Why are the British so ugly and disgusting compared to the rest of Europe?

Why are the British so ugly and disgusting compared to the rest of Europe?

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tiny gene pool

they have a few decent looking girls, but anyone 7+ knows it and exploits the fuck out of it


I don't understand it honestly.

I mean they're part Germanic and part Gaelic, right? Both I think can be pretty beautiful, and look fine usually. Perhaps somehow the English gradually just got really inbred later though. Or maybe its something that developed in their ethnic character, an inner ugliness that is revealed in their countenance.

The english like to pretend that they were only a small group of invaders

This is probably true, but that small group of invaders still represents almost the entirety of the english genepool before they grabbed the land west of the Pennines.

Romania why are you shitposting so hard today?

Literally seen like 5-6 romanian shitpost thread in the last 35 minutes

shits hectic yo

Small genepool, they should have sent guys into mainland Europe to import fresh DNA for the men in Bongistan to rapel

Because all genetically superior Brits fucked off to the new world leaving behind inbred upper class twits and ugly, stupid proles.

British are fucking beautiful you gypsy piece of shit. stop the jealousy projection

I don't know

not true

old meme is old

stay poor degenerate

> Jeremy Kyle

A show of meth addicts and crackheads.


Probably because so many of you cunts are here fucking up our averages.

Also, nice cherry picking.

I guarantee you your top specimens are almost never pure english, usually huguenot, irish or welsh.

To be fair you did choose people from the jeremy kyle show which ia where the trailer trash inbred twats go on to find which one of five guys is a bastards father.

Im sure you have that sort of trash in your country as well

They aren't disgusting or ugly, every nation has it's pretty faces and ugly ones, some more and some less, britain has more because of it's inbreeding history, yet i wouldn't say that they are on average ugly in comparison to anybody else.

incest? incest!



Those people are all from the north, and northerners are literally subhuman

To make me look good. I'm the king of this isle.

>Jeremy Kyle
That's cherrypicking lad, the people who go on Jeremy Kyle are the worst of the worst. It's like saying Americans are ugly because of a few rednecks.

Besides, nobody is as ugly as Irish Travelers.

Subhuman Anglo genetics

its an european consensus that the british are ugly and poorly behaved

That model is spanish

Welsh are as British as it gets. They're the only true Brits on the island. Anglos are foreign invaders.

Do brits actually believe they're not uglier on average than the rest of europe? Every time I go to the uk the difference is so fucking striking I refuse to believe you can't see it.

i'm talking the native britons. welsh, cornwall, etc. fuck the anglos as far as i'm concerned. the british isles are great

>tfw no qt British gf

I bet they don't even like Americans anyway.

Just working class. Same as anywhere else in the world. Working class people are ugly and middle classes have better genetics and a better lifestyle.

It depends where you live, to be honest. I could say that the village where I live is generally above average.

But I live in a medium sized rural town/village with a relatively small population of about 5000. If I travelled to my nearest city and visited council estates of similar the average plummets pretty fucking low. Working class chavs are fucking horrendous and the stereotypes are very much true.

British women have shit ageing genetics too. Girls hit their peak around 16-24 and after that they age rapidly and pack on the weight.

hard for them to see it when they are comparing themselves to Jamal and Ahmed

tfw got myself a 5/10 english girl with lots of money.

I think it's to do with years of bad breeding and lack of sunlight. Europeans are absolutely god tier beautiful in comparison. I love me a dirty chav skank though - but nothing like in your picture OP.

They're not all that bad user.


That's pretty sad, no wonder the British are so pissed off at everybody else.

I've been saying this forever. UK have the shittest-tier women. Even Ireland beats them

I don't dispute the fact that there are good-looking brits with british ancestry, I'm just saying this is pretty damn rare. Almost every single british actor or actress that is good-looking has a foreign parent or grandparent. In Scandinavia, a common gag is that the vikings selectively kidnapped all the beautiful women on the british isles over a period of hundreds of years, which is how the UK was turned into the ugliest country in the world.

every country has at least some hot women Hank. we're talking about the median. if you've ever been to the UK you'll see the women are somehow even worse than USA

lost so hard at this post. probably true to be honest.

