How to detect a faux patrician

How to detect a faux patrician

>hates Kubrick

>likes kubrick

>likes kubrick

>acknowledges Kubrick exists

kikes lubrick

>is indifferent towards Kubrick

>likes BvS or any capeshit
>uses the word kino

>he didn't like harvey birdman attorney at law

>protestant in comic sans

fuck you too m8

>likes Tarko/v/sky
>likes Godard
>likes Kurosawa's samurai flicks
>likes Every Frame a Painting

Nothing wrong with any of those directors. Every Frame a Painting is pleb shit though

>he worships a jewish god


>Bob Altman isn't his favorite director

>capitalizing kubrick

damn orthodoxy is based

To be fair those people never pretend to be intellectuals.

I always picture Orthodox Jesus as a Byzantine icon

Real patricians know it goes like this

DC fags constantly pretend to be intellectuals.

Patrician spotted

Yes they do, all the time.

>doesn't pronounce Kubrick correctly.

It's pronounced "Kubrick" by the way.

who is the last guy

sorry im a pleb

looks like francis coppola

Kubrick is a hack

>he worships a DEAD Jew on a STICK that is also GOD and also a GHOST
more detail

Robert Altman. It's ok m8, now you can ascend!

True patrician here


Bc pretending is unnecessary at that point


Friendly reminder that Stanley Kubrick is and will always be a literal genius, a director who merged commercialism and art-house together so seamlessly that his movies could be appreciated by virtually any kind of audience, whether they're a casual moviegoer or a full-on film aficionado. He made a film called 2001: A Space Odyssey, which was released FIFTY YEARS ago and unexaggeratedly, honestly, TRULY looks like it could have been made yesterday because it's aesthetic was simply that ahead of its time. It has also become the backbone of the entire science fiction genre, heavily influencing essentially every single major sci-fi film to come after it, to the point that I STILL see modern science fiction movies outright APEing its ideas, from the majority of 2014's Interstellar (2014) to the set design used in 2017's Life, which I only saw the trailer for but could clear-as-day see the EXACT same set design found in certain interiors of 2001.

Pic related is also one of the most gorgeous shots of modern cinema.

Thank you for everything you've given us Kubrick, you are truly a cinematic visionary, and the individual bricks you laid with your hands will forever remain in the great coliseum of Cinema. Even hundreds of years from now your contributions will still be a part of the bedrock of the art-form, without which future generations could never have gotten to where they are in the first place.

This picture is completely retarded. It literally only furthers home how much of a genius Stanley was. The fact that there is only a THREE year difference between those two films, especially the bottom two images of space, is literally unbelievable. The picture on the left looks like something you'd see on some shitty Saturday morning kids cartoon, still galaxies away from a realistic depiction of space, while the right image, only made 3 years later, is of unrivaled visual beauty and realism, to the point that films being released today still can't capture the same level of poetic realism, despite having 50 years on Kubrick and all the technological advances that come with it.

The middle two pictures are stupid too, seeing as the orb is far more authentic to Kubrick's Star Child concept than to Godzilla, since it serves as both an amniotic sac, a real biological feature associated with embryos, as well as an oxygen-chamber. With Godzilla, it only acts as an oxygen chamber, and therefore isn't used as intelligently as how Kubrick incorporated it.

The first image surprised me, but I would like to hope it's just a coincidence and that Kubrick hadn't even seen that film. Either way, Kubrick is not a hack, he's literally a genius, your picture is stupid, and I hope you posted it ironically.

who makes those drawings

>uses the word kino
Like it or not, the word "kino" is a real world in most, if not all, slavic languages and literally means "cinema".
>hating on Sup Forums's banter
Fuck outta here, man.

What you can't see is the orthodoxy Jesus is actually slav squatting.

How in the world does Jesus have blue eyes and blonde hair?

>Top ten film list has more American films than it does European films

he's gods son, might as well go with best race if you have the option

>knows who Kubrick is

Oh fuck off already. "muh foreign kino!", best lists are personal picks and can be anything from a shitty Seagal flick to Tarkovsky's work. It's the character that matters, not how good are said picks.
That being said, not saying you shouldn't watch foreign films, on the contrary, but being elitist about personal picks is retarded since they're FUCKING PERSONAL PICKS.

>likes anything at all

>/lit/tards always shitting on Protestants yet they hold no praise high enough for the KJV Bible or pieces like Paradise Lost

really makes you think

>dislikes Batman v Superman

>Dislikes Michael Bay

>praise for the censored bible

>Dislikes Carpenter

The KJV has literally shaped English literature, from Shakespeare to Elliot.

