Ottoman when ?
Ottoman when ?
More like Reconquista of the entire west when?
> Imlying roach 'army' wouldn't be crushed the minute they enter Europe
>wanting those literal shitholes
>not aiming for Yeni Türkiye formerly known as hitleristan
You can't Ottomans when you have kurds/arabs in political life.
Ottoman when you recognize the armenian genocide you fat roach.
They'd rek the Benelux, German, Spanish, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish armies without breaking a sweat.
You realize people only tolerate turkey because of the bosphorus strait right?
Kebabs and Iskenders are pretty cool too i guess.
Why don't they try. We would know then.
How.s Turkmany these days Mehmet
ottoman empire? more like BOTTOMan empire
You're a #PutinMissile now, you best bet is Turetskaya oblast v sostave Vizantiyskogo federalnogo okruga.
Try it, it will give us pretext to exterminate your goatfucking kind.
You know you never had that much of Ukraine right?
To be frank, I thought the Portuguese were notorious for goat fucking, at least in the Iberian peninsula.
You must be living under an ice sheet or drunk off of vodka squatting on the street while using the free wifi off of the only coffeeshop in Russistan. Either one wouldnt surprise me.
But no, that's a lie. Wanna know whats true? Russia is a half muslim country where the """""White""""" Population is uneducated nigger tier slavs
The immense defensive reaction I triggered in you hints that at least partially my assertion is correct.
just try it you son of a bitch.
every single time you fucking roaches tried shit we fucked you up so hard you cried yourselves into obscurity until we started being pummeled by everyone else. only then could you defeat us.
What kind of mental gymnastics is that...
You really ought to stop drinking ivan.
Stay bitter :^ )