‘Lack of sex a political problem’: Sweden orders study into why it's citizens aren’t getting it on".
What does Sup Forums think, is this because of feminism or tons of foreigners?
‘Lack of sex a political problem’: Sweden orders study into why it's citizens aren’t getting it on".
What does Sup Forums think, is this because of feminism or tons of foreigners?
>Lack of sex a political problem’: Sweden orders study into why it's citizens aren’t getting it on
and we all know what will be the sverige answer how to solve the problem
Considering Japan, I'd say it's the emasculation of its male populace.
But that's also partially caused by feminism and mass immigration.
Swedish women will be forced to burn the coal.
good publicity
We need to integrate Muslim men into Swedish women.
Welp Sweden, you had an ok run.
Just let us know when you want Burgerbros to drop some democracy on you guys.
How about yesterday?
Sven has the best political solutions.
Excuse my laziness but we were too busy watching the reptilian go on about shit
Sven you so progressive, teach the world your ways
And they shall be forced to pay the toll when they do.
Because if you get it on and you are white you can be acused of rape and your whole life will end.
That's why.
Our birth numbers are about the same as yours, Denmark, Difference is that for once our politicians want to do something about it.
Deep down people know the white race is dead so they've given up. I'm not even joking. Seeing foreigners around you all the time can't be good for you.
Käften danskjävel eller så går vi över Öresundet och massakerar er igen
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You European bastards deserve everything coming to you for being do liberal and accepting mass immigration with a backwards culture
Your shitty military can't do shit.
Sut den din gris.
more refugees will solve the problem
trust me, I'm a doctor
Considering your polticians, they'd probably 'fix' the issue by making race mixing mandatory. Or making ficki ficki legal.
This just in from Swedistan, it is now mandatory for all native Swedes, both men and women to consume nigger cum, those who do not comply will be forced to. If it goes well, it will be replicated in Germany.
Swedish women don't have enough sex with our new swedes. We need to do something about it.
>is this because of feminism or tons of foreigners?
Because the girl I asked out for a date, and who seemed happy to say yes, still hasn't called me yet despite having said she will.
She was supposed to call me thursday or friday, and she didn't, and she hasn't replied to my text message either. Fucking hell.
please i was hoping Sup Forums wouldn't find out about this
it's too much, i can't handle it anymore
t. newfriend who doesn't know about the globalist conspiracy based in the U.S.
If you sent women back to the kitchen and take away their ability to vote and participate in politics, one side of the problem is solved.
The other would be to sterilize all foreign men.
And last but not least, make islam illegal.
Now you have saved your country. But this will never happen.
This basically
>Difference is that for once our politicians want to do something about it.
Nope. You're naive and retarded
well there's your problem, you asked her
when she got fucked by Achmed yesterday he didn't ask her if she wanted it or not, he just did it
and she probably loved it
They just have to Blenda Upp.
>Treat their own men like rapists.
>Invite regufees in, become rape capital of world.
>Treat the refogoos with nothing but respect, despite them being actual rapists.
>"Why aren't our people having sex?"
Well, you treat your own men like rapists, tell blacks they can rape your women, leading women to avoid the blacks ("#refugee's welcome, but not near me") and basically just cucked your entire population, all while expecting their to be absolutely no negative side-effects.
Sweden, you're a terminal country. You're dying and there is no way to save you.
That's what you get for metaphorically giving practise blowjobs to a stick of uranium, despite our warnings.
You country also have almost double the population size, Your ships are small and shit.
That's very progressive and tolerant, Sven. Good Goy
>doesn't include rape in those figures
Need to broaden those definitions of sexual intercourse sven
Lack of consensual* sex is a problem in Sweden
When you literally do not need a mate, since the state provides it all and because you are rich enough to have it all, you do not get a mate.
>make it illegall for man to touch a woman or talk to a woman the wrong way
>make even consensual sex a gamble because the female could just change her mind later and accuse you of rape
>make it illegal to have sex with a woman who had a drink
Gee, I wonder why they don't get it on anymore.
Another problem is feminism. Think of tits. They evolved because we couldn't prominently see female asses anymore when starting to walk upright. It is important, almost mandatory, to identify the other sex. The more difference, the better. But socially, female (and male) traits have been erased. Women are not identifiable by their behavior anymore, they are like men. They swear, they drink, they puke on the street, they go to work, they have meetings. Differences meant attraction, and feminism aims to eliminate differences.
Also, feminism pushed women to work, deriding housework and motherhood as "oppression". As Simone de Beauvoir, influential French feminist, once said: "No woman should be authorized to stay at home and raise her children. Society should be totally different. Women should not have that choice, precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one."
So even if they have sex, they either have an abortion or use contraceptives, because their career is more important to them now.
