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Heil Hitler.
I don't get it.
wtf i hate the two-party system now
Heil Hitler
Stalin. He could led this nation, and unlike Hitler he won't leave it in ruins
who would be the libertarian?
dam write comrade
Wow, really makes your brain strain.
Okay let's talk real
If Hitler and Stalin went on a presidential campaign against each other in a world where they have not been Nazis and Commies and whathaveyous, who would win?
Can Hitler sway the nation with his speeches?
This sort of debate is an exercise in gutter politics. Stalin wasn't nearly as bad as the evil, genocidal Hitler. Hitler murdered 6 million Jews by personally gassing them. That's despicable and nothing Stalin did ever came close to that. There is no evidence to the contrary as it has all been debunked by our factcheckers.
nigga what
hitler did amazing in leading his nation. he was just a shite general.
>1 post by this ID
Hitler, at least we still have bread.
rly maed me thin
But Hitler is already running for republican and his name is Donald Trump????
What's chernobyl?
What's Aral Sea?
Fuck off commie.
Hitler and Stalin are both very unpopular in America, even seen as pure evil, so if they ran a third party candidate would probably win
Erm. If they both somehow won all the primaries and the American people sought them thru popular voting, i guess that could happen.
But if they ever did anything to piss us off, we could impeach them.
And not to mention they only hold 1/3rd power in the government so big whoop.
That's what's cool about our government.
They had the exact same policies - why running against each other? They would be running for the democrats as a ticket.
>hitler did amazing in leading his nation. he was just a shite general.
Nigga what, his economical plans were atrocious. It force his nation to declare war to sustain itself
Stalin was dead by then you fucking spicsemenmonkey.
youre right, he wasnt close, he went above and beyond by killing more people
he is worth 1.2 hitlers
In France we have the choice between 4 socialist party. Yes, all political party are socialist even the one nationalist.
there is no democracy but a soft totalitarism control by one social class.
>Voting Hitler
He's literally modern day Drumpf
>muh freedumbs
I love democracy cuz I am a burger, but hitler would be my choice
>getting fucked by over 3 country's is "leaving in ruins"
>implying Nazi Germany wasn't based when it was powerful
>What is the fall of the USSR
lol memes
>third party candidate is a black transgerndered lesbian with shitting dick nipples
So be it.
Yeah because starving 40 million of your own people through famine is fine, also
>falling for the 6 gorillion
What? Hitler did nothing amazing in leading Germany, he just borrowed money. And he caused World War II just because he didn't want to pay his debts.
Hitler 2016! He will build ovens and make Israel pay for them! Hail Victory!
>One fucked themselves over by killing everyone with experience in their military
>Other only had military hype
Pretty good labels senpi.
>Stalin genocided muzzies for causing trouble and purged "muh revolution" trotskite jews out of the SU goverment
>Hitler tried to make his nation great again by whatever means possible
I see literally no problem here desu. Both of them were much better leaders than the modern cucked lefties of the West.
Hitler without even thinking about it.
>But he killed jews
He also stood against marxism, I'm going to hell.
IIRC his economic miracle was only possible with enormous amounts of debt which he intended to repay by conquering new land.
so nothing changes, we'd vote for republican.
yeah, you're right, instead communism took about 94 million lives, but yet nobody talks about that, it's always >MUH 6 GORILLION!
Stalin was long dead when USSR collapsed you fucking mongrel, Stalin's USSR was perfect and a superpower it was incompetent bureaucrats who took after him that fucked it. He even said that without him they are like children.
Not only that, but communism also shot you in the back
Well like Trump, Hitler is a man with deep social concerns and good-will who the media is happy to shit all over whilst Stalin, like Hillary is a proven psychopath whose malfeasance they are happy to turn a blind-eye to.
So once again we have a no-brainer. Hitler all the way baby!
Second paragraph is literally every teenager ever. So sick of seeing that sort of "reasoning" on Sup Forums every day. UNDERAGE GET OUT REEE
Stalin would put the people who didn't work (non whites) in a gulag
Hitler would give them welfare or some HR job
>what's Aral Sea
What Stalin did fucked up USSR generation after.
wow he cared about his countrymen what a pussy lol
Stalin got in power trough behind the scenes meddling.
Hitler more or less tried trough democracy.
>Socialist running as a republican.
I'd vote Hitler. That's not even a question.
Biggest economic, infrastructure, and science leap seen in the history of man, and with the might of America, won't lose when the world decides we need cut down.
Even after Nazi Germany, it was Nazi Scientists that committed to the next 40 years of science, fueling both sides of the space race.
Both of them loved their country and improved the standard of living and power of their country.
Hence neither could hope to be nominated to lead any political party in the West.
They are both Democrats
Nah, Stalin would end in the White House. Hitler would either end dumped in the river or exiled then assasinated by the CIA.
As much as i hate Hitler I gotta admit he looks like a monk when you compare him to Stalin
Joseph Stalin can account for approximately 5 hitlers
No shit.
