You gotta love us.
You gotta love us.
Thank you, bacon placing bro.
>those comments
hahahahaha its almost like stockholm syndrome
maltese = sandnigger in denial
Nice. Thanks based bacon placing bro.
what kind of sociopath doesn't cut pig ass into strips?
do we have to nuke malta?
Did pope officially call him a martyr or he is completely beyond saving at this point?
holy fucking shit
being muslim is a race once again
>This article is being considered for deletion
Don't worry. We've also got bacon strips.
Fuck this Pope.
It's basically all women, surprise surprise
i cant take it anymore bros
im gonna kill some people
what people should i kill, i really just want to get revenge but should i focus on mudslimes or kikes
Most of us are Mediterranean.
90%+ are Roman Catholic and Malta's been fighting Islam for ages.
Well done, most intelligent "pejtriott"! WHat do you think you are going to achieve with THIS ?! Why stir up trouble?! Ashamed of you and of all the haters who are only adding fuel to the fire. NO GOOD can come of this. I encourage all of you who agree to reprimand anyone who instigates more hate through such horrible acts.
This particular story is no big deal, better not to think about it.
>W-What utter i-ignorance
>Meanwhile Islamist terrorist kill and plan to kill more while liberals shut their eyes in the name of social acceptance
I honestly don't know if he's being ironic or not
Is he saying mudslimes are gonna bomb malta or is he taking the "islamophobia" route?
Get your shit together, Franz Ferdinand
That priest was friend with Muslims, move on.
That's even worse
Dat perfectly fine bacon slice, disgustingly tainted, inedible for ever. What a shame
The parish of the town literally gave land so they could build a mosque. Can't make this shit up.
>La mosquée de Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray a été inaugurée en 2000 sur une parcelle de terrain offerte par la paroisse catholique de la ville.
glorious bastards xD
They kill priest and thats how you return ?cuck
Better than accepting even more immigrants like other fellow countries.
What do you expect from subhumans posting from kikebook.
How did you return?
>numale cuck welcomes his new muslim overlords
Nothing really happened yet.
Good job Malta.
My Dad's half of the family is Maltese so I wan't to visit someday. Keep Islam under control please
"Don't print this! We don't want any trouble!"
In other words, don't upset the crazy ducking muslims they might blow Malta to oblivion.
Mudslimes everyday
That's what I was thinking. The fuck is wrong with these people?
pic related
Cool Are you really Japanese?
People generally despise Muslims here, if anything bad happens something like a miniature crusade will probably happen.
And they can't throw it away either, it's against the rules, they're stuck with it.
For double saltiness, is this bacon kosher?
>they can't throw it
HAHAHHAHAHAHAH I wish putting bacon in qurans became a meme
>"convert" to Islam
>kill a bunch of jews
Please upboat my comments lads, and post your own if you can.
Focus on Wikipedia editors
(Who will no doubt take this comment out of context to get that article deleted because it shits on their narrative)
Golly gee being friendly and cooperative sure worked out
Wow my personal army
I fucking loved Malta when I visited, so chilled out and beautiful. Keep fighting the good fight malteser.
This, but make sure you spend some time in a tanning machine first, otherwise your Islam will be ignored.
>We really shouldn't publish things like this. Not to sweep it under the rug, but to not fuel further hatred based on one scumbag's bad idea.
>The world needs more love and less hate. And if only everyone would just live and let live we would be so much happier.
I just realized this guy was actually a "Frère Jacques".
Thanks for beeing a weak retard ?
>Soros step 2 activated.
>Civil war in progress
>Profit soon expected
That 'goatherder' reply
Thank you based James Jameson