>refugee """women""" & children
So another 1 million syrians have been displaced due to the most recent syrian army offensive (acording to Red Cross).
Who will be getting enriched this time around?
Refugee """women""" & children
Guess who.
I am slowly getting upset. There could be another fifty terror attacks in Germany and people would still vote for Merkel and her refugee politics.
You shouldn't be mocking innocent, peaceful Syrian refugees. Hillary Clinton has made it a priority to get as many of them to safety in America as possible. The best part is since they adhere to the religion of peace we don't need to vet them. Now that's correcting the record.
Europe again
Saudi Arabia won't take in a single one & no one will say anything
Explain to me again why you can't elect far-right members from a party list?
I hope they all go to Germany so we don't have to worry about it.
Because Turkey wants to fuck with the EU and have been short changed about 3 billion they'll happily see them all on to Europe and mainly Germany.
No a clue.
The Saudis are smart. They don't want to be infected by their lower quality cousins
The only far-right party (NPD) is make up of 50% unemployed retards and 60% undercover agents.
Last time they tried to ban them it was halted because "too many government employees (embedded in thw party) would lose their job"
not even trolling
I don't understand. Would they block refugees if elected or not?
Pic related, literally.
A mayority or germans who don't vote for right wing parties think there will be another holocaust if the right winders get power.
What does that even mean? They already lived in mudhuts..
They're probably right. Germans can never just chill.
In that case, you should probably move and realize your country is either suicidal or has a world view that isn't compatible with yours.
just what will happen if the african migration on full throttle
>Germany loses war
>Germany gets raped by 'murica and Russia
>Germany gets split into two satellite states
>Germany gets to unite into one satellite state
>Germany is not allowed to secede from their master
>the eternal anglo ravages german lands for all eternity to come.
people from all major parties said it already on german TV.
There isn't even deception anymore.
Even one of your gobmint people said: "germany will become an independant state again, when everybody there speaks english as their first language"
that is why we are not allowed to have an identity.
This is good news. We need more happenings before the French elections. If things go too slowly nobody will notice the problem.
The Saudis are treasured allies in the fight against terrorism.
More Trump lies. Who can believe this carnival barker? He'll be sorry he slandered Hillary Rodham Clinton.
what do you guys think of the one in the middle?
stature and "hairbun" at the back doesnt look right..
and are those.. ski gloves?
She's got a wide chest..
Look at germans dude, they can't take the middle ground on anything they are honestly not wrong.
Germans are given something and they take it to the extreme every time, whether that be work, leisure or politics.
Like you're talking about a country whose political parties refuse to believe that admitting millions of anybody - let alone 3rd world muslims - all at once is a bad idea
You should probably stay away from crowded public places in the future, this time around the "refugees" aren't just cowards, they're fighters leaving Aleppo, the same people who make up Al-Nursa and other jihadi groups. If Merkel lets them in Germany, it's inevitable that attacks will only escalate and get worse from now on.
they're right
germany, turning into the new france
They are controlled opposition.
The government has infiltrated them at every level to make sure only the most retarded people advance in their ranks. Even if there were some smart people in that party (there are not) they would be sabotaged 24/7 from within.
All we need to do is guilt Germans for being Nazis and they will take in all the rapefugees.
Explain to me why they don't look like they were starving? War has been going on for over 2 years and they all look well fed. We all know that Syria imports a lot of their food.
I keep wondering why they don't stay in muslim arab countries, such as turkey or the saudis, but instead they keep coming here?
Then I guess you're cucked.
Germany can't Riech, but they could push for a christian state within the country. like how we made israel.
there are voices even among the government party that do protest.
The utterly bizarre thing is how they are completely ignored.
Like the media makes an article "Politician so and so says Merkel is all wrong etc..."
and then everything just keeps going.
Same with newspapers/news-sites etc. They DO print articles critical of immigration with very good points that suggest we are making a gigantic mistake but their general tone never changes and they still attack everybody from the AFD who says the same.
Its literally double-think at this point.
i guess i can see why you riech all the time, you guys need a monarch. a 3rd party to rule over the goverment.
Last week Merkel announced Germany is ready to take up another million.
It'll only last until German industries move away (which they'll have no choice than to).
no fucking waaaaay. merkel needs to go
It's not double think, it's german think.
You guys don't know what middle ground means, it was your blessing because the inbuilt autism consistently makes you an economic superpower, but it's your curse because once you pick something you won't change.
People over here are too lazy to politics, so we just coast.
>that image
Why are Europeans so much more lewd than Americans in political depictions?
>So another 1 million syrians have been displaced due to the most recent syrian army offensive (acording to Red Cross).
Fuck off retard.
Trudeau has already pledged another 500,000
just are sence of humour
>Saudi Arabia won't take in a single one & no one will say anything
Saudi Arabia and Israel won't take in a single one & no media faggit will say a single word.
No identity? For some reason every person I know who has traveled to another country has usually been to Germany. People wouldn't be so attracted to vacation there and see your culture if you didn't have a identity.
>Saudi Arabia and Israel won't take in a single one
they didn't join in the fight so they dont want anything to do with it. the emerates were quite happy to let sand niggers be sand niggers
Spanish government and comunist mayors of the main cities are literally begging them to come here, but they just wanna go north.
They even managed to lie to 18 of them to come so they could at least take some feels good pictures. But they left in less than a month to the greener welfare patures of the north.
fuck off you boywhore, you don't even have that many refugees
German birth rates: Below replacement level.
Turkish birth rates: Above replacement level.
I.e migration is not as much a threat to turks as it is to germans. You have to keep that in mind when discussing migration.