Germany stop doing this to yourself, you were a great nation and you still are in some aspects.
All you have to do is revolt.
Why can't you do that?
Germany stop doing this to yourself, you were a great nation and you still are in some aspects
Other urls found in this thread:
Germany RIP 2046
>Germany tries to be superpower
>Cucked by anglos
>Germany tries to revenge jews
>Cucked by anglos
>Germany gives in to anglo and jews and lets in millions of immigrants
And france just watches while jacking off in the corner.
Thanks for the kind words. But what is the point of our people existing? We lost the continuity of our history. We were replaced in our minds. The only point I can image is that we would be there to appreciate what Germans did in the past, but we don't do that so much anymore.
did he piss himself?
I was reading Generation Kill recently. According to that author even US Marines piss themselves first time they go into battle.
Your people are pure European Aryan.
A race which I belong to, but is dieing out.
Your blood and culture must be preserved.
I'm too comfy and I don't give a shit to be honest
But what for? In what kind of future will this even play a role? The future just seems so dark and pointless. If there was any way to for example colonize new planets, start again, then it would make sense to preserve our people. But I don't see that coming.
I would too
The point is, we must fight for a future we want.
It is the only way.
Yes, never forget muh LoLocaust
Hope, robotics and scientific achievements could do it. Just wait. The future may be the brightest one, or the darkest one depending on how we handle it.
Dont be like this hans.
Be proud of your people
Shut the fuck up and get up you pussy
Go fight for your dreams
We have a great economy because of 100 year old companies built up by people who are nothing like modern germans. We got indoctrinated by cultural marxists so hard that the majority doesn't even care about the refugee crisis. It's over, there is nothing that can save Europe at this point. At least I can say that my ancestors tried.
>germany tries to purify the population
>anglosphere says no
>70 years later
>anglosphere tells Germany to purify the population
You inbred assholes can't make up your mind.
Fuck off Jew.
Good thing I'm not a Anglo.
I'm Normanic.
Wew, you can feel slightly less guilty now!
I agree with favela nigger
i'll just be here and make shekels off your worthless existence you faggot
when will you dumb niggers realize you won't do anything? you'll continue posting on a mongolian boat painting based imageboard and continue crying about DA JOOS
you won't go to rallies, you won't go fight in the race war, you'll just sit like little faggots in your home jerking off to 2d porn
master race my ass
I only went on this board because I heard it was full of National Socalists like myself.
Apart from that I would except this is one degenerate board.
What he said.
Who cares anyways, the last racially homogeneous country is North Korea.
All you shit flags in here could've been KANGZ. Instead your useless grandfathers beat up ours. You chose this.
I am afraid you are right. Nothing can save us now
There is no hope in you.
Hope is a glue to bind courage and will.
The German left is probably the strongest in the world.
You have to understand no party that is against the left can ever be right. Simply implying that the party to the political right of you is might have some connection to nazis means that you won the argument. No matter what the argument is or what exactly the other parties beliefs are.
Worst thing is that this is also the common in the population thanks to the denazifizierung.
In America you can call Trump a nazi and no one really cares. In Germany you simply imply that in some way he might be similar to Hitler (eg. both said things about people) and he instantly is the worst thing in the world and the metaphorical incarnation of the devil.
It's okay, the Germans all left the actual country after ww1 and 2 and live here or America now. My great grandparents lived in Prussia and left after ww1 I'm glad they picked Australia.
You have no say. You didn't even fight you fucking faggots.
Don't think you can hide behind (((neutrality))) this time. You'll get nuked the fuck out.
It's more 'Alt-Right' than National Socialist.
There is still a chancd for fucks sake Hans! Though it has to be said our Nations should be freeing you.
No, it's because the current German male population are Russian rape babies and and fatherless sissies that have zero sense of duty. All the alpha males either left or died in the war.
>Germany stop doing this to yourself, you were a great nation
Germany needs to dump fucking Merkel before anything can happen.
