Gypsies are bro tier.
Gypsies are bro tier
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no, euro-pajeet, just no
Literal scum on earth, spreading like cancer
They steal your wallet and you call them bro-tier. Are you fucking retarded user?
gypsies and khazars
two races i'd really think that they have animal blood in them
they just look so inhuman, their body is shaped in such grotesque manner...
>uneducated bigot from Sweden
Bro tier my ass.
If you ever run over one with a car be sure he's dead and run away or his family will make your life a living hell and your children will allways be targeted by their whole clan.
Never call the police when you fight a gypsi, never tell him where you live or who you are and don't fight one if you are not willing to kill him and run cause they won't give up.
They are a plague so disgusting they were kicked out from India in the 12th century and still behave like they came yesterday.
Here in Spain we have tried to integrate them for 800 years with no results.
They don't pay taxes or fins, their kids are bullies, they only learn to steal, even copper from train railways.
They should all be deported to Saint Helena Island like Napoleon.
>They are a plague so disgusting they were kicked out from India in the 12th century and still behave like they came yesterday.
i always thought they left this place by themselves with their caravan culture
>moni pls moni pls moni
Get a job you freeloader.
They look like niggers to me.
>cryptogypsies from romania found Sup Forums.mp3
Fuck off subhuman, you won't even make for a good soap.
nah. come on. niggers are more athletic.
yeah like if bulgarians aren't gypsies lulz
What the fuck am I looking at?
Why? Honestly, why are they being called scum, cancer and who knows what else? They are not beheading anyone, neither raping nor shooting. The only think they do is being lazy asses and taking welfare. Which is something almost everyone does nowadays.
We don't have as much gypsies as other Eastern European countries but as far as I can tell, they know how to behave in public and seem to be polite, at least, in public. I'd rather have 100 welfare leachers, than one 1 muslim on raping spree.
Yes but they left the place because everyone already know their ways and they couldn't steal more without getting killed so they moved to christian lands to take advantage of our altruism.
Mayors here in Spain have give them free housing and they made fires with the furniture and sell the plumbery, they are worse than rats.
There's a reason for the term gypped
good to see you back romania, all these newfags dont remember the shitposting king that you once were
they really aren't human, the Fuhrer described them as live unworthy, they shit in the streets steal, walk into my fucking backyard to ask for money (begging)
Like all things there are nuances.
White Gypsies are OK, they do their thing, running a travelling fair business and whatnot.
Shitskin Roms are the scum of the earth, the abos of continental Europe. If they disappeared tomorrow, the world would be better off.
maybe you weren't so racist they wouldn't shit on your streets
ever think of that genius
gypsies are holocaust tier, almost as bad as Turkroaches
they shit on the streets everywhere
I unironically listen to Manele
2/10 bait.
Gypsies can't behave in public.
They literally try to murder eachother in public sometimes, They steal from stores and public areas.
Heck i even had a gypsy fight outside my work once and one of the gypsies came in and wanted me to call the police, Seriously just end their existance already, Muslims are more better behaved than these savage jokes of people.
>Mayors here in Spain have give them free housing and they made fires with the furniture and sell the plumbery, they are worse than rats.
Who's trashes a house faster? a gypsy family or an abbo family?
I agree
Gypsies are basically thieves as a race. Stealing and scamming is literally in their blood.
What even are gypsies?
They are like nothing ive seen before.
There was this one gypsy girl at my school (she was adopted as a young girl from some shithole called moldova, apparently lots of gyppos there)
And not gonna lie, she was pretty hot. She was like 4'11. Nice tits. Nice ass. She had a cute little button nose. You know what, i'll post a pic of her.
But anyways, my point is, they definitely look like a minority, but different than any minority i've seen. They're brown as hell but don't look like turks, arabs, mexicans, indians, what the hell are these people, and where do they originate from?
Pic related. You would probably bone that gypsy. I would.
