Post your most influential person of the 20th century Sup Forums
I'll start
Post your most influential person of the 20th century Sup Forums
I'll start
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Taylor Swift would've been like 10 when the 20th century finished bud.
I just wanted to fuck your thread up.
Fuck you Australia.
Not even mad. She looks fkn hot in that pic.
Transformers wasnt even that good though
Gavrilo wasn't that influential. WWI was gonna happen anyway without him, it was jut a matter of time.
He was merely the random kid palying with matches next to a pile of gasoline.
Ya this. For once Hitler isn't the edgy answer
>pile of gasoline.
Does not change the fact that it was him that actually changed history. Sure anyone could of done it. But it was he that did.
Sup Forums should worship this guy. Proof that a nobody can change the world
Kane is essentially a metaphor for whites on earth.
"Kane claims to have come to Earth thousands of years ago,[2] and found humans living in mud huts and caves, which would place his arrival between 6000 and 4000 years BC.[2] Again according to Kane; to humans, Kane is like a father - he uplifted the fledgling humanity, giving them tools and knowledge, guiding them every step of the way."
Yeah but he isn't real
negro please
still influential desu
Gavrilo started the chain that lead to Hitler. Would've stayed a povo artist in Florence or wherever he was before the war
Who is this?
It's either this guy or this guy
obviously someone from this family
i have no fucking idea who holds the most power of them tho
The leader of the Brotherhood of Nod.
Einstein is a fair call. But he didn't directly effect world shaping events. His theory took some time to take hold but it is no doubt a masterpiece of all time.
Edward Bernays.
Yes, Kane. ;3
He was just a pawn, there were greater forces at work
Pretty big. But we're only seeing the true greatness of the home pc come into effect in the 21st century.
Bill was too late on the scene
> Being a GDIfag
> 1997
Adolf Hitler.
We measuring stick everything to "Hitler". We compare TRUMP to "Hitler". Hitler started animal rights groups and no-smoking shit. Even 75 years in the future, we can't stop talking about Hitler and how the 1/2/4/6/11 Million Jews and 27 Million Russians would have been better off without him. He broke the bank on Germany and pretty much everyone refers to their boss as a "Hitler" if he's even the least bit stern.
Here's to you, Adolf, you minge.
And fuck you for bringing PETA to the fore. Literally worse than Hitler.
Stalin , Clinton , Putin , Napoleon...All of them read this guy. The original smug kek
Kane - "He who controls the past, commands the future.. He who commands the future, conquers the past"
Friedrich von Hayek
Saw a doco on this man and yes, he was pretty important. Especially for the way modern America and the western world is. He was the nephew of Freud or something yes?
>He was the nephew of Freud or something yes?
Yeah bro, interestingly Fraud ran away from the Nazis in Austria to America (a country he hated). Him and Bernays would discuss propaganda techniques together and such.
What documentary did you watch? I liked this one that featured Bernays and his propaganda techniques (
No doubt Hitler was a huge figure. But really WW1 and 2 are the same war continued. Gavrilo started it all, Hitler was living on the street and then left to join the axis.
Freud* dammit haha
A Freudian slip perhaps?
Pretty sure that was the one I watched. Or at least a large part of it haha.
It's very long lol, a three part documentary thing tbf though desu.
most influential of the 21st century right here boys
>king of Africa
fucking bitch
i hate him
I said him
My dream is that the aliens come down to meet us and they are frog people like kek. My head would literally explode
But him shooting Ferdinand indirectly caused most of the major wars/conflicts of the past century.
y'all fuckers forgetting the god emperor of shitty economics
Multipost oriented bantz
It's clearly Lenin.
Wasn't even intentional heh.. Praise Kek.
How is it shitty?
Wojak > Pepe
WWI would've happened without Gavrilo as well.
Took away personal responsibility and inserted the framework for "Ltd" companies and such.
Elaborate please? I don't really know much about him, though I do like his paintings.
Nice VPN, Seba.
>ended two great empires
For a nobody that's pretty fucking good. As much as anyone on Sup Forums could hope to achieve