What can be done to reduce the binge drinking culture?
What can be done to reduce the binge drinking culture?
Other urls found in this thread:
All vaginas should be sown up until a woman is ready to have children
Make drugs legal
apply rape
Make life worth living again.
gassing kikes
Give people a reason to live
Make the consumption of alcohol punishable by death.
This. Make sex outside of marriage illegal under penalty of death and completely abolish divorce. Pretty much all the problems of western civilisation would go away over night.
would rape
Accept Islam David.
bring on the RC states!
fuck off mudshit, islam is for fucktards
Hi achmed
fucking nigger
easy – stop defining binge drinking as > 4 standard drinks
if I had 1 standard drink every hour at 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm and 10pm, that would be "binge drinking"
binge drinking should be defined by a blood alcohol concentration over 0.1% at any point or over 0.05% for more than 4 hours
Make weed legal.
Weed cost the nhs £0.
A spokeswoman for the Department of Health disputed the claim that alcohol misuse was costing the NHS £3 billion.
>completely abolish divorce
That would suck if you marry someone you end up hating. Reforming divorce so parasitic women can't take half your shit would be better.
Encouraged drunk driving. As long as level headed people stayed off the roads for 3 weeks a lot of problems would start to solve themselves
Don't you anglos have enough nanny state measures against alcohol already?
make rape legal
would fikkiiii fikkiii her so much
make alcohol commercials completely illegal.
regulate alcohol stricter. in germany you can buy liquor in the supermarket.
make it so that you cant buy alcoholc 24/7 in little stores.
i think binge drinking in bars cant be probably reduced but if teenagers and people in their 20s would drink less it would be a first step
Check my map because I'm going in circles
By making it illegal
>b-but prohibition didn't work!
So let's vastly increase the punishment for getting caught with illegal substances like based Japan. They have very few drug problems last I checked (alcohol not included, but my point still stands)
At this rate, it'll soon fix itself
Just don't be british.
>in germany you can buy liquor in the supermarket.
where else would you buy it
the appreciation of binge drinking and drugs among youths is rooted in transgression, so good luck making that uncool
Make the world less shit so the experience of being sober and #WOKE is less miserable
I think kids these days (are they called Gen Y) don't really drink anymore
They're all straight edge
Or insta-fitness healthy lifestyle people
They don't care for a pint anymore
They just don't care
designated liquor stores. in the netherlands for example there is no liqour in the supermarket only beer and wine etc.
why would you make it illegal ?
how is this freedom?
Off the ice cream man, and cheap cigarettes.
Jesus, Achmed is pretty mad.
Go eat some bacon you fucking kuran reading cuck
Give young people a purpose again.
Designated liquor store doesn't change the situation much. See Quebec for example. You jjust have to walk more.
teach kids social skills
They also can heavily control what gets into their country. It doesn't work in places where shit gets snuck in.
>open all you can drink bars
>problem sorts itself out in 2 weeks as the idiots either die off or become so scared they teetotal
It's cultural. Wont find too much binge drinking in Western Europe despite the super easy access to alcohol.
Here are my sources
So there you go lads
Looks like you've already done it
Looks like you've stopped
the drinking culture
No more pints it seems
Why does it feel like you are saying that like it's a bad thing?
Make this type of behavior socially unacceptable.
Ban music, movies, tv and other media that promotes this lifestyle. Death penalty for anybody who promotes these values to kids.
Teach kids to live a purpose driven life that revolves around wholesome activities and family. People who deviate from this behavior should be socially isolated and viewed and treated as garbage.
>Wont find too much binge drinking in Western Europe
Have you gone outside these last 10 years?
>Reforming divorce so parasitic women can't take half your shit would be better.
I think that would do a lot of good. As it stands, the court bias etc etc women can do whatever they want without any conscience.
If men knew weren't forced under threat of imprisonment (which does not remove the debts!) to pay for their ex's shit, women might be less eager to be human refuse since they'd be forced to be responsible for themselves.