Take our gypsies back if you love them so much
You know why they're called gypsies? Because when they arrived in Europe they tricked people into thinking they were Egyptians. That's where the name came from. Their very first act was a scam. They are a cancer. The only ethnic group I would be happy to genocide.
Abos only receive one floor houses, gypsies are given flats and they destroy the elevators in a month just like nigs in South Africa using elevators shafts as bins.
If she was hot, then she could not ever be a full gypsy.
Gypsies are pajeets rejected even by India.
>Beady, black, rat-like eyes
>That false smile and vampire-like teeth.
Disgusting desu.
They originate from India/Pakistan.
They got thrown out because they were too much of a plague in the 12th century.
Be glad that your country don't have them in the tens-of-thousands as we do.
If you ever encounter them and see their scamming and fradulent behaviour you will want to gas them all.
The first "minority" i would purge would be Gypsies.
Finnish gypsies are fucking classy.
Can you guys stop this shit already!
>tens of thousands
try over a million
or 99% of the population like romania
based musicians
a u
s s
e i
d c
post gypsy music plz
sounds comfy as fuck
>2/10 bait.
>They literally try to murder eachother in public sometimes, They steal from stores and public areas.
Gypsies can't behave in Sweden, France or in any other country in Western Europe = Gypsies can't behave anywhere. It's quite narrow minded opinion, isn't it? I don't give a fuck about how they behave in Sweden. I'm talking about about Gypsies in my country, ask anyone from Czechia, the gypsies here fucking know how to behave, because we have made sure of it. If you are not able to direct minorities in your own country the way you want them to behave, it's your problem. Not theirs.
The same thing with rapefugees.
You should have let them know the first moment they entered your cunt, that if they are not going to behave, they will get fucked.
They are scum but nobody can deny their musical talent
>implying you wouldn't
only the fittest can survive in the gypsy world, that is why they fight so much
they are trained from early age so they can survive the entire europe trying to exterminate them
maybe if sweden wasn't so racist and fed them they wouldn't have to steal
Hello there RIDF. 20 bani have just been deposited into your begging cup.
Try living close to them for a half of your life. I would kick every single one out if I could.
how did they spread to Finland
someone contain these things
deport all of them, send them on ships to America.
Then the Americans can enjoy their charming culture and colourful ways.
They already are active in America. Did you know that most of the money from Madoff's Ponzi scheme is still unaccounted for (i.e. no one knows where the hell it is)? He was but a patsy for the caravan-dwelling masterminds.
Send them to Israel.
Only if you're related to them. My dad's side of the family are all Romani gypsies (been in England since the 1800s, though) and they'd all bend over backwards to help a family member. But anyone else? Fuck, you'd be lucky to not have all the copper in your house stolen when you pop out to the shops.
They are our version of abos. Fuck them.
We don't have millions of gypsies here in Swedistan m9.
My ex-girlfriend is from Czechia she said they were disgusting creatures and thought exactly the same as me about them.
However she didn't encounter them alot.
But i guess Gypsies that are here in Sweden can't behave as they all compete about who can have the best beggarspot and other shit.
We should never have let them come in at all, They have walked through multiple safe-countries, why should they get asylum here.
They fight all the time because they belong to different clans and want to have the best beggarspot etc..
They should all be locked into the sewers.
What about just sending them back to their homeland of Romania?
This, exactly. Not all of them think like that, but for traditional gypsies you're either a Rom or a gadjo, and morality does not apply to gadje. There's even a traditional gypsy folk tale, according to which Romans wanted to make sure Christ died by impaling his heart with a golden nail, but a gypsy boy stole it, and thus Jesus blessed gypsies to steal all they want from gadje.
they are the most disgusting, anoying and lazy people on earth but at least a gypsy won’t behead you
it’s better to have a gypsy problem than a muslim problem
They are from india you fucking pokeball.
Once again, Poland proves itself to be the Nigeria of Europe.
Because Romania will send them here.
The joke
Your head
The origin of the holy Romanians:
As the legend says, there were two brothers: Romulus and Remus. But through the history, people have forgotten the third brother Romanius.
