A friend has had flights booked for Germany and France for a while now, before shit went down. Should she still go? Is it dangerous everywhere or just main areas
A friend has had flights booked for Germany and France for a while now, before shit went down. Should she still go...
The moment you get on this plane, your fate is sealed.
is she fit?
i hope he dies. he will become a martyr for the whole white race and his sacrifice will not be forgotten.
unaccompanied girl? prepare to get culturally enriched by a dozen sandnigs while the police watches and cheers them on
>Is it dangerous everywhere or just main areas
It's not dangerous. You run a mildly increased risk of being blown up or ran over by a truck, but it's nothing like the chance of being shot dead in America or Africa or some other war torn shithole. Yet, anyway.
Wrong. Rape statistics have gone through the roof largely unreported in these cuck countries
If the Tusken don't do it, I will rape her personally. With a fake tan and beard and erverything.
Seriously though, why would be more dangerous than say the US?
Great sauce and arguments.
>Rape statistics have gone through the roof largely unreported in these cuck countries
>Muh unreported rape
Feminist pls, fuck off back to tumblr or bring facts and stats instead of feelings.
Asking such a question on Sup Forums...
It's ok, and merchants are lowering their prices to attract tourists.
But i can fuck her if needed.
She just have to avoid the Ruhrgebiet and everything is going to be fine
Note that this is true for everyone. The Ruhrgebiet is just shitty. Noone should ever be there for any reason.
She just has to remember that dark skinned people are NOT the friendly natives but instead the ones that may rob and rape her.
Don't listen to the media.
Nothing really changed yet.
It is still more likely that her plane will crash than some attack on her in Germany.
France I am not so sure.
I would never visit France though.
Germany is still safe.
It's a trap
It's a trap
I have a mate who lives in France. He recently told me this
> Always, ALWAYS be aware of who is around you.
> When in public; supermarket, train, cafe scope out exits in case you need to use one in a hurry
> If a young tanned French male walks in with a bag of any sort, get ready to flee
I know it sounds a bit extreme but he, his girlfriend and their French friends have been acting like this for the last year.
Tell your friend to watch out, be vigilant, have a good time.
If she wants to stay alive and unraped tell her to cancel.
in germany other than in munich they attack completely random uninteresting places..
cancel that shit and tell everybody you know to cancel visits to germany..
I hope we get a complete tourism crash so that it is obvious nobod will come here because of the muslims..
I know it's a dream..but still..other than munich it was completely random in places where you never would have thought it will happen
you tell her to go only tourist areas so she would be more safe and not break the illusion of what german and france is. basically do not let her see the real face of the germany and france
also avoid big crowds. or better yet tell her not to go because she wont gain anything from it, not anymore
Dude the spider sitting in the corner of your bathroom has a higher chance of killing you compared to a 2 weeks vacation in europe. Your country is a death trap full of deadly animals and some former european people, nothing will happen here.
How sheltered are you?
When does she leave? A lot can happen in a week let alone a couple of months.
Shit might get real, I mean really real within the next couple months.
Leaves next week. Rip in peace
Does she have any stuff you like? May be a goid idea to sort out a deal to get her TV and car in case she comes back in 7 or 8 pieces.
DON'T go to Europe, it's not safe here, stay in aussiland, at least there hasn't been any terrorist attacks yet
The chance to be killed in a terrorist attack is nearly 0%.
where exactly is she going? there are enough safe areas.
Germany is safe af, France is safe af.
If those storm weenies here left their mom's basement once in a while, they would actually see that nothing has changed.
The chance to be culturally enriched by refugees is up at 60%
Avoid Paris and Marseille. Do not walk alone at night near train stations.
Here now in the south of frenchie land. All quiet so far, the chances of you being bombed/shot/whatever are pretty slim