If women don't have to act responsibly or be independent , why would they? If they can just mooch off some asshole and then do whatever they want, why would they go through the effort of being self reliant or honorable human beings?
No what I'm saying is
they've stopped drinking
the youngsters have stopped drinking
so no more pints
or vodka shots for that matter
Its just another consequence of a degenerate state and a fallen empire
Sex is necessary - especially for man, else you might get prostate cancer.
For women - they have to get pregnant often else they're going to also get cancer, look into medicine, observations - science overall and not "muh feels" from religion.
So either get into monogamy - and have sex with the same partner and ipregnate her often, then profit.
Or as an alternative as a man you would still need either whores to pay for sex or easy women to fuck for free - so they all have to exist for an healthy society.
Otherwise - you just get short lives and disease, you can't go against what evolution prepared us.
The West should just mass convert to Islam, problem solved.
Are your kids still playing with parts from Black Hawk?
Frack me its cappin jek speero.
sewn sewn sewn sewn sewn sewn
T. Mohammed Mustafar-Kwarizimi
Remove artificial barriers to stupid people having self control over their night like;
Stopping lock out laws
> Having them promotes people to cram in as many drinks as they can before they can't
Expensive single servings
> Why the fuck does buying a carton of beer cost half the price of buying six packs, and almost a sixth of the price as individual beers. I get bulk packaging but it just promotes people buying a shit ton of beer over an appropriate amount.
Make "binge drinking" education less retarded.
> When most teens think something is even slightly wrong they're much more likely to be edgy and rebel. Don't tell me that 1 standard drink every hour is binge drinking because any responsible drinking adult will think that's fucking retarded unless you weigh 40kg.
Legalise weed
> It's fucking lame and borderline harmless, I'd rather have a bunch of turbo's smoking cones then smashing woodstock after woodstock before they think fighting or driving is a good idea.
But Jesus Christ the social outcasts really love this thread
> Death penalty
> Ban sex
> Ban divorce
Get some friends and have a glass of wine over dinner and you'll see the big bad boogy man of alcohol isn't bad.
Who hurt your feelings user? Did she say she wanted to be just friends?
As a social outcast I can only endorse recreational self-destruction. The more fuck-ups there are, the less competition.
Make raping intoxicated women over the age of 18 in public spaces legal
Good feel when alcohol is alive and well in the U.S. of A.
The key is to set events for alcohol. So for instance, a drink when you get out of a cast. A drink when you get a job. A drink when you buy a house. This way you motivate yourself to do better.
I really want some alcohol.
Through experience I have noticed that the people with the least ambition or goals are more likely to resort to escapism (videogame/serie binging, using drugs way more often, living for the weekend mentality)
By making it appear less cool, same with the marijuana.
Make it normal and legal.
stop binge drinking?
i know it sounds simplistic but it might just work.
Kill all girls, then guys have no reason to go to a nightclub
Mate they can't even spell "beer" don't expect much.
>ban alcohol
>legalize weed
>ITT faggots don't see cause and effect
These people are looking to fill an emotional void, they don't do just BECAUSE
Restore the family unit and a sense of community - half of these problems will vanish
>binge drinking thread
>only men can binge drink, women need to have their vaginas sown up and rape legalized
what the hell guys, hope this is trolling
Next you'll tell me we can stop the spread of STDs if people stop having so much casual sex.
Wage a campaign against alcohol akin to the highly successful one against tobacco.
This. No idea how people can drink alcohol, I'm depressed as shit and still haven't resorted to it.
You're right, we forgot about mandatory beatings, no driver license, no voting right and no university if you have a cunt.
Women have a lower IQ and should be kept in cages for the sake of our society, and regularly beaten and raped to keep them in check
>he thinks its trolling
You can reduce it by....
No fuck off.
You have no right to try and reduce other people's life choices you piece of shit.
Mind your damn business. If you like sobriety go right ahead. I will be drinking a box of wine before noon.
Binge drinking affects society through increases in violence and other antisocial behaviour. At that point it is no longer a personal matter.