This show is literally the modern equivalent of the old freak shows, you cherry picking vagabond. Jeremy Kyle is the guy with a bullhorn shouting, "Roll up, roll up - two bits for a gander."

You should pay reparations then.

The Vikings stole all their attractive women

They're like us in that regard, we both have shitloads of uglies, but the few who aren't ugly are absolutely beautiful somehow


Well done, you cherry picked Elizabeth Hurley.

I've been to the UK once. Your women really are abysmal.

>be viking raider
>from polygamous society
>be angry virgin
>raid britain for wimminz to steal
>don't find one worth stealing
>go home a proud virgin
>0/10 will not raid again

you're cherrypicking the poorest, ugliest people from a show that only accepts the poorest and ugliest people to be on the stage

>In Scandinavia, a common gag is that the vikings selectively kidnapped all the beautiful women on the british isles over a period of hundreds of years, which is how the UK was turned into the ugliest country in the world.
To an extent, it's true. IIRC, 2/3rds of Iceland's women have some form of British ancestry, or something like that according to Icelandic genetic research. As an aside, I never quite get why people never joke about their inbreeding.

But yeah, I agree that on averages that British women are pretty horrible. Most people ignore the inbred dregs that you find in city centres and Johnny Foreigners will never leave big urban centres. Fuck, as far as most foreigners are concerned, The UK is just London and that's about as far as their education goes.

Stereotypes also play a part. If you posted the most distinctly average blonde girl and said she was Swedish, people would be tripping over themselves about how good-looking she is. Say she's British and people would just say the truth, average or below. Much in the same way asking a queestion in a certain way frames people's answers.

it doesn't make sense to talk about the tiny gene pool, or is the implication that for the tiny amount of time the anglo has been on the celtic isles would be enough to make such an effect?

If anything it's the opposite. The anglo is the most race mixed germanic tribe, as they invaded and inhabit an originally celtic land.

Jews are extremely race mixed and also an ugly people.

We are doing that. We're sending truckloads of beautiful blondes to do internships at hipster cafes or work in "finance" in London. Unfortunately for you they're taking their SJW indoctrination with them, so they're not likely to have sex with you.

>if you've ever been to the UK
I have, they had a lot of cuties! I'm an upper crust 1%er though, probably with better crowds just naturally.

>you'll see the women are somehow even worse than USA
The USA has almost two hundred million women of every ethnic background out there and a whole new bunch too, we literally have the most beautiful women in the world.

Also more white women live in the USA than in all of Europe combined.

English ANGLO SAXON men and women are beautiful. The ugly ones are the DIRTY celts.

cause they are inbred fucks, it pains me to say but the storicly more diverse countries have best looking woman (apart from some exceptiom which are probably led by personal taste)

we don't have average looking people. Either a fuck ugly cretin or an absolute babe. We just have more fuck uglys.

ITT: Remainers and slavs
Have you even been to other countries?
I have been all over europe and I found that brits looks more less
equal to swedes desu and slavs were the ugly ones

It's true, although many of the Eastern European migrant women (if they aren't sex slaves) very much fall into the category of potato frau.

We're a nation of extremes. We have insanely beautiful people as well as a whole sub-goblin race. There is no in-between.

>tiny gene pool
>millions of people
Do you know how unbearably retarded you sound

But I didn't accompany it with, "All British women are superhot!" Many are beautiful, many aren't, and there's a big chunk of average who can enhance or degrade depending on how tough a life they lead and how well they eat.

Because half of thems lived in tiny isolated villages for centuries. I know a rural town in the Netherlands like that where half of the people are redheads because of centuries of cousin fucking.

False, Anglos are arguably the most race mixed germanic tribe and hence this is what leads them to be the ones who * stand out * as odd looking.

t. achmed

Which #BritishSlag is best slag?

