What does Sup Forums think of this based country?

What does Sup Forums think of this based country?

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Where the fuck is Slovenia and what happens there?


terrorist country

Fun fact: countries that idolize Russia happen not to share a border with it.

Slovakia is based.

pic related, nothing ever happens here

based foreign policy, good luck keeping american menace down
but shit interrnal policy

>countries that idolize Russia happen not to share a border with it.
true because others are severely butthurt

Ukraine has the butthurt of all those countries combined.

A nation that has been always at least 50 years behinde europe regarding social and economic developpments, but always has top of the notch cannon fodder.

Also if they would finaly learn that russia doesnt stop 10 miles east of moscow, they would reduce their backwardness at least by two decades

How come Slovenia is never buttdevastated about communism/panslavism/whatever?

Russia is really a shithole. The only reason you have any legitimacy is because you are willing to kill the entire world with nukes.

Your economy keeps collapsing and you can't seem to form any type of government that doesn't abuse it's citizens.

You are known for shitty food and prison camps. Your only redeeming factor is you have some hot women who are all bought as mail order brides by countries with an actually decent standard of living.

The only military tactic you ever used was to throw human lives at the enemy till they give up.

Communism is fucking stupid and you failed spectacularly. The videos of what your grocery stores looked like in the 70s and 80s is haunting. Government packaged food that is horribly overpriced and rotting. I mean jesus fucking christ.

The CCCP promoted free love, which basically means a huge amount of degeneracy and premarital sex. For a while you were having more abortions than live births. The only way we know this is because since everything is run by the government there are superb records.

Your southern border is nothing but heroine addicted 14 year old hookers.

Your president lied and cheated his way to the top.

The only people who like your country are aspies with no historical perspective.


Oh and fuck off.

>shitty food
At least we don't eat rotten beans here, m8.

>Also if they would finaly learn that russia doesnt stop 10 miles east of moscow, they would reduce their backwardness at least by two decades
It's the other way around. If government wouldn't spend so much resources and people trying to appease some shitskins in Caucasus and Central Asia or colonizying desolate frozen shitholes in the middle of nowhere maybe we would have enough population density in Central Russia for a functioning economy.

Some people are butthurt about socialism yes. We were a part of HRE right from the very beginning, we were a part of Frankish empire. We gained much from gravitating towards the west (or better the center).
The partisans (anti German) from WW2 took the chance to make a regime change. I believe it was necessary to resist the Germans but not to go full commie.

Kek we got our country almost solely as a result of panslavic sentiment in the 19th century. Not to mention that we are literally named Slavs - Slovenes (Slovenci).

>be conscript with GLORIOUS MOSIN NAGANT
>1 clip of 5 rounds is plenty
>mfw i am lucky enough to even have rounds, let alone a mosin
>hears loud speaker blaring disgusting fascist propaganda in the distance
>suddenly hear the screech of loud speakers turning nearby
>mfw this song plays


>maximum powerlevel reached
>no order given, red army soldiers charge frontline of smelly krauts

>sees fritz in a panzer 3 shooting big bullets and small bullets
>shoots fritz with my GLORIOUS MOSIN NAGANT
>kills fritz, destroys panzer 3

Lold hardly from this brainwashed jap speaking about skills of war (pro tip japs cant into war and total barbars) and other shit u have watched from ur TTV. Now go fuck urewlf 15 years old boy.
And yeah yet another shitty Russian thread.

>And yeah yet another shitty Russian thread.
I'm sorry bro

Slovenia or Russia? Anyway I like them both, maybe Russia a bit more than Slovenia.

>The only military tactic you ever used was to throw human lives at the enemy till they give up.

Literally the definition of projecting.

you guys think putins gonna attack those missile silos or will he just keeping making countermeasures?

the way things are going it's not going to be too long before america neutralizes any threat of nuclear retaliation and have pretty much free reign on Eurasian soil

I watched a speech he made and he seemed really worried about the power balance as it stands now.

this. total corruption and anti logic since tsars.

