What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
>Sources are racist and so is asking for them
is what they meant by that.
the top 20% of blacks are only smarter then the bottom 50% of whites
This is a pretty funny troll. I bet some of those We Wuz Kangz folks would retweet it
What did they mean by this?
100% of whites are smarter than 80% blacks
These. How could they cuck themselves so hard?
That 80% are really stupid so we should focus on the exceptions..
I love the implication that racists actually believe/know this to be true but just don't want to believe it.
"Psst! Sup Forums! Don't tell anyone that blacks are actually smarter than us! We can't let them know!!!"
But, yeah, the image doesn't even mean what the idiot thinks it means. And I doubt even is true. Although that's really cute... "Hey! The smartest blacks are smarter than the dumbest whites! So there!"
>20% of blacks are smarter than 1 in 2 white people.
>only 2 people
This image has to be a troll, or made by a math-deficient black guy.
>How could they cuck themselves so hard?
Being biologically stupid.
Have you heard them try to talk? I was walking by a lot today and realized... it's not just their dialect, it's their brains that make them talk like that.
How I feel about whites morally. Some of them are very nice but most of them holy ducking shit. Degenerate mutant scymbags
followed by ur logic
>the rest 80% dumber than the kfc chicken
and we got the stat
Are they fucking saying that 50% of whites are smarter than the top 20% smartest blacks? That is not something to be proud of...
You have to go back.
This is exactly what Hillary Clinton means when she talks about our wonderful children of color. They enrich all or our lives and we need to know they aren't just magic, they're geniuses too.
50% of whites are smarter than 80% of blacks.
>20% of blacks are smarter than 50% of whites
...so in other words, blacks are dumber. And it's also not true, because their IQ is 1 standard deviation below ours. On a normal distribution, that would mean that 50% of blacks are dumber than 84% of whites.
Is this OC user?
It's about right.
look carefully.
20% of blacks are smarter then 50 % of whites
i.e. the smarest 20% of blacks are smarter then the bottom 50% of whites.
there for the top 50% of whites are smarter then the bottom 80% of blacks
The bottom of 50% whites are smarter than 8 in 10 niggers
I'm as racist will tell you this.
>i.e. the smarest 20% of blacks are smarter then the bottom 50% of whites.
even that's not actually true though. It'd be more correct to say that 20% of blacks are at least as smart as 50% of whites. Not smarter.
> Claim that half of whites are smarter than any blacks ever
> Think this somehow BTFOs racists
Apparently they aren't very smart.