parents had me at 45 and I have autism too.
Reminder to stop breeding at 30.
kill yourself
The poor kid must be tired of following his father everwhere
You never were 12 OP?
>Girls born in 2000 will be porn stars in 2 years
Just let that sink into you.
>Why do you think Kek loves us so, user?
Because we do his dirty work for free.
We are idiots.
>40 or so
kids don't give a fuck about politics , he's just bored and don't give a fuck about it.
>in three years I can legally jerk it to girls who weren't alive for 9/11
feels mighty
My father was 61 and my mother 40 something and I'm fine.
i know right?
but i was just correcting myself.
Fuck me though, I have the autism.
He could be transformed into quite the nice boipucci with some hormones.
My fucking sides.
>implying that's not half of Sup Forums let alone this entire site.
i'd like to sink into those girls :^)
I want to have kids now but no woman wants me. Life sucks.
yet here you are
Look where you are and say that again.
>implying the God Emperor's Y chromosome could be defeated by pesky swede injections
One day he will kill them all.
We should prepare for our eventual slavery.
I think he's very well behaved for 10 years old.Product of good parenting.
what's wrong with his ears
Oh you.
Large ears, large dick.
Satanic thoughts
there are people who are already alive today who will be born in 2017
post these
>not just culling your entire clan except for your chosen heir and the females when you reach a ripe old age and hear death come a knockin'
It's almost like you don't want your dynasty to last in stability.
This kid is going to be a stud...
6'5 to 6'7
10 face
money all day
stay in shape
what a lucky meatbag
> there are girls from 98' that are on the internet legally getting fucked by 3 niggers. One for every hole she has.
Porn is a disgusting thing.
Yes, that's why Trump is a vaxxer, he thinks vaccines caused Barrons autism, when really it was his spoiled 60 year old jizz
>Just let that sink into you.
What the fuck
He probably rubs the school and is the cool kid tbqh
Of course he runs the place, hes a celebrity. Imagine if you had a celebrity, or even just a celebrity's kid, in your class. They would be fucking untouchable. Kids would do literally anything to get on their good side. The power of fame will do crazy things to people, including children.
>this triggers the liberal