>no money
Pick one.

He's gonna wait for Trump to become president.

Things will probably take a different course from then on


It's a shithole m8 with a highly corrupt government


Woah. Peter Jackson has lost his mind along with the weight!
Maybe his newfound obsession with fisting, would explain how butthurt I was over the "hobbit"

Pick one

>it's the Aussie junior

If I could speak Ruski I'd move there

can't wait to be friends again

drunkards and rapists

That's rich coming from Romania.

This is pretty much true, but damn.
Russkies are some of the most genuine, open, friendly and funny people I have EVER met in all of my travels.
It's like the horribleness and coldness of their living environment can never quell the love and warmth of them.
Japan? That was like the polar opposite.
Great place, so much amazing stuff to see and do but the people were soulless and dry.
Except in some of the smaller towns with old car-modding dudes that smoked like diesels and were keen to drink with me and show me odd car parts.

>russian with id that has war in it.

Id say thats pretty based

Eto nje ochen slozhne. Well the spelling and cases are, but the gist of it is easy peasy.

They supporting nationalist parties in western europe, so they're pretty great in my book.

Despite that whole shit in ukraine, they still one of the few major forces against the complete cuckening of the white race.

fuck off ivan everybody knows your country is snowy shitshow


I wish, you fucking gypsy. Summers in Siberia are terribly hot.

Otkuda ty, chuvak?

>butthurt tsarist monkey

and in the winter you get -20 degrees. like i said shitshow.how much is inflation now?

Novosibirsk. Not very interesting city.

And what exactly you know about Ukraine?

> cuckening of the white race.

oh wow.

I share this sentiment. Russians are extremely friendly and good natured, when they accept you and open up.

+uncucked Christianity
+top-tier classical composers
+quality indigenous banter
+immunized against Cultural Marxism

-kind of a dump desu

>+immunized against Cultural Marxism

There are a lot of commies here, m8.

I know that globalist kikes are behind maidan and russian imperialism is behind donetsk.

Globalist kikes are worse? Yes, no doubt. But the whole shitshow could have been avoided if russia just fight against it with more intellingent means instead of a stupid war fucking ukraine up.

>TFW my id is Fckb0i

Oh well

Nice picture of kurban bairam.

ur mum's a based cuntry fgt

this youtube.com/watch?v=srGxMihJYbQ
and this youtube.com/watch?v=zUHtwAh6SGU
and that youtube.com/watch?v=vW4DQOQL6wo


tons of proofs youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7NtRwkSOM_aiMqcinvemPRVZzenbeWnV

pootin literally kills whites and replacing them with muslims

Nothing wrong with Muslims being in Muslim lands. Isn't south Ukraine the old Crimean Khanate?

It's Moscow m8.

That's Slovakia.

To be fair, they got new reason to be butthurt about not that long ago.

so there is mo muslims in russia and pootin feed them. even tsars and USSR fucked muslims hard and they were calm. now pootin made perfect situation for them. they create biggest mafia net. for example- chechens. they kill, they rape and judges cant do anything because they controlled by gov.

Got BTFO by Turkey. It's a paper tiger and has been completely weak and ruined since the Soviet Union dissolved. Can only fight poor 3rd world countries. Likes to lie about it's "military strength" when in actuality, it's military is very weak.

They won't mow your lawn unless you allow them to pray freely. In Russia, practice of any religion is allowed according to constitution, as the free movement of the work force.

+ pretty based warrior spirit
+ men tend to be men and women tend to be women
+ based authors like Dostoevsky

Shill harder.

I really like the guns they make.


Last true European foothold in the world

moscow and st pete are controlled by muslim mafia there is 3mln muslims in moscow every 4th is muslim immigrant(uzbek etc) or native from chechnya dagestan or tatarstan


they are basically one giant frankenstein being controlled by dwarfs to make shitstorm with neighboring countries.

srsly: russia is overrated beyond belief. they never ever had controlled their own country. always been puppets. like today. their oil and natural gas wealth is controlled by jew oligarchs.

misguided putin trolls believe they can mess with the "west" and "americans". they never understood that americans are puppets like they are and both make a great deal in being used in a divide-and-conquer game.