At the very least the article confirms they recognize that it is a problem. What they plan to do about it is different, and I'm sure if Löfven has anything to say about it, the result wont be pretty. But if it happens after 2018, some good may come out of it.
Looking at the European average, our birth rates may be lower than desired, but not lower than many other countries.
well when you place the population under extreme rates of stress they don't want to have sex funnily enough
That is because of the Muslims, Sven.
They must have been aware of this outcome where if they leave any detail out everyone instantly know it is immigrants they are talking about.
Sven always knows what to do.
>taking things out of context
>most people don't even bother to read the article
As usual.
>At the very least the article confirms they recognize that it is a problem.
Nope, you're naive and retarded still. You have to understand what angle they approach this from. It's not "ethnic swedish birthrates are too low", it's "swedes are not enjoying the full potential of the hedonestic massconsumerist culture we live under".
This is from 2009 before the immigrant crisis.
>before the immigrant crisis.
Oh my fucking god. How fucking stupid are you people? The VAST MAJORITY of non-whites in Europe have been here for many decades now. The non-white invasion of Europe is a slow but steady process, not something that has only "recently occured".
Why can't nordics just get along
Um, now please.
Sure, but its only in recent years that the immgiration has increased to a point where it is existentially dangerous. The agreement between MP and Alliansen was 2011.
>posting the fake pic
Everyone is too busy working to pay taxes for their replacement by Africans.
>but its only in recent years that the immgiration has increased to a point where it is existentially dangerous
No, you still have no fucking idea what you're talking about. It's not just about "how many people entered Sweden this year?", it's about much more than that. Ethnic swedish birth rates have been FAR below replacement level for MANY decades now, COUPLED with TENS OF THOUSANDS of non-whites entering Sweden each year, with FAR HIGHER BIRTH RATES than ethnic swedes.
It's about "how many less/more ethnic swedes are there in Sweden after the end of this year, and how many less/more non-whites are there in Sweden after the end of this year", that's what demographics is about, not about "oh wow hehe 20k a year doesn't sound too bad"
Fucking political illiterates, don't post if you don't know what you're talking about.
In case you didn't know: Sweden is 33% non-swedish and ~15% non-white.
Clearly its you who cant read statistics. I posted this clearly in both of my posts. You can clearly see, if you know what you're talking about, that the birth rate is below replacement level. I never argued this. I specifically said its less than desired, so you're really kicking in open doors and having an autistic hissy fit while you're at it.
20k a year is still 20k too many. I dont really know why you'd think that I would disagree on this. Clearly you're projecting something and assigning me opinions I've never said anything about. Maybe its that I said that only in recent years its reached existentially dangerous levels? Do you disagree with me that 10-20k per year is atleast a totally different ballgame than 160k?
Because (((they))) teach us boys to be cucks and then we get no action and voila you have a reason to flood the countries with immigrants
//A Swede changing flights
Introcuce a foreign horde of people who entered the country under the guise of being women and children. But realistically men in their 30s - 40s who rape everything in sight. Underage children included and act surprised when people fear sex for not wanting to become a sex slave to foreigners with malicious intent.
'we must study this phenomenon'...
There was never any point where this "was not an existential crisis" and then eventually "became one", the question was always "continuing as we're doing now, how long will it take?", that "how long will it take", changes depending on the amount of immigrants each year, amount of births, deaths, etc. . But the inevitable result doesn't change. The jews anti-white genocide plan has been an existential threat from the moment of its inception as an idea in one of their little rotten brains, to this day, the only question has been "how long will it take?".
>Lack of sex
well thats a lie, they want a study on sexual behaviour, my guess is that they wanna throw as much gender-identity and trans-shit into the conclusion of the study when it comes out
but hey Denmark was the country that made a commercial to make sure that the Danes had sex
>, is this because of feminism
Yes. They've fallen into the final stage.
Kek'd. You mean the same "problem" Denmark's government were talking about last year?
This is not about the countries, it's about feminism and anti-MEN shit that keeps spreading like cancer. Why the fuck would a man want a relationship with a retarded political motivated feminist? The man, no matter the country. Prefers to just sleep once or twice each month with a random slut and then go back to their daily routine, a.k.a work hard and drink with friends.
Relationships with feminists or political women in general makes you go insane/depressed.
Is it really feminism tough?
I feel like the same kind of feminism isnt that widespread in Denmark as it is in Sweden.
I think it has more to do with women being apart of the work-force and that being seen as something natural
If both parents work, you get less time for sex and less time togheter to even work up to the sex
because of living up to their liberal government shit makes you inevitable a cuck, e.g. doing shared household-work reduces the amount of sex couple has drastically. In the end it's the resullt of an emasculating self-hating policy
>I think it has more to do with women being apart of the work-force
Well yeah, that's exactly what the feminist movement pushed/are pushing for on a daily basis. Of course it has to do with feminism, that sort of cancer exists every where (in the western world +Japan and South Korea).
i thought swedish people really like their personal space. how you guys supposed to fuck if you live like hermits?