Who else based /protestant/ here?

Atlas shrugged shaped republican economic thought and its a garbage book. Shitty books can be just as influential as good ones.

enjoy the lakes of fire heretic

>likes Cube Rick

I don't know shit about Christianity, someone lay down the main differences between those three main denominations?

nah just burn in hell, heavens full

>he reads comics that don't feature the psycho-pirate

One is governed locally in the East, another is governed locally in the West, last one is cucked by the Pope.

Orthadox and Catholics are the same, they just have different names for things and one answers solely to the Pope while the other has Patriarchs (of which the Pope used to be before becoming the Pope). Protestants believe being a proper Christian comes from divining understanding straight from the Bible (Sola Scripture) and living by its tenets as opposed to following the Church and its rules.

Catholics/Orthadox don't like Protestants or their spin-offs because they think people are too stupid to interpret the Bible on their own and need the 1000 year long tradition of Church theology, discipline and hierarchy to properly follow the Christian path (as supposedly ordained by Jesus)

Sup Forums """"""""""orthadox/catholics""""""""""""" (that is, LARPers) shit on protestants because they want to look cultured


going to hell
going to hell
don't listen to the heretics they are satans voice

Thanks from I understood it, Protestants believe that as long as you have genuine faith in Jesus Christ, you'll go to Heaven, despite how upright you've lived your life (basically casual religion) - while Catholics believe that just belief is not enough and that there needs to be a strict set of rules to follow that ultimately makes you worthy of Heaven. Orthodox I had no idea but I guess you explained it well enough. Am I close here?

Also is Sup Forums so contrarian they we've come full circle to people pretending to be happily and faithfully religious versus bashing it endlessly?

I fucked that all up, I mean to say "from the way I've understood it".

>likes Godard
some overrated hacks like Tarantino and Nolan make overrated but enjoyable flicks, Godard is complete trash

The Orthodox and Catholics require only that you get baptized and at the absolute minimum show up to a dozen masses in your life. And any sins you've committed must be confessed so that your Priest can give you your penance duty. Depending on what denomination of Protestantism you follow, the duties can range from doing absolutely nothing beyond being a good person and following the Bible as well as you can, to something very extreme like Presbyterianism where there is no repentance for some people, and they're simply doomed to hell regardless of what they've done.

American films are better

Friendly reminder that Hell doesn't exist in the Holy Bible until later revisions.

>I shall go down to my son a mourner unto Sheol
what is Sheol again heretic?

Hm, okay. I'm still confused but I can just read up on it. It's pretty strange how little I know about Christianity despite growing up in mid-west America. None of my family are religious at all. They don't consider themselves athiest by no means but never talk about God or go to church or really have anything to do with it. I didn't even realize that the majority of people were religious until I was in high school.

why are you talking like that? do you think people think you're christian here? we're not on fucking facebook or reddit, stop baiting

AKA Hades, if Greek. Internment of the dead, not a place of punishment.

Are you sure you are not a Pentecostal? No Catholics I know are obsessed with eternal retribution.

there's plenty of videos of youtube from academics and priests from all kinds of denominations to check out if you're just looking for a brief summary

obsessed no, just a quick reminder
feeling guilty?

American Protestants disliked European ostentation and thus are a class of unrepentant (ha) plebeians

>likes Von Trier

Care to elaborate on why?

They're more escapist.

>'Kubrick is a hack' gleefully proclaimed a man still cackling at a scene from a 2012 superhero movie

I always carry one of those around where ever I go

but what about the pictures?
it's obvious that Protestantism is being made to look like a joke, but is that all there is to it?

Orthodox are depressive and stern
Catholics are gay but have aesthetics
Protestants are: Coca Cola presents GW Jebush.

Most people I knew growing up would fervently claim to be Christian but not know anything about it, or go to church.

Still if you said you were an atheist they would look at you like you were crazy.

Nice dubs

Kubrick was a hack. You can't be a cynic and an artist at the same time.

I would say Orthodoxy are into the mystery. They never bothered to rationalize things like Catholics did, I'd say it was a Roman versus Greek thing.
Catholics are big into how Christ suffered.
Both focus a lot on ritualism, owing to classical religion.

Protestantism is a huge diverse group. But I think a lot of it is white-washed version of the religion, in which God and Jesus are your best friends in the US at least now-a-days.
Old style European Protestantism had a hard on for the Old testament god.

>Visits Sup Forums