Bear Country?

Nevermind then

We're all screwed

>true European


I think you need to improve your English a bit my man. It's kind of hard to read even if I agree with some of the things you say.

I don't want them to mow my lawn. People from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan can't work here legally without obtaining permission (which they don't do). Fuck them.

>In Russia, practice of any religion is allowed according to constitution
Since when do we care about constitution? Were Yarovaya's laws revoked or something?

Eastern Europe isn't. Not that they are relevant but at least they will be white in 22nd century.

>met autist and retard...

Free market decides people of what ethnicity and religion are going to mow your lawn. If no Russians are willing to do this for 10k RUR, Tajiks are here to stay.

We chose communism ourselves, it wasn't imposed on us. Also, our national liberation front stressed continuity with yugoslavia and closeness with the russian nation, so panslavism was always alive. And also, there are alot of russophiles here for some reason, we are in top ten countries for anti-american sentiment.

Again, most of them don't have permission to work here. What they do is illegal. Illegals are criminals. It's not that hard to comprehend. We are not an anarcho-capitalist country with no laws and borders. In fact we are known for having harsh laws and mostly unfree economy but when it comes to illegals they are somehow a thing we should overlook. What kind of cuckoldry is that?

Illegal immigrants are deported on a regular basis. You can't really check 100% of them unless you close the border for certain ethnicities which is rayciss and is against the CIS agreement.

>Again, most of them don't have permission to work here. What they do is illegal. Illegals are criminals. It's not that hard to comprehend. We are not an anarcho-capitalist country with no laws and borders. In fact we are known for having harsh laws and mostly unfree economy but when it comes to illegals they are somehow a thing we should overlook. What kind of cuckoldry is that?
lulz come on all those people you call "illegal" and "immigrants" are those whose hometown was occupied by you.

how you wanna tell a caucasian to be immigrants, when you conquered caucasus? same with tatars and idel-ural.

Stop embarrassing yourself, you have no fucking idea of what you are talking about.

Are you saying that our government consists of cucks who are afraid of being called white ass crackas?

>against the CIS agreement.
It's literally useless without Ukraine 2bh. It should have been revoked after Tajikistan went full retard with banning Russian names.

They are from Central Asia, you absolute mong. There are less than half a million North Caucasians outside their reservations in the mountains and Tatars give even less shit about Islam than Russians do about Orthodoxy.

Look at the world map, nigger.

>Burger education

>Are you saying that our government consists of cucks who are afraid of being called white ass crackas?
take a wild guess
>It's literally useless without Ukraine 2bh. It should have been revoked after Tajikistan went full retard with banning Russian names.
still economically beneficial despite being exploited by shitskins


Your country is almost as fucking weak and useless guy, Only reason I know about you guys is because Jack the Ripper and Brexit.


Truth every Russian I ask if they like Putin they say yes explain that one

Because disliking Putin equals to russophobia and separatism.
Putin = Russia.
If not Putin then who?

Putin doesn't have a lot of competition. Most of our opposition is people who want to take what little Russians have left and give it to Georgia/Ukraine/Israel/whoever else yell about being oppressed by Russians. With ideas like that they obviously don't get more than 5% of the votes.

That's just being spiteful and illogical though, what you're talking about is something that mostly happened in medieval times and most of the wars happening these days is for Jewish profit

>Russia is 81% Caucasian
>Russia seems to be less effected by Zionist structural violence than most other countries.
>With Merkel and the British parliament losing the will of the people, Russia is now becoming the political leader of Europe.

Good foreign policy

new ally, ex enemy.

>American menace

Also this:

The yellow numbers - cost of bridge to Crimea.

The building contract awarded to Mr. RotenBERG, without any competition.

>Crimea is Ukrainian, moskal. Look how much money you have to pay to build a bridge there
Yep, that's why they aren't getting elected.