So is this what happens to women when they are allowed to do whatever they want in a society?
They basically just turn into males apparently.
So is this what happens to women when they are allowed to do whatever they want in a society?
They basically just turn into males apparently.
>sees one muscular woman
>assumes literally every single woman looks identical to her
Oooooo weeeee that's a thiccccc momma
I'd let it hit me
It seems to be a growing trend now days, Women seem to be out to prove they can be male.
>you will never get your head crushed like a watermelon between her thighs
I would fuck the shit our of her and taint her womb with my demon seed.
Sounds like you're pissy you're not big enough to dominate her m5
I wouldn't mind, If it means for fit chicks to look at.
I have.
Feels heavenly. Thank God for Minnesotan Women.
She's muscular but not ridiculously so. Still pretty hot.
This tbqh familia, breeding with Amazon's is the most noble thing to do. Only patrician can attract and satisfy a 180 cm+ , c cup and /fit/ goddess.
that's why you get off your fat ass and lift. after 6 months of heavy lifting and proper diet, virtually any man can become stronger than 99% of women. how many chicks do you think can even bench 135, let alone 200?
They're still very weak, despite the increased muscle mass. It's paradoxical to me.
I train in the gym with a girl like this. I still overpower her dramatically like I can overpower skinnyfat or mildly fit girls.
I find it weird. Women don't really have strength. Or maybe PLers do, who knows
>all of these REDDITORS wanting to fuck some butch
I can crush a melon between my thighs and I don't even work-out/spam roids, it's really no big deal
Would snu snu /10
> lesbian haircut
> lesbian boots
>They basically just turn into males apparently.
>implying 99% of women don't just turn into near spherical blubber golems when they are allowed to do whatever
I know. I had no idea this many cucks would reply.
Maybe they are gay by proxy, Can't come out of the closet so the next best thing is a woman that looks like a man.
My ex.
She was going to convert, too. I should have given up my playboy ways.
so this is how giving birth looks like
its beautiful
Still looks feminine
We can't let women be more masculine. Feminists have made it very clear that it's our toxic masculinity that's the root of all the world's problems.
Masculine women are both gender traitors and world destroyers.
Would wife and breed over and over again/10
This tbf senpai.
Took me about 6 months to go from twink mode to p.much her muscle mass (minus the thighs) and that was just from taking on a labouring job and eating a bit more on my lunch breaks.
Every skinny male should take a labour job, you're basically getting paid to work out.
I think she's really cute. I like. Too bad I'm a disgusting slob.
>this triggers the amerifat
Do you think these women will grow up to be very old fragile grannies you see walking around these days? Nope.
>Women seem to be out to prove they can be male
No. They don't have the Test in their bodies to do it. If you see a woman squatting 60kg, I'll bet my entire life that she has been working to that for months upon months. A male that hasn't really lifted before can reach that within 2-3 weeks. Women that lift are bro-tier, and wife material.
In this case, I do admit to it.
Didn't have the balls to propose when she was expecting it. Didn't want to give up the free life, never mind that she was the one that put me back on track after a shitshow 2007.
Word of advice: You get THAT WOMAN, lad, don't you dare fucking let go. Miracles don't happen twice.
When males do whatever they want they turn into op
>> one post by this id
Tbqh i like this.
Rare over here.
Fuck off
I don't see the problem?
If both men and women become /fit/ humanity as a whole will become stronger
>So is this what happens to women when they are allowed to do whatever they want in a society?
Yet apparently all feminists want to be draft dodgers.
What awaits the West is either Collapse or Invasion, or both.
Very pessimistic, not one nor other.
>What awaits the West is either Collapse or Invasion, or both.
I hope so. When are we going to get this shit over with?
You are the only Malaysian poster on this board
fuckable material
Give it two decades.
>Says the frog
France already collapsed m8, wait for the Euro to die and civil war if not anarchy awaits you.
Nah, there's... 3 other dudes, I think.
>implying a woman that looks like this is even fertile.
>Be lowtest beta-faggot
>Can't handle qt-amazon girl
>Be so pathetic that you feel inferior to her
>Be so insecure you have to whine about /fit/ women
>probably closet homofag
>"C cucks!"
I totally would do anything with her.
This user has it right
We wish women had the drive to actually be useful and be more than baby makers but that's just a bullshit fantasy the feminists made up
That girl is going to pay a hell of a price in 10 years from using winne/primobolan. A female cannot take any form of anabolic without it contorting her face, esp around the nose.
She ruined her body and what was a cute face for nothing.
More like, modern males are out to prove they are fucking pussies.
