Meat is murder

meat is murder.

yeah but it taste good as hell

I don't care how much you want to live, I just want my cheese, milk and ice cream.

Should have worked harder in becoming the dominant species then. Bet you wish you have opposable thumbs over those hooves now!

*checks my carnivore privilege*

murder = unlawful killing of a human
sry op, you're the worst kind of faggot: a wrong one

Don't worry little calf I'm a vegan :3

No free ride in this planet, my tasty friend.

wow really made me think,

tasty murder

Comrade, you are the reason we are considered cucks nowadays

That's fucking female logic. They pull meat from their diet because muh fee-feeeeeees. Goddamn pussies.

wtf i hate Russia now!

>he doesn't realise that after tens of thousands of years of selective breeding not milking cattle actually makes them suffer

By collecting their milk when they don't have calves you are actually preventing them from experiencing pain

But if you kill the cow you can't get any milk...

none of those things require killing the animal though

Isn't that image supposed to be about how they kill the calves of milk cows who have to be routinely impregnated and not about killing them for meat? It could be pretty traumatic for the mother considering that it's going to happen multiple times in her life.


If you kill cows they win.

fuck off

first post is not mine


Time to kill off all niggers and other shitskins so that we dont have to feed some many mouths and ease the burden on the animals

that cow wouldn't even exist if it served no economic purpose

we can do what we please with it

Weak answer. Meat might as well be junk food compared to many modern day options.

Such is life.

That's like saying that it'd be ok for a god to create an infinite number of souls and place them in eternal suffering and torment just because existing>>>not existing.

animals dont feel pain

It's a proxy you dumfuck. I smell burger sjw behind all of those.

I look at that cow and all I see is delicious burgr

>tfw worked in a slaughter house air pistoning moos in the dome

Fucking hate that I had to move out of town

>dairy kills the cow

>American intensifies

Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being. Maybe cows should of evolved into humans if they didn't want to get butchered

>Killing animals doesn't bring him pleasure


>cheese, milk and ice cream


List examples.
The burden of proof lies on you.

>vegan russian... just wut
do you have unicorn?

Did that immediately kill the animal almost 100% of the time?

and you're a faggot

Fish dont feel pain. Mammals literally do.

But i dont give a shit. Meduim rare steak. Chop chop.

Why do we as a species find other animals cute?

If a wolf finds an abandoned baby deer it's going to fucking eat it without thinking twice. In the wild other stallions don't go aww over a new born colt they fucking trample it to death so it won't be able to challenge it as an adult.

Being at the top of the food chain has made us pussies/

Dying in a slaughterhouse is what you get for fertilizing the wrong egg.


Leaving your flesh to the maggots is a waste of resources. Would you rather go extinct?

prove it

But that cow wouldnt even be alive if it wasnt for our consumption of it.

Fuck you cow, you should have evolved better

In exchange for their continued existence as a life form, and their massive reproductive success, they must enter a symbiotic relationship with mankind. All animals that don't ally with man have a massive target on their backs (think extinction), so from the cows genetic perspective, carnivorous farmers are the best thing that's ever happened.

This is the problem with the world: many think of life as the sum of an individual lifeform's existence, when in reality it is the continued reproduction of a lifeform that determines success. Death is only death of you have not reproduced.

Should've evolved not to be a prey, then.

Sucks to suck.

>Should have*


Lol, don't animals have rights. Too bad.

>a god
>thinking he knows better than a god

On one hand, meat is murder...
On the other, meat is delicious and healthy...
The day I can get a GOOD vegan steak substitute, I will become a vegan greens voting poofter

>meat is murder.
Tasty, Tasty Murder!

For now just call yourself a part-time vegan.

Nerve endings. You can see them under a microscope.

I know most of my countrymen aren't the smartest in the world, but god dam. You slavs...