Stay mad, petrovik. You guys are fucking ugly.
You make sweden look a lot more uglier

>so obvious lying

>slavs were the ugly ones
This is true of the men but they produce incredibly hot women.

Bottom right looks high test and has the FAS going for her, easily pleased.

we're just as bad

The ignorance in that comment is real. Are you trying to say that they would normally not be red haired, but due to inbreeding it caused this? Or that they were naturally red haired but due to inbreeding managed to avoid going extinct due to being a tiny minority?

>calling people from countries other than britain remainers
You wot m8?

We might be ugly, but at least we can pronounce grass properly

none of those ones

>no one mentions you at all anywhere
>come out of no where just to say " we suck just as much, just wanted you guys to know "

tier 3 cuckdom

Honestly I think a lot of our women would look better if they improved their lifestyle, such as eating habits and dress sense, since right now it's pretty poor.
Won't be god tier but it'd be a solid improvement.

You'll be suprised if you actually were in one of those countries.
Most of the women who are pretty are pretty much plastic.
They love to whore out their women on the internet so someone will care about their shithole

Most people in the british isles are extremely inbred and worsen their looks through alcoholism, fake tans, and poor diets

fook you on about they're FIT

You won't get anywhere in life being that picky you know!

Don't waste that i.d lad

There's more inbetween than you think, but people tend to notice extremes more. You're going to walk past the average person and blank them for the most part. It's only the attractive or ugly that will trigger anything in your brain.

You'd be surprised if you did some travelling across Eastern Europe. If you're going to big cities with young urban professionals and whatever, you're naturally going to find better looking people, but they're not all that.

Go to some backwater village, and it's a bit hit/miss.

Then again, I know that people on Sup Forums aren't exactly worldly outside of Internet shitposting, so whatever.

Would only bang maybe 3 and 4 if they wore less slap. The one on the right is probably as close to a true 'average' or less, as you're going to get and the two on the left are mongs.

the far right one then :)

she's ugly-cute plus those skanky leggings make my wee wee tingle

I grew up with a bunch of Russian and Ukie expats, they were OK and the chicks were pretty hot.

I'm sure it's a shithole over there though compared to my comfy life.

If you travel to Londonistan, you're bound to get shit covered with glitter.


noyn :3

I would do them all in a line.

Are you nuts?

Second from right has anal sex hair.

Gingerism is a recessive trait. It's not that common in the area around the forementioned town. It's also a known fact most of the people in that town of 2000 people are related. So it probably started off with just a few families whom at least one of them carried the ginger genes.

>You'd be surprised if you did some travelling across Eastern Europe. If you're going to big cities with young urban professionals and whatever, you're naturally going to find better looking people, but they're not all that.

I have been. Good and bad looking people exist everywhere but poverty tends to exacerbate ugliness somehow.

>Go to some backwater village, and it's a bit hit/miss.

This is the exact opposite of my experience, rural people are really the best looking as long as they're not in some shitty third world economy.

>Then again, I know that people on Sup Forums aren't exactly worldly outside of Internet shitposting, so whatever.

I've been all over the world user.

Such beautiful specimens.
>sub human experiments.


>go to budapest
>see many other holidaymakers
>all extremely attractive
>see ugly girls
>they were almost always british

just fucking kill me already

why are europeans so obsessed with us? just leave our comfy little island be
also your people are petty criminals and not even white

Ok woah.

Yeah exactly.

They hate us cos they aint us.

Looks mid average

>This is the exact opposite of my experience, rural people are really the best looking as long as they're not in some shitty third world economy.
I agree with this, 100%.

>I've been all over the world user.
It wasn't speciffically aimed at you, but I get why you would have thought that. It was badly worded by me.

Looks like a friend's ex, only with a nose and tits 20x the size.

a brit told me the expiration date of british girls is 17

>Go to some backwater village

there's even more beautiful girls in rural eastern europe

proof you never went there