How will you feel when she passes?

how will you feel when she passes?

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>how will you feel when she passes?

I don't even want to think about it.

What a cruel thread OP.

My dubs indicate she will have a stroke tomorow evening.

I'd hold my breath or move out of the room.


If she can even die, probably a pretend death as she moves to a different image. Probably an immortal sort of creature. A reptillian overlord

Who's next in line ?

I'll probably mourn the death of Paul McCartney much more than I would mourn her death.

I've flirted with Republicanism previously, but I might feel a little sad because she's pretty likable.

one step closer to a republic I guess

Idk. It depends on whether anything relevant to me happens the day she dies. A flat tire (tyre for you inbreds) would be 10x worse to me than news of the Queens death.

Don't say that, she's gonna live forever...

Yep, music has done more for me, then this lazy sod.

I feel like it would be a good moment to create a republic and give up on the name 'United Kingdom'.

.... feel?

Happy to have a man running the UK again.


Devastated, honestly, that's our Nanna.

Plz, nope.
Dame Edna will live forever.

pls don't make this thread the meme magic is to volatile

Wrong Queen, you're thinking of David Bowie.

God, don't joke about that, madman! I'm American and I still like the queen.

Her death will be the final breath of the British Empire.

lol why are Anglo shits so pathetic

Seriously. The Beatles have done more to positively influence the world with their music and all this bitch has done is sit there and get old and squirt out the next few generations of entitled fake monarchs born with platinum spoons in their mouths.

Paul McCartney > muh Queen

For the life of me, I can't understand why all of you Brits and Aussies suddenly get a massive hard on for this woman. Maybe it's just some British nostalgia ingrained in your collective minds or something. From over here across the pond, she's just a rich old lady who is the "queen" of the past.

frog poster leave

make a party

>t. Tommy Nguyen

We're white, so we value family, and pets; so we don't eat dogs like you yellow

>fucking leaf

s, and we love our Nan.


God save the Queen!

She's literally fucking immortal

literally who?

Didn't Darth Vader kill her already?

That's when Arthur Pendragon wakes from his grave in Cornwall.

Absolutely devastated.

She knows she can't keel till britain is free or it's all ogre

I'm more interested in who's going to ascend to the throne.
Who the fuck wants Charles?
And is he really next in line, after marrying Camilla?
I say no.
Edward VIII had to abdicate for Wallis Simpson.
Charles should abdicate too.
Give us William.

Also, I won't be nearly as gutted by the Queen's death, as I will be by granddaddy David Attenborough.

>tfw she's still got another 18 years before she beats the world record

I believe in you, Liz.

I'll laugh. Useless cunt let her country be taken by mudshits.

Angry. Not because of her death but the tide of leftist drivel we'll inevitably recieve, no doubt the republicans would rear their heads as well.
Will kek heartily if Charles dies before her though.

I would like Charles, William and his children to die with her.

Harry would be a better king.

> figurehead who has done literally nothing

I'll try not to shed any tears

Charles is against all modern architecture though which means he has to be some sort of traditionalist


>Charles should abdicate because of Camilla since Edward VIII abdicated for Wallis Simpson
>but William marrying Kate is fine

>constitutional monarchy

who gives a shit

if it happens australia and nz will be far more awash with republicans than you

Dubs says that she gets raped to death by shitskins one week from today


O ye of little faith!

If its dubs she will have a long, painful death soon

Nige should be crowned

Sad. She's the boss of us.

And has been around forever.

Will also mean we get new money. Kinda looking forward to seeing the picture they've got for Charles.

a bit bad because shes a normann descenant
like me
but fuck, when will this old hag step off the scene of life


Pretty sad desu.

Very sad. And fook u m8 for making me think about how it will happen in the not too distant future, given her age. She and prince Philip both still being alive is already a gift and I dont want to think about that.

House of Saxe-Cobourg Gotha a Norman HAHAHA

upset and worried.

Charles hasn't been popular since he had Diana killed.


Reminder that all republicans in the UK are traitors, and will hang next to the SJWs and Jews on the day of the rope.

>that long neck

I'm guessing an hermaphrodite, that can get herself pregnant. Like the Virgin Mary.

Proxy? If not whats it like living in B&H?

I wouldn't care. Her and her cuck family are cucking this country and have allowed the loss of our empire. Windsors are not the true royals of Britain. Although I will give them that they are the only aspect of national pride in this country where you're called a racist for voting against the EU. This country has only done one thing in the last fews years that I'm proud of and that is leaving the EU. Hopefully we can finally have some return of national pride.
Tbh I want Nige as president for life with a personality cult around him after he dies.