To great of a culture to go meekly into the night
This is all our fault.
The allies where responsible for De-Nazifying Germany.
We did it for decades.
We literally muliulated the people.
America and Australia are even more "diversified" and "enriched" than Germany.
>Muh 1/10 Germanic heritage
Ya right, you worship the Shekel, the Anglosphere always did.
I'm hoping for the one big Happening that will turn shit around. But it's probably gonna be more along the lines of "this is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper."
user.. I don't know how to tell you this but Germany died a long time ago, its just a rotting corpse now.
I can understand when Britscunts bant about Germany but its hilarious when a 60% white country with a nigger president wants to tell us how we should do politics.
>Implying the American anons aren't trying to warn you
Problem is I don't have a dream. The modern world is just fucked up. Ugly, overpopulated and messy. When I look out of the window I see all these faceless houses and faceless people. Technology won't save us. What role does race play, when in the future everyone can have the looks they want (through surgery or surrogates) and the intelligence they want (through implanted chips) and the genes they want (through gene editing). I can see no aesthetics in that all. And aesthetics are really all I care for. I can see it combat, yes, and for that I would revolt, but then it would be just combat for combats sake, without any real goal.
I love giving Germans a hard time but i love you guys really.
Fuck off.
Kill yourself. Honestly!
No it isn't. The rest of the axis aren't this cucked like the krauts. The krauts are just a nation of spergy bipolars. They're either at your throat or grovelling at your feet. When they get over this beta-phase they'll go back to being a massive pain in the arse again.
We won't. All the western nations face similar problems and the only solution imho is nationalism,
Acknowledging that your own country is something special and worth fighting for. That not everyone is created equal (which isn't a bad thing).
Maybe america with Trump can get this theme rolling again but germany?
Europe will awaken again!
4th Reichs a comin'
You think we won't sneak and shake things up Deutschebrü? The moment Trump wins is the moment I look to make my move. Either I stay here, or I go anywhere that may need help with subtle forms of change, or outright fighting to bring change.
It's from The Bridge.
lol Germans just sitting back and taking this shit up the butt hole, you give it a big talk but you can't walk the walk
Says the shithole with sharia zones.
Show me a sharia zone in germany? Yeah, fun googling, you won't find anything besides some cuckish tumblr-blogs. Still 99% white, while you elect muslim mayors.
Just assessing the propabilitys realisticly.
>Merkel can't admit she is wrong
>there is no political figure who truly oppoeses her path
>nationalism is frowned upon
>AFD is basicly the same party just without or lower immigration
we would need a full stop on this train but all that is offered is either a speed-up or maybe a slight brake.
It's not fun when the enemy gives up.
4th reich when Germbros?
I will vote AfD, tear of some Antifa-Stickers, share some patriotic stuff, try to father some aryan children, and if someone starts a revolt probably I will follow. But that's really all I can do.
A day will come when your crimes are revealed and the curtain is pulled back. The eternal kike will be consumed by the oven and extinguished, never to rise again. Your days are numbered, KEK wills it.
LOLOLOL, when was the last time a mudslime blew himself up here again?
your country is under attack, i'd rather have a secular muslim in charge of london than a fucking marxism female (I live in Wales, i go months at a time without seeing a mudslime)
just hope they don't rape any of the girls in your family,
>99% white
>marxist refugee policy from your left wing govt that allowed 1.5m refugees in
Aryans are cucks, you're people are literally a slave race to the mighty anglo
Vandals from the West will have to be re -baptized I'm afraid, the first attempt apparently didn't work
Better bring fucking burn heal
Religion is not the biggest problem. A that identifies as a Brit first is propably fine. But look at the Roaches on our street rooting for Erdogan. They are still Turks at heart than muslim and maybe somewhere down the road german.
What is Rotherham you fucking faggot?
>oohhh look at me i'm not as cucked as you
Go kill yourself, you fucking faggot...