Scorsese's best movie to be desu

Scorsese's best movie to be desu

It's not his best but it's one he DESPERATELY needed to make. It proved to me that there is still something inside of him, some kind of spark that isn't clouded by commercialism.

I've never been so existentially and ideologically assaulted by a movie in my life. It was fuckin' powerful mate

what'd you think when God spoke to him

We've entered a golden age of conviction kino.

I think it probably is. Isn't it interesting how the media coverage went from portraying him as a still-vital force to a played-out oldtimer between the sheer hackery of Vinyl and this production?

You must be kidding, James Gray is a peasant, I want to carve his penis and testicles up slowly for trying to present himself as an auteur when he's a fucking AIDS wipe. Don't confuse dogfuckers for honorable men.

I can't wait to finally fucking watch this.

Don't, it's shit.

I love James Gray so I don't think it'll be shit.

>trip 7
heavenly check

It wasn't really that good. Lacked substance and emotions. Ideas of the movie were really in the face and that horrible Garfield's voiceover explaining what main character feels. It was 7/10 at best. Book is far superior. By the way, The Mission (1986) hits all the right notes that Silence didn't and it's a much better movie overall. Also about religion, also about missionaries and also about two civilizations clashing with each other. Just better.

I thought it was clearly a voice in his head that he believed was God in order to justify his apostasy. By the bible there is never justification for apostasy.

I wonder whose behind this post



I disagree that it lacked substance; it dealt with questioning one's faith, colonialism, exploiting religion, and religion persecution. All really huge topics that I felt it handled well. I also disagree with the saying it lacked emotion such as anger and pity towards the guy who kept trying to get confession and the frustration with not knowing what the right thing to do is with everyone suffering.

The Mission is garbage. You prefer middlebrow shit to real cinema. Watch Silence again.

I bet if you edit out all the andrew garfield dialogue it would be a swell film

he is like the new Nicholas Cage.

>that post

Mugen wouldn't step on the stepping stone before Snoresese.

James gray is kino af. You on the other hand need to abscond off the face of the planet.

i'd say so

Had he cut out that last 5 or so minutes of the movie, it would have been.
I seriously feel as if he tacked on that whole "oh but he secretly kept believing the whole time" happy ending for the sole purpose of keeping the Catholic Church off his back. Dude doesn't want a repeat of Last Temptation of Christ.

>implying it wasn't the devil tricking him

Wouldn't that change the entire point of the fucking movie?

what a funny way of spelling "worst", OP.

Face it, the movie was a boring piece of shit. It was laughably bad in some parts, like when Jesus (or the voice in his head) tells him to step on him. It's on my top involuntary comedic scenes ever. The rest of the movie was so utterly insufferable. Even half of the people at my screening were asleep by the time he reunites with Neeson.

the entire point of the movie is people needed to be tortured and have people tortured because of them to get them to even pretend to accept responsibility for their actions,