How will you feel when she passes?

This repptile needs to die asap!


why do you love the queen so much?

Is it because you were told to from birth?

The same way I do now.

I'll don a black suit and keep a stiff upper lip. There will undoubtedly be memorials in my community as we're still mostly Canadian and not some third world shithole.

If you had a culture and bright English heritage I am sure you would mourn the passing of a piece of it too. Also she's just a totally classy dame tbqh.

Yeah you might have missed the part about Edward and Charles divorcing their first wives and remarrying, which isn't something William has done.

But carry on with
>muh thoroughbred royalty
>muh incest
>muh habsburg jaw sgn of purity

Of all of the people who attended William's wedding who he could have married, I much prefer Kate over that silly bint with the blue toilet seat on her head.

>breaks tradition
That aside, yes, some of his interests are okay. On balance I'm fairly neutral when it comes to the sum of the positions he takes.
But I'm also thinking about the image of leadership, even in such a ceremonial role.

Which would do a better job, him or William?

I think William. He is a man in his prime, very upright, radiating virility. He would invigorate the international image of the UK and the monarchy and be a figurehead for a country still trying to keep up the act of being a relevant powerhouse, in a way that his mousy, demure old father never could.

No silly, he should be our eternal PM.

I only heard that rumor, not sure though
you fucking leaf dont you laugh at me

Because shes our queen you fucking mongrel, not everyone forgot what it meant to be proud of the empire even if the motherland did.

she safe gaurds are politics & its nice to have someone to listern too before settling down to christmas dinner

She's a cuck who allowed the loss of the empire.

>republican scum in this thread
get out REEEEEEE

I don't fucking understand.

I don't love a person just because someone told me to/ everyone else does.

I think for myself.

>why do you love your mum so much?
>Is it because you were told to from birth?

she's clearly not your biological mom...what the fuck has the crown ever done for your common ass?

Fuck off you Mosleyist cuck. You're salty because you couldn't keep the strongest empire in the world together due to nothing but your own incompetence and that makes you mad. The royalty didn't lose the empire, your government and your society allowed it to happen but you want a punching bag in the form of an 89 year old woman. No one is going to make britain great again, """""based""""" farage is the cuck master for dropping out of politics altogether like a spoilt child when he got what he wanted.

>safe gaurds are politics
Does she fuck! If commie Corbyn took power tomorrow he'd remove the monarchy and by law she'd be forced to remove her own power, like a cuck. Also her family get more cucked every generation, I think we'll see the end of the monarchy in 20 years.

no one tells us to love her, we fell in love with her.
she us are silent protecter

VERY fucking happy

Hopefully my country will get real freedom soon.

she and the monarchy are a figurehead and symbol for british patriotism and pride

She's walking, breathing tradition.

this answer makes the most sense, thank you.

If dubz the queen lives forever.

Unlike what you may think, our schools aren't traditionalist and christian. We aren't told shit about the Queen and most people hate her for being rich.

And this country is shit because our only sense of national pride is 89 year old woman. I can't wait for when we have a coup and get rid of commies, liberals and monarchist kikes.

> what has the Crown done for us?

Stopped us being French. Literally.

>Mosleyist cuck
>Mosley supported the monarchy


She will live forever, check 'em

I swore an oath to protect Her Majesty when I joined the British Army - nine years in the Royal Engineers (fixing stuff and disarming bombs). Here's the oath of Allegiance. It's the same for Royal Air Force, Royal Navy and Royal Marines. It has no expiry date.

>I (your name), swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors and that I will as in duty bound honestly and faithfully defend Her Majesty, her heirs and successors in person, crown and dignity against all enemies and will observe and obey all orders of Her Majesty, her heirs and successors and of the generals and officers set over me.

Please notice that the oath doesn't mention our glorious nation. Her Majesty IS the nation. It also lays a duty of protection to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Gibraltar and any other land that Her Majesty commands.

>Corbyn took power
i guess you dont know how oppersistion works.
and do you really think they should tell us what strings she pulls? i believe in her right to do what ever she wants without being held accountable.

Because she represents everything virtuous and true about the empire and our traditions, look where abandoning your values got you, on the precipice between total collapse and maybe a bandaid on an amputated arm.

you believe in divine right, don't you.....

>Yeah you might have missed the part about Edward and Charles divorcing their first wives and remarrying, which isn't something William has done.

Wallis Simpson was Edward VIII's first and only wife

well i guess there'll never be a mudslime coop while we hold a monarch


my countries values were abandoned when we entered World War 1, to make money, from selling weapons to both sides.