Romulus and Remus got fed by the female wolf, but they didn't left space for Romanius. Romanius was hungry, so he found a male wolf and started to suck on it's cock. There comes the name dako-roman (dako means cue, which refers to penis). After Romulus killed Remus, to avoid death he went to Wallachia, where he met a wagon of gypsyes. He joined their family and became their leader.
Source: Gesta Romanium
>pic related, ancient warrior of the army of The Romanian Empire
Romani gypsies aren't from Romania. The word "Roma" in Romani just means "people", while Romania was named after the Romans. It doesn't help that Romania does have a high Romani population, but the two aren't linguistically related.
Strange to hear a gadjo know about the word "gadjo", though.
That's perhaps the only place on earth where they'd fit in.
Thieve's den, high level thieves and low level thieves.
America is still funnier. Americans have no idea what these things are like.
>But i guess Gypsies that are here in Sweden can't behave as they all compete about who can have the best beggarspot and other shit.
Your country is a semi-failed state that exists only for foreigners to plunder all they can before inevitable collapse, that's why gypsies or anyone can't behave: you don't think about manners in a fucking barn.
They are originally for India, but most of them have no real connection to it, while Romania is their nation-state.
So kick Romania out of EU. Its acceptance into the union was engineered by elite gypsies in the first place so they could flood Europe with beggars, scammers and scrap metal thieves. Yeah, just another example of retarded gadje getting gypped again.
I used to hang out with a Romani guy who told me a lot about his people. I know that the names aren't linguistically related, but in practice modern Romania is run by and for the benefit of gypsies.
Their homeland is India
Irish yes not eurotrash ones, FUCK OFF BACK TO EUROPE
America has guns, if we had guns gypsies would behave.
>We don't have as much gypsies as other Eastern European countries but as far as I can tell, they know how to behave in public and seem to be polite, at least, in public.
What the fuck? I'm also Czech, where there fuck are you from? You have to be from somewhere where there are no gypsies at all.
Gypos are only 5% of Romania, and isolate themselves from Romanian society, like everywhere else they infest.
Bulgaria and Spain are two other nests.
England has a high Muslim population.
All this user said is real. Gypsies are given a lot a gibs and they don't even try to integrate. They steal the shopingcarts of the supermarket. They are given houses or flats and they destroy them. They steal others' flat while they are on vacation. And if you ever are tired of their smell or bullshit you can't beat them, unless you want their 16 cousins to follow you to the end of time.
gypsies are already behaved
its the intorelant behavior of unneducated bigots in europe who make them act in form of defense
America has guns that they can't use and that will soon be taken off them.
Gypos would run circles around them. The other colourful thieves there just snatch things openly and loudly. Imagine them facing the slight of hand magic tricks that these Indian monsters are trained from birth to do.
you're not even trying anymore are you?
bro tier to romanians maybe
I'll pass the bait.
Go to Croatia to visit family and work on family farm for the summer. The old guy next door is feeling sick and we end up doing most of the work on his farm. Gets to the point that he has cancer and will move in with us. Call his daughter in US and tell her what is going on. The next morning at 8 am a pack of feral Gypsies show up and set up camp in the front yard and along the side of the house. We are thinking that his daughter rented the place to them. By evening the place is a cross between a homeless camp and a real shitty music festival. During the day they are out begging at the other farms or going to the city to scam money, steal and dig shit out of the garbage cans to drag out there. About 4 days later the old dude wanted to go back over to his house for the day. Cousin pushes him over there and he freaks out over the human debris that has now broken the back door and taken stuff out of the house. For some reason they had to do laundry out in the yard. They took the washer and drier out of the house and put them in the back yard and they did laundry nearly around the clock. I go over to bring him back and he is talking to me and crying. Find out he wants them gone right now. Call his daughter to talk about the renters. She says that there are no renters, the shit just moved in. The police come out and tell them they must leave the following morning. The next day not a one of them has moved, but they did go out begging, stealing and searching dumpsters. Police called again and they come out and threaten them. Next morning police, other farmers and my extend family go over and start tearing down tents, putting their crap in their trailers and being mean to the ones that stayed. Then with their tractors tow their shit about ten miles down the road and leave it at a kind of a park. Gypsies flip out over being moved against their will. Threaten to come back and burn the house along with homes of those who helped move them.
