So which is it, ISIS or ISIL?
So which is it, ISIS or ISIL?
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No one cares.
The media thinks no one can handle the name change so they still call them ISIS.
Some call them Daesh as a slur.
"who’s a terrorist, and who’s simply deranged"
the noble soldiers of muhammad
Just call them "muslims"
Doesn't matter if isis,al-nusra,al kaida,hisbollah,salafists,al-shabbab and all the others do it because of one thing..the quran
Actually its daesh
>insult to the terrorists
>shows that terrorism has nothing to do with islam
I just call them the niggers of the sand
Moderate Muslims
L = Levant
S = Syria
In Iraq ISIS used to be called ISIL, before the shitstorm hit Syria.
That's MSM propaganda to make people forget what the first "i" in ISIS really means, that's why Obama loves using it.
crISIS actors.
what it means ?
oh wait
Islamic State
That's what they're called.
It's Islamic State. Nothing more, nothing less. Doesn't matter where they are. Bonus: it pisses off the muzzies and redpills normies by calling it what it is.
Dawlatul Islamiyaah
ISIS = Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham
ISIL = Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
al sham = arabic for "the Levant"
but actually it's neither these days. they just shortened it to Islamic State, or IS.
the so-called, self-styled """Islamic""" """"State""" or as I prefer to call them, 'Daesh' (zing!)
they are called sandniggers
It's spelled ISLAM.
It's 'So Called Islamic State if you are the BBC.
US middle eastern public relations division
Because they are so butt-mad then called that.
The Workplace Violence Squad™
ISIS = Islamic State of Syria and Iraq
ISIL = Islamic State of Syria and Levant (Levant is term for the territory that the countries from the Middle East cover)
Originally ISIS and then the realised that the acronym was the same as the name of a pagan Egyptian god. Eventually they changed to just IS but who gives a fuck about respecting their preferred name? Probably only Obama.
Obama calls it ISIL, so that means the correct term is ISIS.
The buttmad is only reported by the MSM. The reality of it is that daesh is more of a convenient label they can use because it separates ISIS from Islam in the public eye.
I want to make sure that when I speak about modern terrorism, the words Islam are somewhere in there as well, as I believe terrorism is only part of the problem we should be tackling. The ideology itself is the other part of the problem and that will require us to make sure to point it out at every opportunity. The atheist movement from 70s to 00s did this to Christianity. It's time to do it to Islam.
This, but more simply Americans find it difficult to say "ISIS" so instead the American media calls them ISIL.
I have no idea what it means, so I roll with "honorless bitch pretending to be a man".
anything else is a cuck term
more proof that germans are the smartest
we use ISIL in Croatia
I call it ISIS, everybody I know calls it ISIS, and everybody on TV calls it ISIS. The only person I know of who doesnt refer to it as such is Obummer who calls it ISIL. It just doesn't roll off the tongue as well.
it's Daesh
Who cares what we call them? We should just call them dirty sand niggers. I'd love to hear how they react.
Islamic State
It is actually spelledDAESH. They aren't Muslims at all. This is Islamophobic when you use incorrect acronyms. When Hillary Clinton is President she will ensure Muslims everywhere feel welcome in America.
lol this times 1000
Daech. It's the acronym in arabic and it sounds awful, comic. They hate it.
>They aren't Muslims at all.
They live their lives following the Quran 100%. You cant become more muslim than them.
Islam for short.
Never call them Daesh because that is just no-true-scotsman Islamists and Muslims trying to distance ISIS from them.
You'll notice how Obama and Kerry tried to force the meme of Daesh but it failed so they went back to ISIS/ISIL.
Nobody really refers to the levant as the levant anymore but it still works.
If you feel sorry for poor Egyptian goddess ISIS being tarred by ISIS, call them ISIL or IS.
That's where you're wrong kiddo. That was debunked.
I just call them jihads. Or "dirty people" (prljavi)
But I prefer to call every mudskin a jihad so there's that.
>That's MSM propaganda to make people forget what the first "i" in ISIS really means, that's why Obama loves using it.
Daesh means Dawlah Islamiyah Iraq Sham
Islam is still in the name you retarded fucks
Normies are still too stupid to realise this so it still works towards it's purpose
ISIS or IS are the only acceptable acronyms.
Anyone who says daesh is a shill who's just trying to blur the relation to islam by using the phonetic pronunciation of what the acronym would be if we spoke arabic. But we don't speak arabic so this makes no sense.
And anyone saying ISIL is a literal obama shill. I still have no fucking clue why King Nigger says ISIL when literally everyone else says ISIS.
We don't speak arabic you stupid cunt. It's blatantly being used to obscure the relation to islam. Do you understand what the word obscure means, or do I need to give you the arabic transliteration?
he Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, IPA /ˈaJsᵻl/), also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria[note 1] (ISIS
Actually it started as military slang because calling them Daesh pissed them off.
In my unit we'd call them Daeshbags
But back home and online I just call them Isis
Doesn't matter so long as the term "islamic" is in the name, it's why "daesh" shouldn't be used, islam is the problem and attention should be drawn to that fact endlessly.
Just call them IS(lam).
What many people call "ISIS" is designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the US State Department under the name "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant"
Accordingly, the President, who has a Constitutional duty to enforce the laws, uses a name that is written into the law.
You, however, are free to call it what you like. I generally say ISIS.
>referring to wikipedia