People are over doing it at the weekend because their lives are so miserable Monday to Friday. At least that was how I felt until I made it.
Now im a sad bastard drinking moderately in my own home at the weekend and loving it.
I think for a start, people that drink excessively and need hospital care as a result should be billed for it after they receive the treatment. So next time they go out drinking they might use more common sense so they don't end up wasting NHS time and getting a huge bill for it.
Enjoy your cirrhosis and increasing other people's health insurance premiums, I guess.
Aussie shitposter.
Binge drinking actually increases social behavior because that's what all your peers are doing while you're on Sup Forums
It's a personal matter.
hadouken to the pussy
Here in Australia that isnt the case. They just drink younger and the majority stop having blackout binges by the time they are 18.
Reduce the beverage containers back to the 285ml glass and all drinks can only contain 1 or less standard alcoholic drink. back when all you could get was a 'pot' or 'middie' not so much bingeing. then they introduced schooners and pints,shots and lolly water with 7% alc thats when shit got real!
Ooh edgy. Straight edgy.
Yeah that's called a personal choice. Like if I wanted to drive into a tree or shoot myself in the face or vote for Hillary clinton. Those are all terrible choices that I am allowed to make. Move to the Arab Emirates if you think this way peoole.
Nice projection, kiddo. Although you are right. My peers are drunken degenerates that quite literally piss hundreds of dollars down the toilet (or gutter for that matter) on toxic substances every weekend. They'll quite often too get involved in fights over sluts (sometimes it's the sluts themselves doing the fighting) and may even kill each other if one poor goy cracks his head open.
Certainly a good use of a person's time. No doubt about it. The best part is the hundreds of thousands upon thousands of dollars needed for extra policing and healthcare as a result of binge drinking, paid for by yours truly and other schmucks.
Not gonna happen. Boomers like their wine and scotch way too much.
The drinking culture here is atrocious. I mean it helps I have no friends but I don't drink, even alone.
You went full fedora there bub. New pasta mmmm tasty
you mean 12 years old?
Actually, fedoras tend to be excessive drinkers. At least here they are. Go out into the city on a Friday or Saturday night, and it's fedoras as far as the eye can see.
Your age still ends in -teen, doesn't it? Novelty of alcohol still hasn't worn off yet I guess. Although maybe it won't. I know many people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and even 60s who still regularly binge drink. Very strange, but I guess degenerates always need a crutch to get through life. Be it beer, pot, crack, NSA sex, etc.
oh shit is Somalia omg
amercians did a movie about you guys , i say is shitty movie but ok
Yeah but if you drive into a tree a paramedic has to work on you and get your AIDS blood on him and now you've ruined someone else's life because of your shitty decision.
Maybe stop being statist retards who think the government needs to protect you all from yourselves unless it means your one two specific drugs which are "impossible to ban because of their historical culture and traditions" ie because its making the people at the top rich at your expense
You dumbass anglos all think weed is bad yet kill yourselves with alcohol at the speed of light
dude my "friends " when going night out and clubbing they dont spend less then 70 euros in a night just in alchool wee drinks are expensive anyway specially if your a sponge
>t. Achmed Muhammad al-Sahin
Yes, and after that we should ban alcohol altogether, Inshallah, ahmed!
Salame Brother
Legal weed. You feel like getting shitfaced far less after a nice joint.
Still fedoraing. The condescending assumption and smugness you're exuding is overwhelming dude.
"Pfft I'm so superior to you and everyone else because I don't drink"
Why give a damn about what are people are doing Jesus fuck. Reason number 1 why straight edge people are up there with Atheists Cross fitters and Vegans.
>NSA sex,
was dhis ?
No such thing in my country skippy
>anyone against promiscuity is a muslim
Sup Forums really is full of women worshipping morons
Who are you kidding?
Our tourists who have been to your country come back saying there's so many drunk people, even on week nights, that the police don't even care anymore, they just pick up those that are in danger of suffocating in their own vomit.
Encourage education and absolutely demean and mock drinking and drugging culture and the people that partake in it.