Any male lifting properly for at least 3 years natty will be stronger than top female geared up athletes.
where is his penis?
>thighs that can snap off a five-dick bundle
>somehow a bad thing
Perhaps you are lovings of cock more, comrade?
>spherical blubber golem
>want to get my head crushed like a watermelon between those thighs
>there are actually ""people"" who think you're homosexual for being attracted to women who are /fit/ and not obese planets
Well at least she can open the pickle jar to make me a sandwhich now.
Being submissive sissy bitch is not a male trait, faggot. Neck yourself.
I'm attracted to fit women, but I still want to be on top. She could use those strong thighs to leglock me when I cum, though.
Actually this is what happens when you move free weights into the kitchen
Why are women becoming more masculine? East asians are the last bastion from the THICC disease.
>wanting to get your head crushed
>being on top
>choose one
Are you one of those cucks who faps to femdom while insisting it's totally alpha to like it?
I never said I wanted my head crushed. I want those legs wrapped around my back.
>Any male lifting properly for at least 3 years natty will be stronger than top female geared up athletes.
That's total bullshit. If a female is really "gone," doesn't care about her future appearance and starts getting into test and anadrol, a female can get very big.
The retards on /fit/ (if you are interested in lifting/building, /fit/ is the LAST place to go for info) sit in a circle jerk and never like to hear that they're wrong, when I know from both firsthand experience and from scientific studies they are wrong.
Last time I was on there, when I finished shredding one idiot in an argument, he showed he a picture of what he claims is their moderator in a thong (who looks like the 3rd place runner up in an under 160lb county contest) as evidence they knew more than I do.
/Fit/ is a fucking joke, go to a real board if you want real info on lifting.
Upper body isn't too bad, but those thighs are pretty nuts. She looks like she chafes when walking normally.
Well, the crazy ones apparently become useless hermaphrodites. That's good, because the ones who stay female and make children will spread their genes, and the defective feminist losers will die off.
gg no re
What a waste of cute face.
Oops, meant that for
My dick is so erect right now. I would love to [spoiler]wrestle[/spoiler] with her.
>he thinks that the worst of the feminists are the /fit/ ones
Death by snoo snoo
The sad part is that an incredibly strong woman will never exceed an average, casual male lifter in strength.
The only exceptions are olympic lifters where enormous amounts of technique are involved
Beat me to it. Well played user
I agree with you. People call me sexist for saying women shouldn't look like this, but science isn't sexist.
There is no way being that muscular as a woman doesn't fuck up your hormonal balance. She probably has more testosterone flowing through her than the average male.
These crossfit cunts have a mental illness and that's what it come down to.
She looks like a guy that's been going to the gym 4 days a week for 1 year and training properly. This probably took her 5 years or she has naturally high testosterone.
Also, mass is not equal to strength.
>if she takes male hormones and essentially turns herself into a male she can compete with weaker males
>She looks fucking hot
insecure twiggy little bitch detected lmao
here's your hat, faggot
>heres a pic of 1 female bodybuilder so all women in the west must look like this
simply epic
This doesn't make me erect because big muscles on woman make them look less feminine. She looks like the kind of girl that would rather fuck a male with a strap on than be fucked or alternatively a guy 7ft+ with a 10inch dick that is a body builder.
Maybe this is the age of mental illness.
However, I've always wanted to know what a chicks pussy is like with really muscly legs.
Is it really tight? is it hard to get it in? Do the vaginal walls cut of circulation to your dick?
This is admirable as fuck. Go fuck your wife's son's mother's grandmother-in-law you ameriturd.
This is a bad example though. In the photo it's just the light showing the contrast better. On the beach she'd probably look like a goddess.
She did not skip leg day.
Certainly HIGH TEST. Her arms look a bit on the thin side though, looks similar to mine and I don't even lift weights.Her thighs and butt are insane, good on her.
>not wanting a /fit/ wife
Sure not that much but you want them to be in shape and active, which most the non shit women aim for.
Absolutely disgusting.
I prefer feminine women who are mentally healthy.
I'd still tap that.
Career wise yes but not physically.
The only thing women work on at the gym is their ass.
>skipped arm day
>implying women should have masculine arms
Faggot in denial
Want to know something about these muscled women with big asses? No, not the tanned leathery lesbian ones with tattoos and nasty swimmer abs, the thick kind. Even though they're big and at the gym a lot, they're the most girly inside. They're so insecure they're like little girls, and because of such a stark contrast, they're into cute things. They find small things cute. And they want you to be a cute kitten with a huge dick.
>calls a she-hulk "qt"
>calls others homofags