Why white people like limited government so much?

Why white people like limited government so much?

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Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely.

It's easier to stay on top and keep the status quo if you don't need to worry about a government trying to redistribute wealth or enforce civil rights/equality.

What the fuck kind of socialist answer is this.


The elites always take control of the government. Governments do not take control from the elites.

Eat a dick, you fucking commie piece of shit.

that's just reasoning

I'm asking why only whites think like that

Fucking commie faggot

It's called the bell curve.

asians are even higher on average

...that can't be real.

Same reason why white people are always so obsessed over their child's education. They like being in control of their surroundings.

Non-whites tend to be much less involved.

Not sure what part of my post could be interpreted as socialist/communist.

Sure limited government means "more freedom", but the reason white people like it specifically is because it allows the freedom to discriminate how they like and maintain their control over society.

Just to be clear here, I'm white and this is my primary reason for wanting the freedom that limited government allows.

First time on Sup Forums? IQ differences between races are an accepted fact here.

What do you think is real? That race is not a factor for intelligence? Protip: it happens throughout the animal kingdom.

holy shit how could you even doubt it. have you ever watched COPS the TV show or visited a black neighborhood?

Is Paul Ryan the hottest male politician in America?

Because white people can think and innovate for themselves

>The elites always take control of the government
You mean they exploit loopholes in weak governments they in nearly all cases engineered specifically to give themselves an unfair advantage? Wow, that's such a surprise.

>only whites think like that
Lmao russia just denied being white. Capping this shit.

Lolwut? White people create unlimited governments that will soon eradicate last white man from the Earth.

Welcome to Sup Forums! Enjoy your stay, you can't leave now.


In all western countries government tend to steal money away from productive white men to distribute it to migrants / women.

White people are intelligent and civilized enough to not need a big strong government telling them what to do all the time.


>excel graphs

Sources notwithstanding, I'd probably stick with posting something a little more visually reassuring than a DIY project in Microsoft Office.

Because they don't understand the struggles of PoC women who have to fight every day to lead households. #I'mWithHer are you?

don't have that many graphics on this computer, i'm sure someone has more

You must be new. Welcome to Sup Forums

I had a full folder somewhere, but I either deleted it or it was on another hdd

We don't need gimmedats from people who are higher up, as we can reach that height on our own.

>tfw witnessing babbys first redpill hit

He looks like Daredevil :o


>portugal higher than ireland

That can't be real

I can see a correlation between IQ and penis size. Anyone else has ever elaborated this theory?



You answered your own question.

>blood goes to benis
>malnourished,underdeveloped brain
it's not rocket science, you know.

What program you make the graphs in literally doesn't matter

It's taking data from wikipedia and plotting it

and wikipedia has a well-known liberal bias.

Big business tells them so

Because that government will be more prosperous.



Because they actually work & don't want to pay more taxes

Non Whites want bigger government because that = more welfare

Around 10% of Blacks actually work & 10% of Blacks vote Republican, interesting

spot the shit skin

the gibsmedats of nigs have to come from somewhere, and that somewhere is the pockets of white folks

t. bulgarian

>Israel - 94


made easier with limited government...

Because it's just a stealth white supremacist signal. By promoting limited government, individuals in society are more likely to succeed if they are more capable. White's and far east asian are dominant economic agents in this setup. Blacks and liberal arts majors have low IQ so theydon't want limited government since they need it more

jesus fuck that's retarded


Blacks don't actually have much bigger penises than whites, it's a myth furthered by pornographers and insecure niggers.

Except in america, england and revolutionnary france white people always prefered strong state over liberty or whatever
It's mostly used by africans not white


lel, that fucking ad.

This picture. This fucking picture right here.

Still young and innocent, he knows he's different from other Republicans, but he doesn't really know the impact it's going to have on him for the rest of his political career. He's heading into his swan song, where the press judges him for being the most cuckservative he's ever been in his life. He's going to have the worst campaign of his life in the upcoming election season. He's going to consider an hero every single day. Fuck, he's probably going to Bud Dwyer. As he grows more hated, the outspoken calls for the end of his speakership will become hushed Trump tweets of Ryan portrayed as the "sad guy" meme playing second fiddle to Pepe Trump's antics. Older still, even Hillary will retweet President Trump's meme's. It'll never stop, even when he retires to Florida.

But this fucking picture. He's just a mini-meme burning through some delicious as fuck bicep curls and loving the fuck out of being in Congress. Blissfully ignorant to the Trump Train that is about to ruin his career.

He's never going to be happier than in that moment, and we've shared it with him Sup Forums.

When the fuck were you last that cucked?

God damn.

They think taxes are the only thing stopped them from succeeding

*does corrupt