Isn't it funny?
Isn't it funny?
>British people vote for Brexit for border control
>British politicians mock him for border control
Yes, we know, you politicians are elitist fucks.
>british people voted for border control
only 52 % of 72 % that voted- mostly young people who didn't bother their asses to vote but they are all pro remain- I found this video on FB wall of my english friend. She's 19
British Parliament doesn't like Trump. Who the fuck cares!
Trump is running for President of the US, not fucking England. Honestly, the more foreign governments that don't like him, the better. His job is to work for the people of the US, not those of bloody Manchester, Leeds, Brighton.
The fact that he scares them before even being elected should make even more people vote for him.
The problem is that Parliament still hasn't gotten the message we sent them 200+ years ago.
To recap it in two words, Fuck Off!
whats wrong burger can't handle the bantz?
I think everyone realises Trump is a joke but sometimes chaos is better then the status quo for a better tommorrow. As Kek wills.
I will say this, congrats on brexit.
If they ever actually let you leave...
Trump isn't a serious politician, of which these guys are. Besides that Trump should win and has my backing and most probably has their backing secretly as well. Just to keep face in front of other politicians they will down play him, they would do the same to Farage to keep face but secretly they admire him.
>Trump isn't a serious politician, of which these guys are.
I think the phrase you want is "professional politician."
A professional politician survives on chaos, If they ever actually solved anything, they'd make themselves unnecessary. It's professional politicians that are the problem. For example, they have some requirement to keep passing new laws to show they accomplished something.
"Hey Fred, is murder illegal? OK, how about theft?" "Damn it! Crossing against a light?"
"Well, I have to show my constituents I'm actually doing something. Lets just do one about plastic dinnerware or wooden toothpicks."
"The toothpick one? I don't know, make something up, or have someone from the toothpick lobby write it."
Oh, the anti-white globalist british parliament is against Trump?
That's great.
>total electoral votes of all of UK: 0
Do you need to kick your asses again? Thought we wuz bros?
Must be nice to know this is what your government spends its time on, instead of important things.
Were there made any arguments during this thing?
America gives alot of aid to mexico, thats how mexico is going to pay for the wall.
How is trump worse than Cameron?
>Were there made any arguments during this thing?
I'm sure there was much hollering and caterwauling as Parliament is wont to do. After all, a MP is judged not on his character, his performance of his duties, or even his understanding of the law or government. An MP is judged by his fellow members by his quick wit, his aptitude at sarcasm, and his acid tongue. Pretty much what we look for in late nigh talk show hosts.
>They fucking shot them
Meanwhile whitey in the US be like
We are ruled over by the same short sighted corrupt and ignorant bufoons that are happily marching into oblivion, with their country in tow.
Also "pretty much got pummeled by the entire british parliament" Very catchy and factual.
Fuck em all.
Nope. It was a woman MP with a historical business grudge against Trump leading it all.
It wasn't even in the main chamber if I recall. A non-event.
i hear a lot of banter but no concrete arguments on his policies
sounds just like a circle jerk of liberals
Pretty embarrassing to lose with those odds.
Pray tell, what happened when you fought American forces at New Orleans?
Liberals no longer have circle jerks, That would involve assigning a gender role to the participants. One mustn't make assumptions on sex, gender, or the presence of a penis.
Even if it is a very feminine one.
If any Brits can tell me; why is Trump so bad compared to all of the shitbag globalists we've put up with so far? In Sweden, in Britain, in Russia, in Germany?
Because whichever "side" the opposing members are on, they all go to the same country club and have drinks together.
This time they have to deal with the guy that actually owns the clubs.
What is this even supposed to achieve? By that logic, less than a quarted of Germans voted for Angela Merkel. Yet still she got the most votes, so she's calling the shots. There is no other way to find out the "will of the people", and we can't just assume potential outcomes if everyone would've voted. That's just democracy.
>By that logic, less than a quarted of Germans voted for Angela Merkel
Less than a quarter voted for her.
But how many will actually admit they did so. Less than 2%?
>Smug politicians acting smug
This has only ever helped.
>talking about american revolution
>picture of a modern cartridge
I'm triggered
This isn't the 'entire British Parliament'. This was a debate over that 'Ban Donald Trump' petition. The MP turnout was very low and the debate didn't even take place in the proper House of Commons Chamber which highlights the irrelevancy of the whole thing.
>Female MP
>Not in the main chamber
Hope it was from the maids chambers, and she was busy making sandwiches at the time.