>but in practice modern Romania is run by and for the benefit of gypsies.
Fuck you mean? They make up a criminal and dirty minority that refuses to integrate just like anywhere else. Why the fuck would you believe we are run by them?
Use paragraphs and sentences, or green text
or condense.
No le pidas peras al olmo.
>Gypos are only 5% of Romania, and isolate themselves from Romanian society, like everywhere else they infest.
Great shilling, RIDF.
Another RIDF shill, do you have some action day or something today?
You only see the gypsy foot soldiers, not the elite gypsies who profit from all these rackets. Good gadjo, thinking exactly what his Roma masters want him to think. (assuming you aren't yet another RIDF shill)
Getting pikies and kikes confused
the guy obviously is talking straight out of his asshole.
continues, A couple of the farmers and the police went down to their camp that night and set their shit on fire. The fire department gave them a fine and told them if they were around in 7 days they would come to collect. The gypsies saw what was happening and left the area. Gypsies are human filth and never let them get a foothold near you
We hunt them as a sport here in Italy.
They're not human.
Damn, the RIDF is truly restless today.
Hitler should've finished the job.
>Did you know that most of the money from Madoff's Ponzi scheme is still unaccounted for
they know exactly where it is , but it ain't coming back.
I'll give you a hint: think of a shitty little country in the middle east full of madoff's co-religionists
>feral Gypsies
Exactly, My friend is a landowner and something simular to this happend.
Except that the camp was not close to the house but on private property.
After 72 hours being on his property my friend and his dad got so tired of the gypsies not listening to their demands that they have to leave the area asap.
So they took their rifles out and fire a couple of shots close to them.
The gypsies left very quickly leaving alot of shit behind.
Gun-boat diplomacy is the only thing that works with them.
That's exactly what they want you to believe. Yeah, it's all the Jews, gadje, we totally can afford all these cars and mansions on welfare!
Hint: Madoff swindled lots of his fellow Jews too, do you really think they wouldn't know if their money actually went to Israel?
>related to human nature
Pick one
keep in mind that Sweden has like 22 millions of people, spain has 45.
50000 gypsies in Sweden are like 1,5 millions here.
as a kid (like 25 years ago) when we drove to the swimming pools with our bikes we kinda had to drive by their 'spot' where they were parking with their campingvans drenched in disgusting dirt, debris and garbage .. topped with a smell of old piss and feces
the same fucking trailers that i saw as a kid where still standing around that park when i was around some weeks ago - literally nothing but the average thickness of dirtlayer changed in like 3 decades.
totally lost any respect for those even as an innocent child.
literally dirt people
gas yourself roma
A few years ago Europe was angry at us treating gypsies like shit, now they are angry at us because we let them go wherever they wanted. Make up your God damn minds!
>A few years ago Europe was angry at us treating gypsies like shit
>Romania can't into politics
Europe was mad about us defending our border against african invaders, so what, that was to content public opinion, meanwhile Europe adopt our policies to deport sand niggers.
The only cool thing about gypsies is when they come in conflict with muslims
It's funny seeing a mudslime being used to occidental people bending over for him discover that trying to pull the same shit with a gypsy results in 40 manlets stabbing him in the nuts, and being unable to call them RAYCIS or ISLAMOPHOBES after that
Yep, pretty cool guetto battles
>tfw gitanos are like our first line in the Holy War
Romania was in the process of EU integration. Hard to negociate with EU if we did something against the gypsies during that period!
the only positive thing about gypsies is their low life expectancy.
they die young at 50-60 from all the inbreeding.