Could you be with one woman for life Sup Forums? How did our grandparents do it? Is it the Jews fault people constantly break up?
Could you be with one woman for life Sup Forums? How did our grandparents do it...
They didn't.
Gram gram was a whore.
I am 26 virigin so I have no problem with it.
My grandparents are still together. Or were, until my grandad died.
there was a lot more social stigma for cheating and I don't think it was even legal to do so for a while.
Your grandparents prob still cheated it was just kept well, like when 420 wasn't really a thing people could hide weed well until it became more acceptable to smoke it
Personally, I believe humans.. females in general.. have always been disloyal. I find that loyalty is a masculine trait, but since Western civilization deems it okay to be a little pussy-boy, many western men nowadays cannot be trusted.
The media that you consume will affect who and what you are. If you listen to a lot of rap music, of course you're going to be cynical towards women. All you can do is trust yourself and learn how to love yourself.
>How did our grandparents do it?
They didn't.
Okay, even if they did cheat, they still got back together.
I'm a Chad, and i can tell you from personal experience that women nowadays are very masculine and "just want to have fun". There is definitely a discrepancy between what Sup Forums fantasizes a woman to be and what they actually are: black-hearted abysses of anxiety, schizophrenia, and emotional disturbances. Get in the gym so you can fuck as many as you want and most importantly, enjoy the decline.
i grannies did it, they are still a splendid couple after 50 years of marriage, dont know about cheating but i doubt it since theyre both ugly as shit and i think i took from them the low sex drive
feels goodman
If it was a realistic possibility, would you be with 1 women? If she basically had all the traits you wanted.
>Could you be with one woman for life Sup Forums?
Do you mean like bever sexing any other female? No, I couldn't do that. I'd stay with jusy my wife but I'd do our daughters.
Kek. You sick fuck.
Yes, never having sex with another female.
They didn't.
I could very easily stay with the same woman, if she represented the traits that I desired.
Are you attempting to legitimize your personal conflict from the urge to cheat?
Remember brother... Unicorns don't exist. Many of these 'traits' don't exist until you project them onto the girl.
However, in a truly hypothetical situation... yes definitely. It would be a breath of fresh air. I've yet to meet one that truly met my standards.
Yes. But I'm also interested in what other men think. Not about my particular relationship, but about the question in the OP. We are brutally honest to each other on here. Not something that is common in real life. Nobody wants to look like a sensitive pussy, lol.
I'm aware of that, this isn't my first relationship. And I'm aware of it, because I made that same mistake previously, projecting traits that didn't exist. But this time, she has demonstrated these traits, without me actually hinting at them or looking for them.
I'm a pretty decent looking guy and lift, I get easy attention from women. So I'm just thinking, can I be with 1 chick and miss out on all that fucking pussy? Obviously in the end, fucking a bunch of dumb slags isn't going to amount to anything, while staying with this has that possibility. But I'm having trouble shaking off that notion, that I'll be missing out.
Fair enough.
The effect that social justice has had and on the whole the globalist movement, is to somewhat invalidate what we perceive to be decent relationships.
Consumerism has replaced religion. Money is what many now worship, and the overall pursuit of it.
This has led to a drop in personal integrity and overall moral. People believe that they should be happy and comfortable at all times.
If they struggle in a relationship, they no longer wish to find a solution. Instead just as if their iphone has become obsolete, they want to go out and get another.
The liberal agenda also seems to have itself rooted as a symptom of this consumerist society.
>People believe that they should be happy and comfortable at all times.
This is what I've experienced time and time again with women. It's like they believe difficulties are some sort of malfunction of life, rather than a natural consequence of it.
Millennials got fucked up the ass by the Boomers. What do you expect OP?
They are constantly fed that they are strong independent women from birth.
They are bombarded by Zionist controlled media corporations that blast their developing mind, causing obsession with celebrities.
The issue is complex, however the modern regression of the feminist movement has promoted all the things you mention, in fact it displays them as empowering decisions.
This is what occurs when you decide to work outside of the naturally composed order.