>tfw no qt Swede gf with strong traditional family values disgusted by her country
>live like hermits
I wish senpai
living in a small house on the Swedish countryside, having my own garden where i grow some vegtables and having some chickens for egg
going hunting every fall for some meat
sounds amazing
Tfw i have that because of redpilling her myself
Swedish western woman are disgusting sluts.
How did you find a gf-worthy Swede, pineapple?
>live in sweden
>get smashed
>pull sloots
>meet one you want to meet again
>first date mention something slightly political
>"oh I don't really follow the news"
>six months later: "gas the kikes race war now"
Sorry for racemixing
So older generations are actually more slutty than the younger ones, rmut.
Note how the article says sex and not procreation. Birthrate was not mentioned once and all of you fucks are misunderstanding it. The line is that "sex is healthy and good for you". Same with masturbation. Ask any "sexologist" and they'll tell you this. Total degenerate non-profession btw.
Sup Forums just blindly hates on everything coming out of Sweden despite their own country trailing not far behind (or in a few cases, like with the US, leading the way, but they're too blind to see it and only register news about cuckery when it has a european nation's name attached).
If the article said "Swedes unusually conservative sexually" the title to this thread would be "SWEDEN NO!!"
Or maybe you fags really do promote promiscuity?
You just outlined my exact dream, what the fuck.
Round your (white) women and sell them one by one to highest muslim bidders. You are caliphate, anyway.
I can help with the birth problem in Sweden, just send me the plane tickets and the white race will be preserved.
It's a win-win for everyone, think about it.
>Wikstrom’s preliminary diagnosis deviates little from Sweden’s progressive orthodoxy, based on feminist ideals and centered on the importance of changing public attitudes. The minister states that the attitudes, such as the “objectification of women by pornography” and “discomfort in talking about sex,” are major stumbling blocks to forming a more positive way of thinking.
Problem: swedish women are masculine and obnoxious because "feminism".
Solution: more feminism.
What if I told you the reason why white births are declining isn't because of immigration but women being allowed to chose whom they mate with.
The only way to save the white race is by destroying feminism (a Jewish invention). Women shouldn't have the same rights as men in any society.
Can we (as in Whites, not muds) stop this shit with Sweden?
All of Europe is cucked. All we're doing is driving away White Swedes, and then when there's a happening, we're not going to get any info.
Yes, Sweden is fucked and heading for Civil War. So is literally every other nation. But the board has made Sweden into the new India, and for what?
If the guys were sucks, wouldn't be posting here. Only fucking ourselves out of line to good articles and footage of next happening there.
Fucking idiots. Summer cannot end soon enough.
Silly americuck. It literally doesn't even register when 99% of all countries calls us cucks because we're better than them. And it certainly doesn't matter when an americuck does it because you're literally overrun by mexicans and nog nogs rioting in the streets and flooding your streets with crime and violence and you have a nig nog president and are run by jews. So spare us your pity, please.
>It's a win-win for everyone, think about it.
There is an easy fix for this just start counting refugee rape as consensual sex and BAM.
Rate of sexy times being had fixed.
I would say the decline of religion. Religion not only encourages people to have kids but to take relationships seriously. Every single woman you glance upon today will be choking on an alpha dick tonight. This rule goes for America and Sweden but in Sweden that 80-20 rule has got to be 95-5.
I was under the impression that Swedes were constantly having sex...
Good job, keep doing gods work
Sweden is a shithole
I don't want a Muslim man inside me though.
Sweden men probably fapping, watching porn, and both. emasculation of men is almost complete, might wanna import some Icelandic men
>swedish women are the most feminist, boring and masculine females on this planet
>why aren't swedes having sex?!
Hey, Cattle #34251!
It's time to drink your daily muslim semen!
You know it's haram if you don't, right?
Australia sucessfully introduced a government subsidized breeding program that stablized population growth. Maybe Sweden can do the same?
Women need some incentive to leave the work force and stay at home and raise children. Does the Swedish welfare system not vater to this?
Nope. Each parent is alloted a number months which they may spend at home with 80 % of their pay (up to 20,000 SEK or so, which covers only just about the lower working class) and a few months they may divvy between them as they please. It's usually not financially feasible for both parents or even one to stay at home for the entire duration of maternity or paternity leave.
Women like manly men
Men like soft and comforting women
Swedish men are women with a big clit
Swedish women are le stronk womyn don't need no manly man cause being manly isn't progressive.