....makes you think
Every time.
Is it true that the Nazis had a booming economy? What exactly did Hitler do to result in such economic prosperity? Or is that not the case?
Well they say he's LITERALLY Hitler. This is yet another similarity...
>What's Aral Sea?
Mor lik anal sea
No booming economy - they just nationalized everything and printed nice propaganda posters. The industry needed for wartime production got priority. They borrowed money and confiscated property of random rich people to cover the costs. The con would have fallen apart without the war providing new stuff to confiscate. That's why they left Switzerland intact - we laundered their stolen shit. As Thatcher said, socialism works until you run out of other peoples money.
Democracy is shit meme system that was taken way too seriously by enlightenment values? OK, if you're older than 20 or have been on Sup Forums for more than a fucking week you should know this.
Besides Hitler getting the white house would be awesome
Isn't it said that they weren't socialist in the common sense of the word?
Also, when you say nationalize everything, did they not rely on the free market, or did they just suppress it.
I didn't think they were big on the whole redistribution and handouts deal, I thought they reinvigorated people to work for the greater good of the nation and its people.
Based mountain kike redpilling Sup Forums on Nazi wannabe kikes.
democracy is flawed
Oy vey, antisemite! It was 7 billion who were brutally murdered by Hitler!
>leave in ruins
Sure he didn't fucking die when it was said and done, but he died and did indeed leave it in a shit state.
>communists trying to defend they're shitty leader
Interesting, thanks for the link.
Guess who's getting deported?
Take it with a grain of salt, as others said, it was too reliant on having to fix things/manufacture in war time to be sustainable. Sadly, Nazi Germany was beaten before we could see what system they would transition into. However, for the time it did exist, we see how quickly of a jumpstart their system provides.
Shut up mongrel and take it in the ass from commissar Jamal.
Of course. I do feel that, given their situation, it isn't that far-fetched to adopt a war-based economy.
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
>but allow me to play doubles advocate
I'm fine.
Not even true. Nazis had huge backing of rich industry people. Economy boomed cause autarky creates shovel work.
>Be a car manufacturer
>adolf comes up to you and demands 1000 tanks that he will pay for after he wins the war
>no choice but to make them or be called a jew and put to a camp
>pic related
you are cool but still fugg off, please explain to me why I'm stupid for making a typo while I'm tired as fuck and have been up for a long ass time
Hitler is the lesser of the two evils desu
Hitler would win in a landslide
Stalin fucking sucks at rallies, speeches and debates compared to the Fuhrer
It's all fun and games, m8. Now go get some good sleep, please.
Nice dubs, btw.
One will protect you. The others will try to kill you.
>id is slut
beady anglo man will save me
They were socialsts trough an trough. Big state programs for the common good, big state companies, top down control of everything (even local sport clubs) and encouraging conformity at every level. No, the real difference between normal commies and national socialists is scope: commies want marx style global revolution. Natsocs have realized after the Russian revolution that this is a pipe dream. Therefore, they decided to have smaller scale, national revolutions. These new workers collectives would then battle it out between them for world domination.
The reason normies think natsocs are right wing is because after ww2, commies across the world didn't want to be rightfully associated with the nazis, that's where the traditional left wing journalists and 'intellectuals' created the meme. Before ww2, people were praising Germany as the new workers paradise actually.
I'd have Putin protect me since he's alive and still in power of an entire nation.
I never said they were right wing, only culturally so, I think they're more centrist than anything.
The whole top down control thing just seems like they were big on authority, as they believed Hitler was the perfect man for the job, the one who knew best for the people.
Not sure how that's relevant, do you mean he forced haircuts and fashion sense on people?
I don't think they collectivized their economy as much as you emphasize.
This. His economy management is severely overrated. The comeback Germany pulled off after WW1 was made possible by the hard work of her people.
I mean, sure, Hitler's charisma played a big part in that, but he didn't do anything special with the economy itself really.
And I don't think he was such a bad general for a delusional guy. He went to war, not because he was sure he's gonna pull it off, but because he knew he's racing against the clock and it was either 'now or never' since there was simply no way for nat-soc Germany to keep up with the west if it turned into the money game...
But oh well, at least he was smart enough to realize those downsides of his system unlike commies who lost the cold war the moment they decided to take a break at Berlin.
Stalin murdered 10 million of his own people. Hitler (allegedly) murdered 6 million Jews. Which would you choose? The one that would kill you or others?
Kek, /thread
what is beer hall putsch
If you want to find out more about it, read about 'gleichschaltung'. They made an art out of infiltrating organizations. You are right in one point though: in order to ensure maximum conformity, they had set up redundant posts. If you were in one if them, you would compete for your superiors favor with the other redundants ond your level. That's about the only competition the natsocs encouraged.
>Happened 40 years after Stalin died
Average old Spic intelligence everyone. I wait for the day when you're all fucking slaughtered like the bunch of subhumans you are, goddamn I fucking hate you spics.