Austrian presidential candidate Norber Hofer lost after suing a SPÖ politcian for calling him a Nazi.
The judge says that there is clear evidence that calling Hofer a Nazi is justified.
Austrian presidential candidate Norber Hofer lost after suing a SPÖ politcian for calling him a Nazi.
The judge says that there is clear evidence that calling Hofer a Nazi is justified.
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>implying being a nazi is a bad thing
now his win is even more
"Mom I'm bullied at school"
"Shut the fuck up nobody cares"
Posting Sup Forums-related material on Sup Forums makes you a bullied child now?
Go fuck yourself Alberto Barbo-Umayyad.
Come on Austria. Man up & lets MAGA
I remember this election being fucked by postals vote iirc but now, what are his chances to win in the second election ? is there any recent poll ?
nice justice you got there
he is leading 52 to 48
and chancellor kern completely lost it and described the SPÖ as the forces of light and the FPÖ as forces of darkness.
kek the fags on their high horse are scared.
What's wrong with being a nazi?
I laughed so hard when I read that. Kern is completely insane and anyone who doesn't see it by now is beyond help. His solidarity with Merkel and how he aspires to become a Trudeau should tell us something as well because of that.
He was leading the polls before the first elections too right? Have they done any changes to the election process?
Really makes you think. I guess im a #bellend now.
The poster?
Nah, I was making fun of that Austrian Hofer, who got bullied by some other politician, went to the judge, and got bullied by him too.
I found it kinda funny
his party has been banned from receiving any votes.
no there aren't any changes, but this election will be better monitored now
What are the arguments?
das ist lächerlich. jemand als NAZI abzustempeln weil er ein Kornblume trägt.
Die SPÖ`ler tragen rote Nelken. Sind sie deswegen Stalinisten?
nice comment stealing m8
It will only make him stronger
The judicial system in Germany/austria is not seperate from the executive system. The entire judicial system answers to the minister of justice who answers to the chancellor.
There is no seperation of Judicative/Executive/Legislative like in France, USA or England (i.e. no Montesquieu was ever implemented).
This means there is no political neutrality in the courts. You only get a career in the court system if you deliver the sentences the executive wants.
They usually use fresh-out-of-college temporary judges for these political trials that can be fired at will if they fail to deliver the intended sentence.
With the european commission writing 80% of all laws in Germany/Austria, there no longer is a division between Executive/Legislative either, as the commission members are appointed by the executive governments of the eu member states.
This is why you should NOT respect the judges in the court system in germany/austria, they are direct representatives of the leftist governments.
Damn it Austria, how can one country be so based?
ohh edgey storm front fag. Have you had fun jerking off to the pictures of German ss gunning down families in front of ditches you sick fuck. Why do you glorify people who just commited wanton murder. There was no reason to exterminate the polish people. There was no reason to exterminate the slavics people. Hell the jews made up a good portion of your educated working class people in manufacturing and industry. Why did you exterminate them? They could have been useful in your war machine helping produce machined parts and research. Imagine if Einstein and his fellow Jewish physicist had staid in Germany. Germany could have made the break through in nuclear technology instead of chasing the heavy water fallacy they were. The second you start ethnic cleansing is the second you are on the wrong side of history. Try being tolerant for a change. Look I know its not easy user, but for a change just try to let things go. A jew wont hurt you. They are human they have hopes and dreams just like every one else. Same for blacks, latinos, slavs, Chinese, and Asians. We all just want to work our 9 to 5 and get home and see our friends. Give tolerance a chance
>Literally the most migrants after Sweden in 2015
Doesnt matter. Will make Austria great again.
Vandercuck will lose. Bigtime.